<br />s4 - oo ~ , -° ~,
<br />Unit*uan+. Cuvt.varvts. Bcxnrwrr and 1 order cavettant and agree as follows:
<br />1. Payment of Principal and Interest. Borrower shelf promptly pay when due the purtcipal of and interest ost the
<br />uedchtedness cv~Jenced by the Nate. prepayment and fate chnrgrs as pruv+ded m the Note, and the princtgal of and interest
<br />+N, any Puturc A.h~anccr ccc'ared be [Jt+s Uccd of T nis
<br />2. Fnnds for Toes and lt+suranre. Subject to applicable (nw or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />n, [ender na the d:,y monthly instailmaus of pone+pal and intrrcv art payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full,
<br />a sum tnercm "Funds'9 equal M vnc-nvetfth of the :'ca rly urxrs ,toil assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />Urcd of Trust and ground reins an the Property, sf any. plus one•tweiffh of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance.
<br />plus one-twelfth at yearly grenuum mstalinrenre far martgagrinsurance. it any, uli as reasonably estimated-ipitially and from-
<br />time rn time by !.ender an the hasis of assessments and hills and reasanabte estimates dtereot.
<br />"(ltr Funds shall be held in an institution the depasrts or accaunts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />slate agency tincltrding [.ender rf Lender +~ saic:h ;m insutunon). !.ender shall apply the Funds to psy said taxes, assessments.
<br />:rnurancc premiums and ground rents. !.ender may not charge for so holding and applying [hc Fnnds. analysing said.accotMl::.
<br />.+r serfying and c,unpihng .a+ri a,sessmrmx anal hills. unless Leander pays Borrower interes! on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits i ender n, make srteh :+ charge. Harrower and I.endcr may agree in writing at the time of execution ofthis
<br />[7ecd v- Trust that interest nn the Fund, ,hall he peril to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or applie~able law
<br />regwre, u+ch mrerrxt to r>e paid. t ender ;hurl n,+t tx rziuored n> pay &trrower any interest or earnings, on the Foods. Lender
<br />,hal! gyve t„ Herrn•.aer, um hunt charge, ,m annual accmmting of the Funds showing credits and dehits to the Fnnds and dba.
<br />purpose fur wh+ch each dehtt tv the Funds was made. The Furals are pledged as additional security for the sums-ttt:ctfrod-~
<br />ht Itiii Drrd +,f .frw52.
<br />-[ the amoum of the Fund, Ircid hs Lender. ingcthrr w-ith the ;afore manthiy innatiments of Fcmtis payable prior to
<br />lire due dais, of tusrs_ .;,>cvmcn;s. utsura rwr grcnnums and ground rents, chail evicectii the amount required to pay said taxes.
<br />,:se»ment,. :nsuran<c premrom, .+nd ~,rou nil rants .+, ihey !a11 due. ,ueh cxceu .hall he, ai Borrower`s option, either
<br />nnrmpt-y repa+d n: Bartvwrr ,~r ..reda!rd i,r 6arrnver ern monthly instalhnems of Fanth_ if the amount of fhe Funds
<br />heir! h': t ender ,hall not i>t' ,:r!t ir+c r+t '", ;•.t: :uses- .tsscssinenis- rncurancr premiums and graund rents as they fall due,
<br />Her r„wc: ~hal- pay :+: i-ender arty amen+nt necessary ++, make up the deBcirncv within 3t) daps tram the date notice is mailed
<br />by E,: nder [n Borrower requesting payment thereof.
<br />t: pc.tn pasmeat sit nil-.+i ai[ sum, ae. arcd hs rhs tare.! of Tnmt. tender shall pn mpity refund to Bottower any Fnnds
<br />herd by 1 ender It sender garupr a,>h i s hrrot the f'raxi:er[c „ sold s+r rhr Praperty is othcrwtse acquired 6y l.ende~r, Lender
<br />sha;- appiv. oa later titan +anrnediatci} array :.: ;hr ,,dc of the Pn,fu.rty or tis acgius+t,yn by Lender, any Funds held 6y
<br />i ender at tftr^ time of n¢gh~aiun s, a c^cdrt agmnst ihr sums mturcd by this tared of "Crust.
<br />3. :lppticafian of Pavments. t-nks, aF.ph:.ab-e ia.. i+rov:de+ :uherwtse, ail payments received by Lender under Che
<br />N ore and garsgraphs i ;, nai Z her s:i shall he apnlsed h+ 1 :;nder fast m pas mein of amatmts payable to 1_rnder by Harrower
<br />under paragraph ~ hereof. rhea tr3 wterrsr payai?ic• urr the Nute, then tc ttse t?.;nespa- of the Note, and then is interest and
<br />pnncipai on env Future :ldvancrs
<br />4. Chagtes; [.tens. Barrawer shat) pa+ .rte ta,c,. asecsmeu<., a;ri :.thee .-herpes- fines and imposuians auributa6le to
<br />the Progeny which may steam a pnornv ,+ver th;c Deed of Trust, and icasehofd paymr-nts ar ground rents, if any, in the
<br />manner prodded under paragraph ? hereof nr a n:,= ;••-.a ri nt +ueh rearrnrr, hy' Bar rower making payment, when due, directly
<br />to the payee iherrai Bor raw er snail gr~ mptiy fur+,,.h ro t cmlrt .,fl !~oh.c, _,! •teounec due under they parngraph, and in the
<br />cveni Borrowe: s'hati m:rwc t>avmrr.+ durum. Hex n~->irr =izail ,^. out{>rh +:unroh i~-, t cotter ncerpts evidrncmg such payments.
<br />(iorrower >ha4i pmmpth d+,. hart;c _ t ':.. ., as p+•- :ri t' ~ :kcal „` l rust prandcd, that Burrawrr shalt eel i?c
<br />requucd ro i terse ~+:.h ir;•. ~.+s< :, @ .+<+ --~.d~ ., r<: c. ., sin,; +,~ the pactncnt of the abhgauan secured 6y
<br />,ueh i+tn :n o manner a. ccpti9l.' !_~ f ender. •~ -++.,t:i~-„ g.~+.i ±,uih „,n+,,t s i..l: i n hp. + ~ defend cn larceniriH of such hen in.
<br />c
<br />legal grcu~redrng. ufrrih ,•pa-rare c~rna°+ti . ihr .~a+ ~,i t„ris~nura~ +! the }'mgertt or any part therovf_
<br />5, Nszard Insurance. H.vraee~ra-ha!t~ : n +!±e n»pi,::emc+tr, , . a inp a>i hereafter erected i+n the Property insured
<br />against toss by hre. hazards +::,t-~ded wuhrn ±' :arm 'c•stendecf :overage +s;.ut,.l +u.:h .,thee hazy+rcis as L.endrr may requtrr
<br />and sn such antnuats anti tar such fx-nede .,, -ja-+x;rr n+ay re.tu.rr, pr,.Y;.kd ;Bst [ enure stwN not rrgture fiat the amoum of
<br />ouch r,,r-crape cseccd that amaum of :c cuxc rr:{_a+rcd so pa: [he loon sc.rncd 6}' Cho-, I7ceti of Trust
<br />Lhc msusanre earner }n>+-rahn¢ thi~;n,nr::nee ,hail hce .h<+,r:+ he Harrow~a°r suhiC:r t,+ approval hx' Lrndcr: pravrdrd.
<br />that sw-h apprava! sha3f nsti hz a+oreaa+nah;t u+thhadd .A{( prrm„nns an onxn arec° [roheies shall be Paid in fhC mantiEr
<br />provided undo paragraph ? hrrea3 nr. it n~>r pa,d ::r ,ueh ;nanner, '^+ ilcxrrnwer !making payment, when due, dirtrcily tv the
<br />tnsurancr camcr.
<br />Ali trtsurancr pvtxc tee and r,•rr++ais +..arr:,t +rta31 t-e~ +r ~ ter a.,rprubts '..: I en.tcr uud shah u~lude <r standnrd mart$age
<br />:-ause rn fever of aad in i.+rm ae;rptah;r io i cudsor I rr.det <lralt ha•r itxc n,ch! na hold the puberty and rrncwats thereof.
<br />:, ,... -. -. oat„r. .
<br />:sod Harrawcr ,hall ga~mptty turncah r,r !ender .,., .,..x.,+., „xl ail rcae;gts „i pa:d =,srrmntms in the event of lass,
<br />F3atrawer shalt g,+r Crampi r+or+~e :.~ ^nr .=:sur,rn,r ~_:n:cr'r.,-id L:.r.+r'at i rntkr mac maAe grant nt loss +I not made prempily
<br />by Barrawer
<br />- Liuiesc l tndtr .and &!raw~rr ,=u:rr w:ae agree i;, ~.+rnnq ~r_, .,.? c 4;r:nrcds ,hall d'+e -.pphrd to rs"turanon or reparr of
<br />the Ptt?perty daraagcd, prow riled ,u.-: re3mrato~, ~~r :c ~, .~ t,avnia alts irastnk -mil the srrrimy „- they Da-ed of Trost i5
<br />nor ttYCrehp :mpmrtd- li ,u<h rt~t++ratrun nr :char: +, n..+~ e .nt:mu..s;is tcasrhle n it the ,rcur+ty at [his Deed ct trust would
<br />t+r tmpaared, rhr rnsurance pr.,:ecd, shot! he appi+e.i ;,: ir,e~strn:, sr. creed I.y :err, { .•ed :~1 t n:st. w•,tn the et. es:, if any, paid
<br />u± Borrower if the Prxtpcrts +, ehsudx:ncd h, Burns:wry , .:t ti:+r c+:+rr ; ... „pond sir Lender wuhut iQ days from the
<br />dale nonce n ma+Ieat hs' i ender :o Hotta=uer ia;:e ihr uuu=ante .arrmr nder, ;.r settle a ,-srm Inr msrwance hrnrnis. i.ender
<br />;z autherrzed .,, soitett and apply the :rsuranic geared. ,:t i cmlrr s s:puvu r+ther t,.i :rcion.NOn t+r reparr of the Property
<br />ar to the sums secured t±v this Derd .~f 'feu+t
<br />tfniess lender and itorr~wer athrrwise egrcx• := s«n[rng- ane sud+ .,pplicatii,n o; pr,xeeds w prmetga! shall not extend
<br />ar pmtpot>z ttx due date e- the meet hiy t:aaa-Sment> reterrs`Yi :a .a g.tragraghs i and ~ here<,+f r~r change the amount of
<br />sash mstaNnxnts. if under 1?a ragtaph i-~ txrea- the Proprrta +, ucqua ad by I cn6rr. all nght, tide and interest at Burrower
<br />m and [v any insurance puberty and !u arsd to the irzacead, thererx rrurlung from damage to the Proprnv peter ro the suit
<br />of aequtsrnan shall pass tt+ Lender m [hr extent .,: vhe sums ,~-cured t*y thin Decd of Trust +mmrdiatrly prwr to such sale or
<br />acyuisition~
<br />6. Pteeersatba and MaitNrnrnre of Yraprrty, i.rasrhards: ('ondon+iniums; Pfauned Unit tles•elopmenls. Brxmwer
<br />+haf- keep tMe Prolxrty .n g~af reparr and ,nail oat .<rmmn waste or i=rr+tt.t mtpanatent or dctrriaranon of the Praperty
<br />and shag comply wuh the pravtsaons ct any lraac :f rhts Ck~il of irua a on a lcasrhold. if this Decd of !'rust s as a unn m a
<br />cortdomintnm or a planned amt deve-apmeat, A:?rFowrr shall ;,rrlarrn alI n! Harrower"s eMigatrons under the deciarauon
<br />ar taveaants creasing ar gaxvrmmg the fond<?mimum or planned wnu devriopmrnt. the hy_-taws aaci rcgu[atsons al the
<br />condominium or pianttrd won dr+-aicpmrnt, aad eBrzsutirrnf da.mrrnts It a wndommmm ar ptamrrd amt drvefopment
<br />rider is exuutrd by Borr+ns•er and recorded lager her wuh thu Deed ,rt S rust- :hc au.rnants and agrcemrms of +ueh rider
<br />abali bt trscvrporated iota, acrd shad amend end supp-ernrnt the cnvrnantn auc- agreenientx o-' this Dra d of i-rust as sf the rHler
<br />ware a pan hr~rea!-
<br />7. Psotsrctioo of t,ersder's Serutity. It Bc+rra,w er !a+!s !+: ,+cr lc,nn the ,..=s_rnants :usd agreement, .c+ntatnrd +n this
<br />laced ai Trtmi, ar rf an}' scuan u prcxeed mg +, avvxmenced >khich mater toils atfec[, t enter s ;ntrtest in the Pratxny.
<br />mciutlmfC, trot oat hmitred iv, ennrunt dorrtam, ,tnaivrncy. rude rnfarcrment, or arraagcmente ar preeerdingc mveivmg a
<br />t*attkrupt w decedent, true Lender at 1_ender's apisoa, upc,n nc:nce to H:xrowrr, may make sorb appraranecy. disburse such
<br />sums atxf twice such action as is necessary tat prated lxndrrs ;ntarest.:nclud+ng. btu not hooted in, dishursrneeni of
<br />reasnttataf€ sitart~y's fees and miry open the Property to rnakr repairs t± t ender required ntortgagr msrrrancr a, a
<br />r.tandliiom of makmR ilea k?an soured try tins Gke-d af -T7ust. Barrawer shall gay the grrrxmm~i requercd to maintain s^ch
<br />iresurattec itr tfftxt. erntil st>4fr time as the requtrenxns far such utswrancn trrminatcs in a~: vrdancc wuh Borrower's ;;na-
<br />Ltnders wrdrea agreenter+t of applicable law, 43vrrvwar shall pap ihr atn;amtr M all cnartgaRr inset,+ncr prrnnums .n ihr
<br />nurt»et pror3ded under parairaph . harePf..
<br />Airy tirtnoti»nt <Isstattracet by t.endrr jtursusitt to they ftxraRratdt 7, wuh interest thereon. shall heroine o-td3iuanat
<br />trxtebtca#nas of t3orrowrr srt'tttesi by this laced at l~rcut. tdniess Botr+7Wrr and (.ender agree to other rcra?s cat paymrm, such
<br />attxwn~ shalt £sr tcsYaBk wtaon nutter from Lctw.icr to Borrower rcyurstmg payment ,hereof, and shed! hear inicrest from the
<br />+6uc of dis4tttrwemant a7 that watt Pa;aisle tram tcsne to time cut +xutatandmg prtrs-rpa' under the 4n;e unless payrn°.m of interest
<br />at RrrePo turret ward+t be cigtirary to apphr;.abfr tativ, to wtcsch rvrm xuch amasmis sha-i wear sntrresr at the htghrsr rate
<br />pcrmfrJatrrtsdrr appfi,artnkt taw_ Afodttr+g csrtttatned in €hrx paragraph ~ +haik roqunc !.cooler t<x roeur xnp exacnsc oe rxike
<br />any acixtut hcreandrr.
<br />~. 1'tMperlbtt, Z end+'.r may malx ar cause to !~ tmad,+:css3st;Ybk es[«ee ut+r±n a.rto .±sfs~s€artr nt =?+x Pr:,t>rrrv ;+rs*, tiled
<br />ttxat lsxarler street Rts'e florr+'twet' nateer pryer tar any await N>sp4'cntan xt~~RF'us rra%,,mahDr .. atrs¢ thrref+~r u;iatni u+ 1 ender,
<br />=rrtirtaE +n floc Pronany
<br />