<br />~4 -'" 00125
<br />app tcablt law requires such interes[ to be paid, Lrnder shall not be required to pay Borrowtt any interest or earnings on the Fonds. Lettdershall-
<br />gtve to Borrower, withon[ charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Ftmds snd the purtfose for which~eattlt
<br />debit to the Funds was made, The Funds err pledged as additional security for the sums secured by this LXed of Trust.
<br />I f the amount of the Funds held by Linder, together with the future momhly installments of Funds piyabk prior to the due data oCtatui;
<br />assesatttrnts, insuraittx Rremiums and ground rents, shall excel the amount required to pay sold taus, assessments, inaurancr-prmtium~=qtd
<br />ground renu as [hey fall due, such exxss shall bi, at Borrower's option, either promptly repaid to Borrower orcreditad:ta Borrower~nis tttoathly.
<br />installments of Fundz. if the amount of the Funds held by l,tttder shall not be sufl[aent to pay taxa, assessments;.ittsutanocpsemiums atsd
<br />grotmd rents as they tali due, Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount necessary to make asp the deftciettcy within 30 days-Isomahcdate~notice
<br />is rtailtd by Lender to Harrower rrqutsting payment thereof. -
<br />upon payttrtn[ in full of alt surds sxured by this T3eet! of Trus[, Lrredtt shalt promptly refund to Borrnwea-any Futids-hdd.by~Leoda:~-[f '
<br />under paragraph f N hereof the Property it Bald or iht Property is attterwix acquired by Lrnder, Lender shall apply, no laid': than'-itomedutelp:
<br />prior to the salt of rte Prepcrtc ar its acgvistvan by Lender, any Funds held t>y Lender at the time of application as a credit agaiose.tbp Gums--
<br />secured by this Geed of Trust.
<br />3. ~ppgeitioa of P:pmtnts. t'nttes uppticatsde taw provides atherwist, ail payments received by Lender under the Noteapd:patagraphaf
<br />attd 2 hereof sha31 ~ apptttd by t ender first in payment of amounts payable [o Leadv by Borrower under paragraph 2 hereof; [hen-tointerett-
<br />payabk an the Note, then to the pnnctpal of the Nate, and then to inarau~and principal on any Future Advances.
<br />4. t.'hirges; !tem. $arrawrr <.ftati pay ail eases, assessmrnts and other charges, fitter and impositions attributable to the Property Which
<br />may uUatn a pnorrtj~ v>vtr this L?rrd of 'Trust, and Itasettatd payments ar ground reins. if any, in the manner provided uttdtt paragrapb2 hereof'
<br />or, it" not path tr. such atanrstr, h1 Ba>rraw~tr axiaktrtg Rxvmtnt, when due, directly to the payee thereof. Borcowtt sha11 promptly furnish-too
<br />iendir :ill ncxtcrs of amounts Jae under ^nts paraKraptt, and ~n the even[ Borrower shake make payment directly, Hoaovver shag fxomptly
<br />furnish to tender re.ttpts e>~t;icn.tnK Burn payments. Sarrower shall promptip discharge any tiro which has Rrdority over this Ueedof'Trttst;-
<br />prasidrd, ttsat f3onawer ,rat? not t+r rraunci to drscnarge auy such hen so long as Borrower shalt agra in writing to the payment olthe
<br />oirtigauan secured hx ~.c,cn tern : a matinee a:xeptabla to 1-ender. or thafl ,n good faith contest such 8rn by, or defend enfortxment of swdt lien
<br />in, itgaF proceedings wnr:h ~xratt t~s prr.~rnt : tse .nfarcrmtnt of the lien or ri>rteituri of the Ptopetty or any part thereof.
<br />5. lianrd tnxurarrct, tiarmwtr shai# keen ttx ::rprrz+-emitter new cxtsung ar itcrcaCter erecYtd an the Property insured against tens by fSrc,
<br />t+artrds n~:3udecl wcthm the term ' "e,xtertdt+f c.s, crags"'. and such other hazards as i.tndir may rtgmre and in such amounts and for such. periods
<br />aT, l.cruirr may rscgu«; pra+ydrd, tiuYi 1 7rdrs =na;t not rtttu;rr ti;at tut amount et each coverage exceed [ha[ amount of tovttage regttved to pay
<br />ihr sums sec:vrtxi he-!has i}etd c,s t ~ use
<br />i hr :n-,uranrr san:;~r nr~,+rdrr,¢ ehr ::;sur,~; ,~r shalt t+e .rttxen ~.~ fiorrowrr subian w aRRroval by Ltndtr; Provided, that such approval
<br />.ha#t not to un; rascwatnfv 4+t n=tt#a ~1i1 prrm,urrz c';: =:tsurmnit tx,h~ats snail hr paid ut the mantttr provided vnder paragraph 2 hereof or, if not
<br />.a:Q =.n xuiri manner. .'~~ ti•_;t r;~rrr r -.as;:,K pacmrn~, ••urn due, d:recti+ tt: the :r:suratu`r carrttr,
<br />•1il :r.+uransr ;xr!++rr. ar,:1 ~-r:r,>~:+ ~ ~eres.t ~:tt«d~ n.- .,r 'i+rrc. e..rt+tablr ;;= 1 ender and shall incdvJt a standard mangage clause in favor of
<br />afro ;n totm acrctx able t„ i n:_tc; . c;cdrr ~^a1= ha+e :he c:ri,t c=, nuftf the tK,;:cars and rrncwaLt theztot, and Borrower shall promPtlp furnish to
<br />d urdrt a;, rrs?c.a::rx z_es aract y:! mrsg*:. _~! twa.1 ;zrr`r:r..m, to ±nt t~tnt of ;me. Eiorrawtr shelf give prnmpt nottte to the insuraact carritt and
<br />f erxitr € er:dtr mac make t=r-*-xr;>t st>~ ,i r:+a ^tasie artssxptly hr tkxrrwr:
<br />t ~rdecs t.rnder assd fsesrx:.wrt .ztsrrwtvr agree :r- w-to€utg„ msuratrr proceeds shalt t?e apphed is restoration ar repair of the Propeny
<br />damaged, prat~rdtsf =.uc'n rrstazan<?n s,: r-rpa:r is rcanssm.t~aily !ras~tbii and the securup nl this [)iod of Trust is not therefry impaired. tf such
<br />tesaoraucm ar rrtxan~ :s rest raxrnt>mt.afly !txsebte :>..; the stcvn:Y e,f !his I)trd c:f Trust would be impaued, the snaurattce proceeds shill be
<br />uppdarcf to the s+ems se:'u:rd t+v thrs tjtrtf ;,t Lzuvt. v.,tn tttt cscrss, tt any, Hard to Barrows. If the PraRtttp is abandoned by Borrower, ar if
<br />Harrower fads tc= rtsvssa rn iF'~::9rr v.n?;ntc tr, don ft crm ak.r aatc noacc as matted tap t.rndtr to Borrower that the insur~aaee tarritt afters to
<br />steak a ctatm tar xttsxerance xnstras, E_cvdrr is aut2tarnr;<d tri radrsct and appdy chi tnsurancx proceeds at. Lender's option tither tb restoration or
<br />rtptur i+; the Pri,ptrt> ;x t:. ;err sunvs seceurd try fn,s f)cati at trust
<br />t'-nits l.tndrt and F.itrr~~-wr- nt *xrwtsr age rc:n wrung, any wth at'phcauan et pracetda: eta ptinapal shall Hat cxttsW or postpone the due
<br />.fart at the nu>snfdy r+xstalhamts refrtxnf to ;r, r:azagraphs ;and : hern;st ;:, s~hunga tht amount of such insta~#mrnts. If under paragtap6 IS
<br />htrtai the Pratx~rts~ to arouirai !:.~ i r:tdcr, ail rcgi:t, *,rtfe and tnterrat of Ltcrsrowrr m and fo any msuranse policies and in and to the Proceait
<br />tF.trrrnt' rrx.tdting ?rem tiatnat<e to the f'raprrty price w tnr lair ar acquv~ttsan snald pass to lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Deed
<br />of T?•', tt immrdratc7g rrt~+r t;± xxrn seta _7, acgv[€uszn
<br />4. Peeaenadaa atM rsituatearacr of i*rnpeny; f.rweadda: CunAumimaau; Plaaaed Udl Dereiopaeay. Borrowtt shall keep the
<br />Praptrtr m goad repair ante shall r.~r nmmn waste ar ptr'mn inepatxment ar drtenora[ian of the PratxttY and shalt comply with the ProvisioM
<br />of any Masi et tats tytrd at firnst [s un a irasrhafd. f f tine Zkril of f rust is on a unit trt a candomtrdrim or a planned unit development, Borrower
<br />shadl txr iarm alt ai i3tarrower'a :,hltgatrons .endc_r the deefarancan ar vvrrtants crtntmg at governing the condotmnium or planned unit
<br />dtrekipmim, the by-taws anti regufatsc>ns of the vndomtmum or ptantaed unit developmrnt, and consuturnt documrnts. IC a condominium or
<br />piantttd unit drvttopmcnt rider a rn~-vtCd by ihsrrowrr and recorded rogcthc with this Iked of Trust, the covrnan[s and agreements of such
<br />ndnr shai3 ltz iM'ti>rt>r>rattd tnm atatt shun atzrrnd ana suppttttt~tt liar ovrnants and agrtemrnts ai thu t)eixi of Trust as tf the rider were a part
<br />hereof
<br />". Proteetiaa of t.eiAer"s Seea[rtty. !t B;.+rrcw-rr iota ro perform tint ~venams and agreements eontaintd m this I1red of Trust, or if env
<br />axseatt ar pra~adfng t> vmmtnetd wnreh mstrnadly afiu-.ts 't.trtder', oauirtsr to tnr Property, ;nciuding, but Hat limited to, emtneat domain.
<br />trtSWv-cray, aek*t rata ,~nxrnt, tx arrxngimtuts ,x prtxstedtngs envoi v.ng a bankrupt ar decedent, then !-tndet a[ Lender's option, upon nauce
<br />to Bturower, may tnakt Such apprarancr€, dasbursr saCh sums and take stash actitan as as nreesaary to protect Lrnder's uuttrst, including, but
<br />tux fimtisd m, d,sbutsrment aC rcasanat>k atroreary"s Ctrs and aatry upon the Pxc>pertp to make rcpaars. If Lender «gtured mortgage insurance
<br />as a mrfdPiSan of making the toau baurtzl by etas Lkrd of Tr+svt, Borrawtt shall pay i~he premmms rtqutrrd to trvatntain such insuranet m effas
<br />ar>x:t sucft r;xtx as eht rxstuxrrrxn: !c=r =ukts er,surane ttrzsunztrs ,n acYtrroauct with Borrower's and Lender`s writun agrttmtat or applicable
<br />law. Barrowt€ shall fzvr tRe atntnmt azi sit mortgage tstsvrarn°t prtmiams in the manner prnvtdtd andtr paragraph 2 hermf.
<br />.Any auxnmtss tnst>ursrxi ixy tcr~cr pursuant to this patagraptt ", wtrF, marts.[ thereon, shall txcemt addztiarutl indebttdnass or Harrower
<br />secured by €_his f?ard c^c Trust. t?nkas !}trrrawer aruf trnder agree to at'ier terms aC payment, such amounts shall be payable upcsn notirc fmm
<br />t ender to iteurawrr ergot-ztsn~ payment thrrtoi, a~~td shall hiu tneerr!ct from the date of ditlausamnti at f he rats pao~ahle Cram umr to time on
<br />t>ntstasnd;.ng prrr~rf~l usakr tiv lastr untcss ;xaynrean of inter~rst at such rats wt>uid t?e canvary to applicabtt few, xn wtdch evtm such amounts
<br />tt~adl bswr tcftsr ern at tier ?nghrat rate prrtnistit,it undtt apptdsatste kaw Ntrihmg cantatnM to this patagrapit 7 shah require Lrndtt to nx.ur am
<br />ea#s,tr sc ar eafcm aryr a~sran rctrratndrr.
<br />it. [aaartettoa. L.atr4rr may matke nx cause to bt mask rrasonat>#t tmrtes spun and iraspecnans of the Frat>erty, prasidsti tfaat t.tneier sttafi
<br />~s~ Bttrr,?war~ rttwice tstit>r ttx arse such rhspemttnn apetatving rraat>nat>k cause ttatrrf'nr related to [.rttder's ,ntvest to ttfr Property
<br />s. C-~~lsui. ~l?st ~t~'cxxxats a# ~anp swarsi cx s~laim #ar datnagas. ;Imes t,r ~aostgttteaatat- ua c;onnrcaoon wttit any cs>ntiamnataia z,t
<br />ra~~hkr taking of [sir #'roptray„ ra Rare t#xtceaxf, t,,r $ar earrv wance to krsu a€ t,.n3 irsnnanar.- arc hereby asstanrt! nerd shaft bt p+tsd alt S. ender
<br />Fh rites rs'~cnt e€ a aattattaking nC [hY Patgarrxv, the ;rsrccttSs sfi,°alf br apptttd to the h,crsu ec~trea nv the i"kxtf of I`rust, u,tit the vxcrss, t# env.
<br />twra# as-? t4z#tr}wrr %o tfst tvreet at a part@a9 tavrtrrg ad' ores Prttt,x. untsss Btzrnwvr axxt i-trestle ~ti>rrwsvr a;trtr as wnt¢ag.. that sttalf tr at>i>hcrf
<br />fa rb5e' terra sassrt~ fxy afcSs I"?sta3 s>x` Tr+tsi nu^.tt p+'rsp?x8m~ atf the P?rt!t`t~afs u_-,. ca aytssl cn r2:.~i i>+:x;xrn.te+n cuiaath the ar~tctnat =7t the wrn.t +aA Urta)
<br />