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$~....4 ~,~•, <br />f}fllk,-~v <br />(I) month prior to ns due date the annual mortgage insurance premium in order to provide such holder <br />write funds ui pay such premmm to the Secretary uC Housing and Urban t~velupment pursuant to the <br />National I{ousing Act, as amended. and applicable Regulations thereunder: or <br />UI) If and su long as sold note of fuze date and this instrmnent arc held by the Secretary of Htwsing and <br />Urban Development, a monthly charge (in lieu raj a mortgage insurance premium/ which shall be m an <br />amount equal to one-twelfth {1/12) of one-halt (I(2) per centum of the average outstanding balance <br />due on the note computed without taking into account delinquencies or prepayments; <br />(b) A sum equal to the ground rents, d any, next due, plus the premiums tha[ will next become due and payable on <br />po}icies of fire and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property, plus tatter and assessments next due <br />nn the mortgaged property /aft as esttrnated by ttre Mortgaged less all sums atread_v paid.theretordivided-by the <br />number uf` mantits to elapse before one month prier to the date when such ground rents, premiums, taxes and <br />assessments will become dzhnytlent, such sums to be held by Mortgagee m truss to pay said ground rents,. pre- <br />mtums. taxis and spectaf assessments: and <br />(~) AEI payments mentioned in ttte two preceding subsections of this paragraph and all payments to be made under <br />the note secured hereby shall he added atgether, and the aggregate amount thereof shalt be paid by the Mortgagor <br />each month to a single payment to be apohed by rhr Mortgagez to the following items in the order set fnrffi:- <br />t i l premmm charges utader the wnrract of insurance write the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, <br />ur monthly charge !in !i<°u of »r:,rtgagr rnsuranre prrrninm/, as the fora may bc; <br />till ground rents. taxes. assessments. fire and txhrr Stazae~d insurance premiums; <br />t 11H o-:rtrrest ors the note secured hereby: and <br />t(Vt amurtuanon .,t [he pnnetpa! .rt sold note. <br />Any drNciency m the amount ut arty such aggregate montitly pai'ntent shop, unless made good by the Mtub <br />kagur prior u. the due dolt u! the next ouch n<lvmert. o~:nstitvte an even of default under this mortgage. 77te- <br />Mortgagee may collect a "tuft t:harge" not to exctrd r„t;r cents t•`.y) fur each dollar (SI ! ufeach payment more <br />than fifteen t I ?) ,±a: s v~ arrears to cover the extra expense invetvzd in ltandiing delinquent. payments. <br />,. Thai if tfrr total ,lf rhr payment mash by the thrrtgagor ami4=rri~~ of paragraph 3 preceding ahall exeR.ed <br />the amount of paymrnt~ urtuallt made by the tlortea~ee tar eruultd reut.~, lases and assessmeni5 or insurance pre- <br />mium, a~- rhr ceE=r mat bo. ,uch e-xee5s, sf the !gym t. current, at the optiat of the Mortgagor, shall be credited b} <br />th±> tlnrtgager an ,ubsryurnt pasment~ at hr made bt- the Moagaour. nr refunded to the 'Mortgagor. If, however, 6he <br />monthly payment... oracle by the \Eurtl?ugur un~lcr : !„ of prragr;rptt ?preceding shat! nut be sufEicien[ to pay gtttund <br />rent, last= aced a-~«>~rmrnt nr :n~urancr pct>mtunt~, a- rhr l-~ r mac be•. whoa the ~hatl but=ume due and pay- <br />ablr them rhr ttnngagorhall p-st to rhr tlarteatteo ant amount nrrr--.tln to mater= up the de(iciencv, on or before <br /> dale whin payment of -uch ettrund n>nt-. raze;-, u.~-.ta~sment~ nr tn.KUrunre pct>mium~ shall be cluo, ll' ai any <br />time the t1ottgagor uhxii trader tr. ihr hlort~aaer=, to arrord<inco write rhr pravi~ion~ of the [tote ;created hereby, <br />Eull p~ymcan of rhr rntim rode>htrdnr-- rrprr-emted Lherrby, ihr> Siartgagrr -hail. in romputing rhr amount of such <br />mdrhtrdness, .re;lu [„ the .,ruamt ,rf nc~ tt.rrtgaKUr ,tit pnvnxrus made under the txovt~tons of I=r.! of paragraph 2 <br />herruf which rhr• Hortga~rr ten- eat beroat«• obligated to p;u iu rhr 'vrcrrtury of (lousing and t'rhan Dcvetopntent <br />:ind an}' balance rs>mainutg ul rhr• hmd~ a.rrumulatrd urodrr rhr pravisittn of ttJ n( paragraph' hereof. If there <br />-ftalf be a ltetauh under any of the pn,yt.nntti of thr~ murtetrgr rq~,ulting m a publkr salt of rhr premir?os covettd <br />hereby, or If der ttnrtga~ee arcpltrra rhr prepont ouhrrw-t~-t> after dt~fault. the ltorttattec .:haft appfy~, at the limp of <br />the rommenrrmtvtt l,rf such proreethne~, o€ ut fit:• ttme rhr pruprrty t- othrrwt~r acquired, rhr balance then rem<tin- <br />rog mthe fund- arrumuluic>rl under ~ ~ - ui patsr•ruph .' prrcrdtnr, a- a crrdi t ;amain=t the amount of principal Then <br />remakninr uapatd uude>r aid nna>. and -trail prcqu•rit udtu~t not pavmrnt.~ w~hVchhall hat't• berm made undarta) <br />of pataQrxph '_'. - <br />l~fnx! rhr aluriyagcx Ertl vati y:; oerrr::: er,, Ease-- ~s3esnmrntn. water rates. =red raper bclvsrnmenml er manicipai <br />barges. tent>. ormnrrvnun,. Eric stitch t`-roslvar, ha> riot t,rtn made here:nhefore, rind m deEanat thereof thz Ytorteagre may <br />pay the saint: sod that the Alt>rteagor w fit nnlmpt;t dcl!•.rr the otfinal rerttpts theteler to rhr Miutgagee- <br />1 nr ~t r,rty;x,t.~r ~.~df pa+ .,,, t3yc, +~ta.-n srvay rk t_ t tcd upatn the Sgortymere-~ imera,t m wail real estate and improve- <br />rents. end w filch mat ne ieara apoa uus r=~:,ctgage :,: the :.eel+t ,arur.d herehv that only to the rsteot that ,uch r, nut prohibit- <br />ed ht i,lw and 1Rxty h! tl:e event that a~.t~ u,l! not make this roan tssunlrust, httt rasaudtng any malme LtY. Jtnte i+r t-edertd. <br />:mpu>ed on '<iort g-agrc. .uo) ss d! fife rite othclai rri r•lp! ,ho~a-rag ,u.h rvst~meni a rite the ~xlortlaasec. ['pan tiolatton of this undrr- <br />r,,=kntg. tr tf [he 3lrangagsu ~s p;nhrhued hs ;:nt saw now m hrreatt¢t csrung iroea paytge the whole or any portnrn.ef the afore- <br />std taxes, .x u, on thr;rncirnng of eat ~utrrt uerrre fl;nhrbihnr; Utt• pavntznt fry the btuncatgur ur any ~tr4n tact>, er d such law- <br />ordtcrer pruytfizs that met eutwuni u, nod ht for if ertgacae shn8 hr :refitted on d'rr martgagr dzM, the linrigauee shall have <br />the ngbi ice gttz ninety Jot. wtutrn nuU:e u~ t?:e oa rret nt vhe env>t'[gagtu Preen<'es, reywnng file nuvmznt of [he mortgage <br />drbi (t such nou<e he Store. rhr weed debt .hail tv.omz due, teat;lhk and atiir. ublr at the cxptr:hen crf rind nmtty days- <br />h "That ,honk! hr C d to par ate sum or kerp+ any <: o=en<lot provided form [hu 4l ortgogr, then rhr MungttSee, at tts dp- <br />hun, ittat pas ur pertur3n the s.++?tr, and aH axnendttures ~a~ made shat! he added to the pnnrq>al sum u~tang on ttte abort note. <br />shdi he +rcttred hereb}..urd sba'i ~sr interest at rhr rate set L,r th in the uud rota. aria! p:nd <br />l~hat Ae heref*k es+rgn±, tnutsl;n and xn vrrr to rhr tlottgagte, tr• tze upphzd Mwaru ihr payment atI the note sod ail <br />wins .reared hrrebt w ar>r .d : dctaah m: rhr prrfcrcmarn~e ui ant of the terms and rnndtuons ut Ihts htorigaee r,r the sold <br />~t;lte, aft rhr reins. rrvtnrtrs attd ~ncca'ne t,+t+e densr.t frnrn rhr nn,rtgagtd nremisr, during such amt as the mar Caage ux}rbted- <br />acs. shall remote unpatd.:nd the ~Mort~gee ~hsl! hate n,a+A tr to ape--amt on< agtm ur agents rt mat dntre for the purpose of <br />rtpauring xaiil premtnes and .rl renung [hr >aetc a::d ~,rlttcnng the rents, ere enur-. ;,rid m<:>mz. ,and n mat p.n trot df ,aul m- <br />times aA expense; e>f repautne suns prermse, .end nrv es:ary :ommrssit~a. .,rid csncnse. incurred m rrnnm• anti managing F}re <br />.,,mr end of yallact3ttg rrmats thereieum, the balance rematmrtg. rf tine. h± br anphed sou and rhr d.,cB:arke of end mortgage <br />mdet+rtdne., <br />K- That he etl9 keep der inept ovemeNl n.~K c erring a,r herr.d ta•r eterttd un ihr muneagrd prnprrtt. insured a> mat he <br />regained [rem rime to nmr hs- rhr 'rSortgagce agaast lass t+a fire and tithe. her>erdr...esna; uzs and ,onmtgtnetts m ,uch <br />sineuafs ;;rid to; such ;~rt<ai, a. rn,n t>c~ =rsta;led b. the€e ,.mi .r ik! p.ay n, un!pt h - ;i hrrt due. ant premnunn .m .tti h <br />:nsuran:~E ptov}stutt Cot payment trf ca-hrch has not art made heremt+ett=rr ~tl m*!ltance .bait he car rrrd m cmm~svues at=- <br />h€oved hk-' the 3ttxiatgez and rhr paEraeE .end renew al± tFterent shall M nerd by the 4#crigtlr;ee and hse .rttnc~heci thereto los, <br />payat+le CiatlSCy m tatxxr of and tr, torna ,~~. rBtahk t,~ ttrr 4f ortSagee 3n tcrnt ut i„ss At:n't gagot ,. ill e+t c' tnmte.atutr nonce to <br />ntiul let the Msxt,¢vgxe, woo neat rrakt A!,ntf „( lass A nut made ['tom pip by 44 nrtkagt,r and ea.h nisusanrr .um runt ,.,n <br />certtcd i9 hereby autl3ersts`G utnd dtrectrr! yr maLar pay meat fen' +uch tens Jtrtc tit to the ~41nt tSagre n+sicari ut i,~ the 4t,~r tgaK:o~ <br />snits} tAa Alort~ee rs>rn€It .and thz raav;anc r° f":owed.., ~ aot tr.tre thrrreeY, toot hr app4iec! bt rhr= also tgagex° ri no si>nan rt; her <br />ro the YeductNan 17t tEle ti}fiebtrdne,. helettF ~e,°rtlrCSl i,I li` FtYe [L'~IVrattUfl!rr I'epulr t,i fttc flt,rt'tertt damitgeii in x"t e'ttl ail i~•rc^:5~~ <br />ill([ et tlit5 mUft~at{'e e1C aYfbrr Irans9 Cr ul rifle n~ tl!e mt`r t$Jfgetl pIa?'pert'., 7:r t\!inkTm~hmrtii +~f the mdeblttlneys ~t'ti i!ll'ii hc`IPh1 <br />all rt~#rt, title uatd mtfrtex.f ttf the ~Msrrtiwt:ex to anti t;, atrv ln,uranre nadicrx=t then ie f:~rt, z shalt pass tr, the par. it.ese•t ~, _r,rnire <br />^? l"Pxat ay adetnmrtaa :end .:olaatetai .E•u,nrt for iltc par ntYat rf the uo~c sicsvtMd .:rid .di ,ume x,~ t`r•; ,~fnr due undr~ ~ht> <br />;nurt}~tye. tare ~den2gxgar herrhy asn~tc r:= the xi „rtSagrc a!'. ;vobrs. rr.rnuc°, r.•t ,Was. n.;~,h t+ aria e+d ~K~t~t. :... ~uua; h~ tlk~ <br />'~tlrftt~.t/,YK ri nSEC-Y alt;" and rill ts(a atxf gitc ipaSC~ ,,;t xdJ3t pFPmtyCS. UntY Iht' Fi~}It I„ tc. Cto t' _<<Ht reb Cl pl {,,. Idre' >a!ot' 31kJ ~Plr!i <br />ate~m fa xrrtd sndeMtr~xexx -tie wrN t+etntr a+ai{et drt3utt wn the .•~ndrtrut,s,>! ,Ate ~ rtc.ey;r, end the 4t;uly k e ~'l;a: rtrtr,aa,± . , <br /> xttd re. et*~rr .Why >f:ch ~syutrntn xtsrn eSnr seal eaytabie- brit ahai! Wert t~ rrrtuu e;t .~, l„ ,t:+ the e,stxa:nt n~ r•. i~~ r~mac.ate <br />;nr>31*YC.t tilt net£e a~ttd xuld ut'=tf+ rr•dpaa~-e ut Uslc mnrt~;l <br />.-. r.rlta ..v •., a <br />'.a ;~,s .Rf ,~r, ~- ~ .. ;id `~ .. kl.#r.rg - _;t°v. -- r,.r ~. ~a, .. ... r .,,. .. .- .. <br />