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<br />84 -~--~Q~.~w~ 8 . <br />applicable law requires such interest [0 6e paid, Lendtt shop not be required to pay Harrower any interest or eartrittss on the Funds. I,rnderahaH` <br />give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Furtds and the propose forwtiich~each- <br />debit to the Funds was made, The Funds are ptaiged as additrona! security for the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />t f zhe amount of the Ponds held by Lendtt, together with the future monthly installmrnts of Funds payabk~prior to the due daterpf faxes;. - <br />asstxsments, insurance premiums and ground rents, shalt exued the amoum regrdred W pay saiA taxes, assessments, fmuraoce-premiums and <br />ground rrnta as they fait due, such excess shah be, at Borrower's option, either peompHy repaid_to Horrowtt or tsedited to.BariotKtt on monthly - <br />installments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds held by Lcndtt shall not bs sufficient to pay taxes; assessormts; lnaurancr~piemiums and <br />ground trots as they fat! due, Borrower shaft pay to Lender any amount rraessary to make up the deficiency-wfthfa:30 daysfroin the date notice <br />is mailed by Lender to Borrower requesting payment ehereaf. - <br />Upon payment in full of aL' sums secured by this Deed of Trust, Lender shop promptly refund-to Borrower-atryFunds-field by Leader. If <br />under paragraph ig hereof the Property is sold or the Property is otherwise acquired by Lender, Linder shall apply, no-latee'~thu4itnntedia[dy <br />prior to the sale of the Propert}' ar its acquisition by Lender, any Funds held by Lender at the time of appticatian as a crcdit~aptinn t4esuau <br />secured by this Deed of Trust. - <br />3. AppBnOoo of Paytneats, Un{ss apRiipble taw provides otherwise, all payments received by Lender under the Note:atrd_paraQapiu~ 1, <br />and 2 hereof sha!{ bt applied by Lender first in payment of amounu payable to Ltndtt by Borrower undo paragraph 2 hereof,-thm.tti iptemt - <br />payable on [he Nete, tttea :o the principal of the Noxr, and then to interest and principal on any Future Advances: <br />4. Charttea; [3eas. borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments and other charges, fines and impositions attribuabk to the PtopMgwhidr <br />may attain a priority ever this Deed of Trust, and ltaschold payments ac ground rents, if any, in the [Wanner provided tinder paragraph 2-hereof <br />or, if not paid in such manna, by Borrower making pavmrnt, whin due, directly to the payee [hereof. Borrower shall promptly furaish-to- <br />Lender ail nat%cs of amounts due under th,> paragraph, and in [hc tvrnt Borrower shall make payment directly, Borrower Shag promptly. <br />furnish to Lender receipts evsdenemg such pay7nems. Barrowrr shalt promptly dtschargt any lien which has priority over tiffs lked of T[uat;. <br />provided, that ttorrowrr shad not be regmrtd to discharee any such lien so tang as Borrower shall agree in writing to thapaymmrof:the <br />abligatian secured 6y such tier. in a manner aceeptable to Lender, or shall in good faith contest such lien by, or defend enforamrnt of srte6BeW <br />in, icga2 proceedings which operate to prevent the rnfor xmeat of thr lien or forftiturs of the Property ar any part thereof. <br />3. liaard IWaanece, Borrower shall keep thr sntprovetnents now existing or hereaRer erected on the Property insured against loss by-fire, <br />hazards iaduded wn.hin the term "extended coverage", and such other hazards as Lender may require and in such amounts and for such periods <br />su Lender may rtquize: pronded, that tender shah not rrqutre chat the amount of such covttege exceed that amount of coverage required to pay <br />the stuns srrtrtd by this L)eed at Trutt <br />1`he insurance ranter providing the insurance :hat! he chaste by Borrower subject [a approval by L.endtt; provided, that such approval <br />snail oat be unrtanonxnfy ~+~t[hheld. Ali premiums an snsurance poticres shat! be paid in the manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, if not <br />paid sn such manna, try Bonowtr mak;ng payment, u-hen due, dira:dy to the snsuranee carrier. <br />Au insurance pohcses and r,-nrwais tnerrat shall he ut form accrptabie [o Lender and shall include a standard mottgage clause in favor of <br />and in term acrtptabir to Lrnder i <ndrr half have the rigor to hold the ;x~ficies and renewals thereof, and Borrower shah promptly furnish to <br />tender at! renewal s x~crs and Ali aecrspss et paid prcmnrms, In she z -ent of lass. $artewer shall gsvt prompt notice to the insurance earritt and <br />Lender. Lender may make proof of kiss ~t Wes made prompsiy by Barrowrr. <br />Utdss Lender turd Borrower otherwtst agm rn writing, insurance proceeds shall ix applied to restoration or repair of the Proputy <br />damaged, provided such rstarauon ar repair ss econamicatiy teasibfe and the security of this Deed of Trust fs not thereby impaired. If such <br />rstorazian or repau is not tranoma°aliy [rasibk ar sf the seeunty of this CXed of Trust would be impaired, the instrance proceeds ahail be <br />applrad to the sums secured by shis (~ of Trust, with the execs, it any, paid to Borrower. }f the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if <br />ibrrower faits to respond u> f.rndtr wnhtn 3(} days tram the date mxice ss mailed by Lender to Borrower that the insurance umtt offers to <br />settee a Jaim for tnsaranc~r beathts, t.ettder ss auttsorized to cotlcct and apply the insurance proceeds at Lender's option either to rs[oralion or <br />repair of the Property ar to the sums srcurrd bx this Dteei of Trust. <br />Uniss Lander and $ctraawtr athtrw[se ogres in writing, any such app{fcation of prtxteds to principal shat) not extend ar postpone the due <br />dart of the monthly tastallmeats referred to sn paragraphs I and ? htteof ar change the amount of such instalhnrnts. if under paragraph ig <br />hsrttrf the Property is atyuirrd by i.rndcr, all right, title aced interest of Borrower in and to any insurance policies and in and to the proceeds <br />thereof resulting from datnagc to the Praptsty poor ro cite sate or acytusttion shall pass to Lender to the extent of tht Burns soured by this Deed <br />of Trust immediately prior to such Bair or acquisition. <br />6. Ynaervadea sad Maiateaaasx of Property; L.naeiolds; Cotdomidam; PMaaed Udi OevelopasnO. Borrower shalt keep the <br />Property in good repair and strait not commit wane or permit imtrairmttst or deterioration of the Property and shag comply with the provisions <br />of any IeasY i(this Deed of Trust is en a leasshald. It this laeetf of Trust is on a unit in a condominium or a Rianned unit development, Borrowtt <br />shop perform all of Borrowe's obligations under the declaration ur covenants creating err governing the tondomittium or planned unit <br />dsretnpettent, the 6y-laws and regulations of the arndomimum ar planned unit developmrnt, and sronuiturnt ducummts. ff a condominium or <br />planned unit development rider is txecused by Borrower and recorded together with this Deed of Trust, the covrnants and agreements of such <br />tidy shall be intorpotated into amt shat! amend and supplement the covtnanrs and agreements of this Dad of Trust as if the rider were a part <br />tstteof. <br />7. Protestioa of Lender's Secarfty. If Borroa-tr fails to perform the covenants sad agramrnts contained is this i)eed of Trust, or if any <br />sitfaa at prtx~etviing ss aumtrsrm:ed which matrnalfy aifte:ts Lender's interest in the Property, including, but not limited to, eminsm domain, <br />its4olvsncy, tads rnforcemsm, ar arrangements ar proceedings snvalnng a bankrupt err decedent, then Lendtt at Lender's option, upon notice <br />to Hornrwer, may make such atapraran4zs, dsstsuxsc such sums and take such action as is necessary to protect Lender's inters[, including, but <br />rim limited [a, d°ubstrstttrrm of rsasonabit astorncy's fee and entry upon the Property xo make repairs. tf Lender required mortgage insurance <br />as a cotrdition of making the loan sttttrcd by true Deed of Trust, Barrowrr shall pay the premium. regtdrdi to maintain such insurance in effect <br />until Butts rims as she rtyuuement tat such tnsurance ttrmanaus to auurdancc with Borrower"s and Lender's written agrament oc applicabk <br />taw, t3artvwcr shad pas xhr amount of ail mortgage snsuraxscc txenrrums m the manner provided under paragraph ? hereot'. <br />Any aatounts disbursed Dy i_snda pursuant to this paragraph '., with inters[ ihermn, shop become additipnal irrtisbtedness of Borrower <br />saatured by €hts i'lesd of Trust. LFnfsx ltorrowtt and Lender agree to other terms of paymem, such amounu shall be payable upon notice from <br />Lsrtdsr to ilorrawcr rrqu:'sttng payrntni thereof, astd shall bear tautest from the date of disburseasrnt at [he rats payable from rims to rims an <br />outstanding prtnclpaf utsder the Ntxr artless paytttntst of inters[ at such rate vmu}d be cvantrary to applicable law, in which rvrnt such amounts <br />stxalF beat intetes% ar #As higher tact ptrmmissihle urn#ce applitabit law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 'shalt r~inrt t.rndtr to ins;ur any <br />expeaasaca• take any atxlon iisxeuruitr. <br />tt, ltagtasigortr. Lander may snake ar cotter to fat mods real<atsbk sntrias uRan and inspa~tions of ehs Property. Provided that Lrndsr shall <br />give Natrt>+ster nlrt#ea prior %o anq sut-h i~u~spatitm sf>o=ifYtnR reasonable s~t%ss thtrtfar rtlataf tv Lxncirr's fntersst in the Proputy. <br />~. Cnasiaasatioa. ~fhr ixraC`strds ct' airy award ar claim far dantatts. dixett sx rxssequen%xa#, m can%tsriran wtth anY Gctndtmnatcem of <br />mltax €afting o3 tits Profsavsv, or parr ttttrnrf, err for ccmvvtYaiitt sn tiro of e^ondsrnnaaon, art hrtrby assigned and shall br paid ro Ltnaftt . <br />Ice [PPS tsrnt of ~atata! takia;atf tart Property„ fix tsrrscctta/s shalt bra applsrd :.a %hs snms stvuicd by this E7rcct et' T"rust. wsth tM¢, if any, <br />} iza asl>. its the svsrt% tf a pa!'tia4 taicini[ of the Property, rtsdssz #3ottx.wtr acrd Lcndar atlrtrwxss: ag:rtc m s+~ntna, tlsrrt sisa;I its applied <br />ro Yea suaWa +t-sstti ~ rEaaa f,kai erf 7"rusr vru~s prtet3sats of rho proe~sea3s as is aguai sa that fxs~mae+u wltieh thr a!trtnsne of iht snms aseured <br />