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<br />84 ---1, ~ 1176 <br />lfVtrnans Cavv.rrAtsrs. Borrower and Lender covenant and agrrt as foQaws: <br />1. Payment of Principal and Interest. Harrmver shall prompih' pay when due the principal of and intcrest on the <br />ntdcbtednrss ev:dcnced by the Note. prepayment and late charges as prov,ded m the Nate, and the principal of and interest <br />an env Fu#un• Advance secured by ibis Used of k plat <br />2. Funds far Tares and insurance. Suhicct to applicable law or to a +vrinen waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />to Lender nn the day rnanthiy installments of pnnopal arx# anteresF are payable under the Note, urttd the Note is paid in full, <br />a sum therein "Funds"r equal in arm-twelfth of the yrarty taxes and assESSrnents which may allele priority aver this <br />Decd o{' Tnrt, and ground reins un the Prsptrty, if an}•, plus stet-twelfth of yearly premium instaitmentsforhazard insurance, <br />plus cme-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance, if any. ;dl as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />Came h, time by tender on the basis of asstssmertts and bills and reasanahle estimates thereof. <br />The Funds shall be held in an mstitutian iht deposits or accounts of whrch ate insured or guaranteed by a Federal ar <br />state agency fmctuding !.ender of Lender is such an insututian>. 1_endsr shall appty the Funds to pay said- taxes: assessments, <br />, nsutancc premiums and ground rents. !.ender may not charge for so holding and appkying the Funds, analyzing.said-account, <br />or verifying and compiling sold ssstssmems amt Fills, unless !..ender pays Barrawer interest an the Funds and applicable law <br />permits I crdrr to main retch a cltargr. Harmwcr and Lender may agree itt writing at the time of executinn of- Chis <br />Drrd of Trust that interest on the funds shall hr pond to $txraw-er, and meters such agreement is made nr applicable law <br />rrgwrec such rmerest ai err paid, Lender shat! not ktc rcyuued to pay $orrawtr any utterest or earnings on the:Funds. Lender <br />shall give to Barrow'rr, without chargt.:m annual arcaunting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and-.the <br />purpose far winch each debit to the Funds w•as made. The Fumis are pledged as additional ueurity for the suttn ttecttred <br />bs the Pced of 'Trust. - <br />I(thr-atra=cant of the funds Meid by Lender. together u~uh dm future anamhty installments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due datrt ut Caxre. asscssmcnrs, ,nsura nee premiums an,i gmwtd rents, chnil exceed the amount required Fo pay said taxes, <br />.+>scssments, rnsurancr prrm:ums and ground ants .,s they tali drtr. such exerss shall Fc, at Borrower`s option, tithe[ <br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Harrower on monthly ,oxen!?menu of Ftrnds. If the amount of the Funds <br />hciJ by l.etuler shalt not br soliicaem ui pay tsars- assessments, insurance premiums and ground rEnts as they faR due. <br />Borrower whail pay so Lender any amount necessary t., make up [he deBesency within 3(1 days from the date notice is mailed <br />by 1_tnder to Bornrwer rtqutsapg payment thereof. <br />Upnn payrnrnt in foil at sit sums secured Fc thrs Derai of ~frust. Le-pdrr shat! }srr4mptky refund to Borrower any fiends <br />held is>• ! evader ti Cinder paragraph t3 hereof ;he Propery ;, sold or the Property 's athcrwist acquired by Lender. Lender <br />sisals apply. nn later than ammrdiatei}' k*nor iu she .,sic .,t the Prrrprrty ar us acyuisauan by Lender, any Funds held by <br />k.endtr et the ume of appiiu:u ton m., a credo agan€st the sums u:cured tit' th,s Deed of Trust. <br />3. Appficattan of Payments, t~niess applies Fie lots i?ravrdrs athrrw:sr, ail pa}mtnts received by L.endtr under the <br />Noce anti paragrantrs t amt 2 ht rcpt shall Fur a}rpiied ht t ruder lia`tit ,n payment of amatmis payable to Lender by Harrower <br />under paragraph 2 hereof, then to rntereet pavahlr on the time. then to the pnnrtpa! of tire. Nate. and then to interest and <br />prmc,pa! an any Ftntse .Advancrs- <br />J. Chor=es; Lk'trs. B€xrrnwer =bait pat ail tsar!- ,arc+smcni. ,end ,fthcr charges, fines and ,ntposuions attributable to <br />the Prapeny which may attain ;, pnanty ?vet rh,s Dted of Trrrst, and leasehold payments ar ground rents, if any, in the <br />mariner provided under paragraph 2 hereof :u. a ncu raiaE „r such manrrrr, by $urmwer making payment, when due, directly <br />to the payee thereof. $os tercet shalt promptly rsu.nsf, t,, Lrnairr .,!i noE.ce•, „f amaunrs der under this paragraph, and in the <br />Gwent Borrower sisal! make payment ciu'r~tly. ~Bnrrowzr shall prrrmpty t,ernrsit m I ender receipts evidencing such payzttems. <br />Born wet shall promptly disc ttargr oat her. ;a hrch has p=.,=nrc ,scr th,. !feed of # nrse provrde<i, that Barroutr shalt not be <br />rcyuteed to rdis,: hargr any' s+a,h It,:n .e ts+nf :, Hart:-wcr .fiats agrrc ::, spool s,+ the hayrutnt of the ohh~uon secured by <br />such lien m a ptaantr asrpiabic tr I order. =.r .hail ,,, ttatxk I,,ith con;rsi vu;:h hen by. cx defend rnfarcemrrll of such tier is <br />tv°gai ppnxeedmgs whrch operate ts• prcvrnt ri,e r:,;nr_~rment o; the t,e <,; it,rteuurr of the Property or any part thureaf. <br />S. Heard Lmuraece. Darrow-rr .issii beep the ,rvpr uvrmxitrs rnawf'earss,ng or hrttafter e-r ect<xi on the Prcpcrty insured <br />against lass by fete, hazards tns-tudtd tviChtn ttte• !::r::s "::s tended .srorr,:ge `. 'art:! such other hazards as I.cnder may' require <br />and m such srnaunts and i'ot such pertads a.t i.+-ndrr ma} rryu. n:-. pruvnicc}, that (reeler alto!! not reyuirc that the nmount of <br />such coverage txceti teat arruxrnt of cavrragr reyuued t„ 1'±at sEac suns sr.c,ared bt this Dated of Trust- <br />`Chr inssasanat earner providing the nnurancE ,hail !se thnero by 4ltvrrrwrr subir-a €o a}xpresval ley Lender: pnivad¢d. <br />shat such approval shat} nor he uareasottah#v zahhrld A(! premiums on insurance Lxrhrtrs shalt tae paid in the manner <br />pravidtxl umttr paragraph 2 hertat or. ,P not paid ,n such manner. hs Br>rrr=wet rrakmg payment, when due. directly to the <br />insurance eareier- <br />Al[ insmance paheits anal rurzcseals meccas +hafi err ua !acre acecptabie r„ l.tnrtrr and shall msiude a standard mongagt <br />,tense in favsar of end in form accrptaide ra Lrnt#er- E ender ~,i+af1 h;=+c the nght tat bald the policies antl renewals thereof. <br />attd $orrower shag prontptig iurnteh tez Lcndrr a?t rc;,r :t ad. u<su, ea nail ail rrctrptm of €>:rnf prrmnints. In the Event of lots, <br />Borrower sliaH gave prnmps nattre its Glee ntmrran~':e ~.:rr:er .,nJ k .roller- ! errdcr ana>; make proof of Ic,ss 3f oat made prampCly <br />by Barrawer, <br />(1pkaas Linder nerd Bess rawer athe€ ass al,rec x --rzt.n$. , ~r- tA'e pr ands hau hr nppiird re resraaadon or repaq of <br />tine Property damssttd. prc,vidEd iurfr rest's aC ar +,r r per ,> v n,xn,ca{t5 -coatis#e and the srcunty +tf this LJrrd of `frrast as <br />not ttttrtixv impaartd_ lC reach rrstaranrut +=r repair ,. set c,.'urr,unicatl}- teax,ble at ,t the srcxrnty of this Deed of Trust would <br />tit unpatrtd, the insurance ptarr~eds vRall br app#,td to airr rapes stern e~d try stirs L1etd of Trust. wnh the exs`rSC, tf any. paid <br />to Borrower. if rho Property rs abandoned by Borrower, .'r rC H:+rrnuer[s to respond to Lender within 30 days from the <br />dart natic~e is maifed by i.entlrr tc+ Barrawer ihaz the „s,a.:rata:c :;arrrcr :,tiers to settle a cEa,m far ,nsurance hrnefi[s. Lender <br />~s amharittd to collect and apply thttnsuaancE prcmceds ar L::nder's option r,tner to restaratian of repair of tilt Property <br />or to Cho sums str.-xrrtd 6v this Dcrd of Tncu. <br />t?ntess Lender and t3arrawtr othtrwtst agree :n wrsirng, en} such :zppitcaisun of proceeds to prtncipak shalt not extend <br />ar pastpatte the dt~ data of the montttty mstaiimtnts rtfrrrtd tc=, ai paragraphs 1 slid ~ htrrof or change the amount of <br />such instalmen+s. if under paragra~t ix herrnt the PrapEr€} ., acyutrrd by Lender, all rtgltt, nCle sad- interest of Borrower <br />m and to any insurartct palates and rn err,! tc the prch-erds rfterraf rtnriiung from damage to the Property prior to the salt <br />or acquisttion shall pass [a Lander to the extent of the sums >,:curtd by tins Lhed ai Trost ,mrnediattly prior is such sale ar <br />aCquttiiion. <br />6. Praierv.atlaa cad .'Naiateeaaes of Property; Lrtrsthulds, Cuadominiurns; Planned Unit DevelopmetNs. Borrower <br />shat( keep rite Praptny ,n gxsd rcparr acrd shalt eat Gamma asset cu prrnsq :rtipa:talent err cttterinsratien cif Hat Protattty <br />sad shall tompty wires the provisions of any lease ri this Dttd of Trust ,s an a ieaschatd. {f this Deed of Trust is on a unit in a <br />condominium ar a planned unit dtvnlapment- Borrower shall perform a!t of Borrower"s nbligatrans under the dedaraCion <br />or eovcaants creating Gtr governing the candamenivsn o; p!anntd amt development. the by-laws and regulations of the <br />cratiaititn or plaantd unit dtwtioptsttnt, and canstatutor drxumtnts. if a a±ndommium ar planned unit dtvtlopment <br />rider is tSteutiaf by $arrowtr and tecarded together wnh lets Dttd of Trust, itrr covenants and agreements of such rider <br />shall he inrxrzporaitdtnla and shall amend and supplement the cat~enants and agreements of #hrs Dttd of Trust as if the rider <br />wen a part hereof. <br />T, ParttscHaw at Leader's Sseurity_ If Barrawer Earls to perform she covenams and agrttmrnts captained in this <br />(lead of Ttuu. ar if any a;.~tion ar prastedrng rs cammtnctd wfitch anatenally alerts l.trtdrfs mttr'est in the Prapeny- <br />irtt~trdinEl },alt met. fitt#it~ ta, eminent domain, insalvtttcy, node tnfarttment, ar arrangements cn proceedings involving- a <br />baattntpt of dacFdent, then I.cndsr at Lender's spans, upCSn pollee to Rorrawer, may make such. appearances, disbuest such <br />sweet-'and late sunk aati+on as is necessary to pPrcttttt Lender"s interest, rnrluding, but not limitc'tl to, disbar cmont at <br />reaswtattk attorney's fear and t;u[ry upon the Prapttty to make mpairx tf L,rnder required mortgage insurance as a <br />s"tNrstitwn of tt~ftirfg fhs.-1asn secttrsd bu this Cited ref 'i7usi. Barrrwer shnki pay €he premiums required to tnaintain sus:it <br />ltistultrte in effect trntit xttch #imeas tote raquirerntna far such ittsumnct €crrmnatts ;rt aecardanct with Bnrrowtr`s and <br />f-crater's written alTrcrtgaat o[ applicabk. la1t, Barrawer shall tiny the atnavm of all marxgage rnsurancr prtnvuniz in the <br />niaaner provided under p~a.ngraph ~ hereef. <br />Any nmrmnp dahttraed lay L.attdsr- putsttattt to etas paragraph 7, with interest fltertan, snail b¢rome additinnaF <br />in:lebtafrscu of asettted try tlta f>oad af'Crtrst. Unitas 1#ortrnver and C.tudtx agree to other terms of Pe}•#ticnt, such <br />Yntottnu. .iraii :K payslale ttpott police ftctstt Lt*tttfer io licsrrvwtr rtgtttstsng payrttrnt thereof, aced sitaif hear intartst Tram ti>z <br />date.of dtstruranmont at efts rate-payable #tan tlint to time on ovtatamting prtnerpal under ihr Natt nn#ess payttsrnt of ineerest <br />at arch rare w,srild l+r c.'rstarary' to applr<ytlale law, in xvtt#r;h e+rtnt st[ch smuuntt shad ileac knttrest at she hig#itst rate <br />pstmasihlt snv3er applicable Lases, 2Sa€#ringa`~ittkietait sit this paw ; spit 7 steal! tequdr~ t,tnder rci cellar aCry expense ar tail <br />any acttsen kr;rtrxirt3er- <br />~. taspectiaa. ; cralr~ play rx±a4x sir colour ti'r ht made rtr+ '...e ertirtts upon .areal rttsfgtttrmrs of tilt Property, pnsv idtil <br />that t.:rn.kt ytu!1 n,v^ ilca'rc war €tutics ptiesr tat ~anp such .:,~. pen: :, specif}!ng reasartahle roust thttrtYar reiaeazf tc~, i.i+nder x <br />ar,torHFr ,•, t1NG t'rtrnGrtq. <br />