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<br />$4~~ i,~j1?_01 <br />Ui+tFOata Covet+srrrs. F3orrrnver and Lender covenant and agree as toBows: <br />1. MserN of 1'riacipai alai hderesl. borrower shall promptly pay when duc the principal of and interest on the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Ntxc, prepayment and tare charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and imccest <br />on any Ftnurc Advances secured by this 1'ked of "trust. <br />2. F~~is far "Ptsaes ad frtssra~ee. Subjut to applinhle law ar to a written waiver by 1_ender, Borrower shall pay <br />to Lender nn the day monthly installments of principal and interest arc payable under the Note, until the Nate is paid in fait, <br />a sum {herein "Funds'"} equal to one-rwdith of the yearly taxes and nssessmcnts which may attain priority over this <br />teed of "Crust, and ground rents an the Prapetxy, if arty, ptusone+twclfihaf yearly prcmhtm installments far hazard ir[suranec, <br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage 'insurance, if any, all as rcasanahlq estimated iniuaNy arid- tram <br />t#mc to time by Ixntkr on the basis of asssssmsnis and bills and rsasonable cstinsatcs thereof. <br />["hs Funds shat) he held fn an institution the depaeits or accounts of which arc insured or guaranteed by a Federal at <br />state agency tinctuding Lender i( (.,coder is such an institution). Lender shat! apply the Funds to pay said taxes; assei5fnrnts, <br />insurance premiums and ground rents. t.ettdcr may not charge for su balding and applying the Funds, analyzing. stud account <br />or verifying and campfling said assessments and hills, unless Lender pays borrawtr interest on the Ftmtls :rod appiicahie• #;iw <br />permits Lender #a make such a charge, borrower and Lcndcr may agree in writing at the time of execution of-this <br />Recd of Trust that inttrsst on the Funds cha#i £,r pard is harrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable-taw <br />requires such interest to be paid, t.endcr shalt not fee required to pay barrowsr any interest or earnings nn the Funds. Lcndcr <br />shall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accutm ring of the Funds sho'.ctng credits and debits to the Funds trod ttis <br />purpose for which each debit to the Ftmds was made. The Funds are piedgsd as additional security far thn sums secured <br />by this Deed of Trrost_ <br />If the amauat of the Funds held by t_cndcr, together with the futtue monthly installments of t=tmds pagafilc prior tc, <br />tttc due dates of tax_os, assessmems, insurance prcrafums sort ground reins, shut! exceed the amattni required io pay said taxes, <br />assessments, insurance premiums an€1 ground rents as they fall due, such excess shal# hc, at Borrowers option, either <br />promptly repaid to harrow~rr ar credited to Bcxrciwer an monthly instalments r,f 1=tmds. If the amoutd of tFre Funds <br />bald by Larder shat oat br sutiicrertt to pay taxes, assessments. inzuran.^e prsmiunrs and ground nnls as they fats due. <br />Borrower shuB pay to under any amount necessary to make up the dsGcrency wuhm 3Q days from the date nc,.tice is mailckt <br />i+Y l.ertrkr to Borrower requesting payment thereof. <br />t7pan payment in fait of atI sums setafred by rhea t]ect} a( Trust. Linder shat) gramptiy round to borrawsr auy Fmu!c <br />he#d fiy t_rnrier. if under paragraph Sit hersai th6 Prapeny ks sold or Mac Property a otherwise acquite~i by i.endrr. Lender <br />shat! app#y, no later !i[an tmmedratdy pruv to ihr sale kid tfte Property ar its acquismm~ by Lender. arty F:meta hdd by <br />i.rttder at the time of a lieatiran as a credit against !hr sums sn;trred by than i?ecd ur Trust- <br />3. A~pPlleatlaw ar[ PtripwenR. tintcs_c appticzhte taw provides ntherwrar, aft paynteats reccivstt by lender under the <br />Nate and paragraphs t and : hermt shat t,c applied by #.endee fiat m payment at amarm[s payable to I_sncter by ilormw•rr <br />under paragraph "~+ txteaf, Chen to ertterest pacabte :an [he Nate, then to the principal of the Nate. and thctt to interest ^nd <br />prmnpaf on any Ftnurt Advances. <br />4. ('hasRea: 13em. borrower shai3 pav off taxes, asscssmente :lost tether ;bargee ri nes and unposuiuns attr!fiutahlr to <br />the Property which rosy attain a priority aver this Deed of `Iles!. and }casehaid payments ne ground r¢nis, if any. in the <br />rnarmer provided uudez paragraph ? itermf au, if not paid is such manner, by Borrower ntuktng paymen4 whsn due, directly <br />fo the payer thereof. Borrower shall promptly 8irnish to Lrndsr a!i notices ai amaants duc under this paragraph, and in the <br />eveat borrower xha#i make pa}^men[ drrsct£y. &trmwer steals Pnrmptfy £trrnrsh to Lender receipts cvuhncmg such pavmenfs. <br />8orrowet shall pre,urpily discharge arv !ten whrch has priority over rhea Deed a+f Trust. pnrvriied. that &,rtawet uha!t riot he <br />retlrnred to discharge any each lien sc> taste as RorroeN-sr chat! agree rr. writing to ttte payment u( the ubf,gatmn secured by <br />such hen [n a manner aeceptabts h, t ender. ax sh;dl m gee tt tauh conceal vu<h !ern hy, .,t kkfenai rnfarcemrnt of such lien en- <br />irga3 ~rtocced!n wha;E operate ro prevent for entarcemrnt e4 ihr Iran ar toriciu;rr of the Propcsty or any part [hue.,i. <br />i. H f+riwraee, $arrower strait kelp the trnptavantems new rxtsttng ar hereafter ctcsteil t+n the Psr?pr.riy ensured <br />against liras by fire, ktarards included within iYte term "-rxtsndsd coverage°. anti suc4[ oNter harards as i.endrr rosy fecµrire <br />and itr surtt am°nmts sad for such pcrst~ :ra i e~rxfer may require; prow`.ded. that t-snrSsr steal{ oat rcttutre shut [ht amoum ,*f <br />such coverage rx~eetl that amaun; a# sovcsagr required ?~, pay ihr stints steered t,y ihty Decd oC Tn:st. <br />T'i~tc insurnnc~e rarrter peaviding the , asur€mrc xhat€ (u chtxssn by ttorrawer <+tb{cct =n apttfcrvat by t gndcr: pruvrdsd. <br />t)Nt streh approval shall tart he urrreasirrafity wuhhr[d .A#t taremrerrtts na insurance ptlhcirs shalt br paid in fhc rrtanner <br />provrdcd under puagraph 2 heseaf ar, rt not pared :n such matrnrr, by Borrower rnakutg payment, when due. dirsctty to the <br />ittattrartce comics <br />Ai.! im3titrrMe poiietes and rettewa#s .hrree~ shalt hr m form aeraspeabta t,r J.crtkr alai sh:dl rnc€ude a swndard mortgngc <br />r:iauxe {n favY.,r of and in frztm aeccprat:te tr; l.rrsdrr f.snrier ,?:sit have t£se right to h:eia! nc~ pa!is."ics and renewaeh thsreot. <br />:rod barre+vcr shalt promptfy furnish u> t.cndsr aft rrr,CwN£ raatzss tend all rr~cetins of paled prcmtumv. Itt the c-rot c,t lac-e~. <br />$arrawer stroll $ive pratmpt tsatlce to the :nseusrtt:e ~arrzrr ancf t.xtx#>•r_ t,cna4cr may male neaaf of !t>ss rt nix made pnrmpt#y <br />by Bartxswet_ <br />Ysnlrss i,cndef sled BarroMCr euixerw rsr agree ,n ~»-ntrng, rn.uruncr pto+:ceds chalk €re applied a, restoration or report ,+. <br />the Property damaged, gravtstcd strch resxorstu,n ar rspaa rs reanunnca€iy #rxsihtc :,rid the sccateity' et ihxs t7eed al -trust n <br />Herz tharc6}° rmparrcd. t# srxh tcatoratwn ar report rs r,ax et;kmtrrnrcxt{y t'easlhSe ter ;f the securty of this t9ee6 rt T`ruct wmrki <br />he impalrrd, the inntrxnte pracrr Ytsk shah tee apphrd tz, ttte. seems second by this (lead „t' Trerst, with t[re exec<.s, rt any. paeci <br />to Borrower tf the Property n abaadartcd i>y Bar nfwrf, c+r id Bvrrawer £ut!n ta> respond tic 6.ctitdrt wuhw lg day. Irani qrc <br />data ntauce is matted by t~ttder to borrower that rhr +nsuran~ carrier utters tc, setdc a !arm fa,f irrsuranec taK,rfrt lender <br />is authatzzad Ka collect atu# apply tits insurarnr prcsaxds at l.cndtrs upturn c[tiler to rr.t.,ratnm or rsparr of the !'rr~lx:ny <br />of is the stuns secured txv this !)eeJ of Treat. <br />iiniezx i.cttder' amt ~arrsttetr athrrwxsc agree in w°rrttng, any surtt appitrttrtnr at proceeds to txim-lpir7 .hat not extend <br />of ptr>sttpane the der dais at t#tr molnh#y iastalencnts rclCrtcd ut ere paragraphs I toed hercot k,r change ihr amount of <br />sucFt enstaiitneurs, tf umfcr paragraph f x hcrea,t the Prapcrte° rs acqurred by i ender, al} right, !+ilc and n+turesi of Barrusr•c-r <br />in acrd to any inrsursttec pa#inies sad m and t., ihr mwreds thereof resuiung #rtam damage ter the Yropxerty prnar ui ihr s.rlc <br />srr as:gtria~tion shall pass is Lenuec us the rxttnt <)£ the sums saxund by this Deed nt Trust rrnmedi~atek !rriar to wah sate or <br />ac"yiniii[tm. <br />6. tsaervaslo~ and 4laWemrct of Property; l.eteteliul+ist C'rsrrduatiairrrns; Planned troll Developments. Bnrrk,wer <br />shalt kelp the Ptaperzy [n gs,aai npau sled shat! riser ckatrmn waste lee prttn:t intr,cue rotor .:r ,frrerriaruti,ai ,)i =_hc Preprrtr <br />attd xhai'i rnmpiy wiMt the ptartsrans oP aria- lease tf then I)eesf t'+f Trust s an s leasehold i! ihes Ocrd of "i`ruxt n stn a grit in a <br />caric[rrminium ar a pitmttsd unn devetopnrent, baxraw-rr shat# peels: rn art at Borrawcrs :;}rhgauons under the deHa~rnucn <br />or cavctsants creacin; of gavernrrig the iantiamuaum a,r planned un+t devekopmr:nt, ihr hr~(aws seta! n>gui,tt lam .,t the <br />ethitl6rniittum ru p#anrrcd unaE dcvek+pmetet, atxi t:onst+taeni documerus. 1(a cnndaminrnm vi planned :;n:f etevci„pms•r)t <br />FafCr k3 C0.R'24tC'rJ by harraawef ~[Ilt feaafe£Cd tc)~thet write ihtm Dce`ti tat i rn~t, ihi` iQVCflani5 acid a€PCL'n}enih ;,I ,litre elder <br />stxati ire itr~rrparatcd iota araf stra#S amcrrd grad supplement the covenants anal at,,reernesus of this Drett ..t 7-{,cat as :f ihr teeter <br />wrae a part lterwf'. <br />?- 1~ of E.e~tlsr5r $erasiry^, tf tk.rrawer forks [o per tnrm the eavenants a.nri agteemcnts ..antatnrd in thi. <br />L?irad of Trent, nr if arty action v praceceiing ,s caurmertcetl which materra£ty sties°ts Lender'r tntcnst m the Property <br />itte:htding, brN trot Iim[ted ta„ eminent dtxnain, irtsu!ycitcy, cex{c ensrrrecrttcnt, c?r arrangsinenh :>r prtxcedrrtes rn i,rny ., <br />ti;<rn$rnptarr d'eetdsrit, then i.etsdcr' at Iendsx's apteaa. ups-rn nnttcz to tTsrrsrawer, ntny make such apprtrancrs, ti -she -xr au:F <br />t:rurfs slut ra1`e sech anion as is tteerssary to praucct l_crnier's ,atera;t, ;netnc#ang. riot riot tctnlietf tale. lei:phut>.rr:rent .a <br />remsCrnak- aulurtc7t`s frees srsxi softy upon the Prapeetty is rnakr npaors II l..endes 'e.tuircd =nurtgapc «t,r a a <br />ekrrditr:3n at r*takRtag it,6 toad s'txrursr# try this t?scd c;f `~'rtrsa, Borrower ztrtrf~ pay the prcrxiums rvtfu rei i , a, tent - t e. <br />rmuran~c <n cOc-~ un+4t such dt[rc us t@te rsyatrement tot setcia costa air+'ze termmutrs m aca>rdan; r, wta£[ Eiorrr=wart c.~nd <br />l.emier'. wr~ttrtc agtcsrt~W or appl+cahk taw harrtrwer shaiz par= rhs atnaunt t,t ail tnartgn};r susuranec #ircnnurns :,• t(.. <br />r??xnncr {+ruvidcst unde_ par~gra€+ft ~ h>ztcttf, <br />Anp a+rxwnrs aix#,ursetl by t.Rtrdva !»srauztttt to rhea paragrapF+ ?. wuh interest shrtKOn. shalt !,eras:E 3J'i [,,,rr.,t <br />i[nlehtdlrtexs art Rerrv!werxatxrtd by :his t)F.crf+xf Trust. Linicss Borrower and Lender ogre,. tsa nttrrr tetnts art !aaynperri_ sns't: <br />anx-ants chaFi t+a #oyabic utwn rsulree frt+as i~trxier to 3ksrrezwer requsst[ng payrtteni thc'retvf.:u,d shaS3 hear mrerrst tta,n, •Mc <br />dpis u# di teutxmem at the rate-prtya (rota kfrnt to time am stet>ta:+a{}ng ptineaput uudc^r tree '~tsc rurimss payync~~m of imerc~,i <br />a) >±rah torte •a txrl.l t+e ~_ intr. ry !n apphra#ti~ #a3r. in whteoh tvem srtrh amoterns at^.nit f+nnr uxrcesst ai ihr 4righeet r;u.r <br />perntsssrtstc nnder applic ah3r :~W, tieahiug c~•trmatfted in thtx paraptraptt ;g strnf! resttrree tt'*+det to roctrr say aspsnsr ter tak'r <br />any acll.ue hcrrvtntkt <br />g- Itrtyrcl{r. ? r,dgt n±ay mate gar .arias tc isa toads rraserrsaktiv soirees -spun sar~t as slats.. i;exrxs rnf ta€ pRatsrty, roresrde.cs <br />ty~b~xa f.c!aies shall glee Barr„y,iy tbrtfuaC prtsx let .any curb rospc~rxn sps€tfy:rig toaseaatTze -aa e rh~rt.tar re~lsicd ,-r i c ,eSe•r z <br />f"2~}~ tit `fiE ikreZV tt l-. <br />