<br />84 -~~ G 11 '7~
<br />UNit'nRM C.OVP.NANTS. Dormwer and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1. Payment of Principal and Inlerrst. Burrower shalt promptly pay whin due the principal of and interest nn the
<br />utdeMednecs evidenced by the Nnte. prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and the prinerpal of and interest
<br />nn :my~ Future A.h~ances .scored by Ihrs lhed u( Trull.
<br />2 Rrndf fm TRan nrd Insurance. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by tinder, Horrower shall pRy
<br />In Lender an the day monthly instal(mrnis of prnncipal and interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in hdt.
<br />a sum Ihtrern "Funds"} equal to one-twelfth of ihr yearly taxes and assessments whrch may attain priority Duct this
<br />Ured of Trust, and ground reins oo ihr Prnptrty, sf aoy, plus nnc-Iwelfih of yearly prtmium inslallmrnts for hazard insurance.
<br />plus one-reset lth of yrarly premitnn installments for mortgage insurance, if any. ail as reasonably estimated initially and tram
<br />urrre ro umc by i.enrkr nn the basis of assesatnents and trills an<t reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />The Funds shall be herd in an mstitutinn the deposits or nceounts of which are insured nr guaranteed by a Ftderal ur
<br />crate agency pncluding Lender sf i~:nder is .uch an inxtitutionl. !.rndcr shall apply the Funds to pay said talcs. asstssmems.
<br />insurance premiums anti ground rents. Lrndtr may nut charge for sir holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said aceottnt
<br />.x verifying and rnmpihng said assessments and brill, unless Lender pays Borrower interest un the Funds and applicable #aw
<br />pcrmgs ! ruder ta snake curb a charge. Bttrrrrwcr and Ltndrr may ague sn writing at tht time cz{ txeeution of this
<br />Dtca! of Tnest that inrrrest on the Funds shah #c pasd to Bnrrnwcr, and unless such agrcrmant is made. nr applicablt law
<br />requires such tntcrest to be paid t.tndet shall nut tx: rrgtrrred uz pay Borrower any interest or earninRts un the Funds. L.rnder
<br />shat) glut to Borrower. §vrthout charge, an annual accrnrnfsng of the Funds showing credits anti debits to t}ie Funds and the
<br />purpose for which loch debst io the Ftmds was made. 'the Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured
<br />v tires Derd nt Trust.
<br />!f the smcnmt of the Fuszds held izy Lender. to*gdher wirfi the fuusre mnmhiy instalimems of Fiords payable poor to
<br />r#c due dates of taxes. asscssmrnss, ,nsuranrt premiums and ground rents, shat! exceed the amount requirtd ttr pay lard taxes.
<br />.+sxssmrnts, irauta4mr prrm+unes and ground reins as shry tail due, such rxress shall hr. at Borrnwrr's option, tither
<br />purmpity rapasd to Borrnwtr or s-rcdurd h= ktcrrmwrr nn ntttmhip utxtatirtrtnts of Femds, if the amormt s'xf the Funds
<br />#rtd #y i.rndrr shalt Rm hr suff'ttsent nt pav saxes, assessmcnM, insuranct premiums and ground rents as they falf dire.
<br />Berrc!wcr shall pay to Ltndtr any amount necessary an make :#p the drfirsrney Wuhan 10 days from the daft nntfcc is maiitd
<br />Fry Lrnder to Borrower requas}tttg payment therar#.
<br />Lrpon paYmrnt in full of aft sums xrcurcst hs rhss tarrti n} °F'nzs:, i ruder shall pnsntptfy refund to Borrnsvrr any Funds
<br />held by txndar tf snider paragraph IN tzrrrof ehe Prnptrty r. a+Id nr star Nro}+rrty :s nt#crw~rse acquirtd try lender. Lender
<br />sFtaii apply, nn later [Fran mxntdiatc;y punt hr nc~ talc nt ihr Prtmtny ur us acgrdx+t3cm br i~ndrr, any 'Funds htkl by
<br />I-roller at the urrtt of applteatn'rn as a credo against t#r sums srcutn#~by fh#a Duct of Trull.
<br />3, ,Applkatba of Paymrnts. tlntess appricatur :aw prnvn4ts cnhtrw~rse. alt paynttnts rccezved by L_endtr under the
<br />ti nee and paragraph t aril ? hcrrr>( shaft tM apphcd tsy ! ender first +n payment of attsni#nts pal at$c to I_rnder by Barrowrf
<br />under paragraph 2 harcof, t}rtn to rnterost paYafvlr nn tlrr pinta, stern w chi pr nxcrpaf of ihr Ncttt. acrd ihrn to interact and
<br />prrrsripai cur any Ftxtrue ;4dvartcrs-
<br />J. CkarRn; [.teas. Borrnwrr sha#s nay alt ;acts..#sse§.snxenzs .and ruble charges, fines and +treFSOS#tians attributab#t td
<br />the Property whictr may attazn a prinnty aver stxra t)trd 4,f 't'rust, and irasehcdd payments ar grouts! rents, if any, in tht
<br />manrrtr pruvxdtd under paragr xph 2 hrrrtrf car, #I rsos tsar.! s:r s,sch rnamxr. tsy tkxr nxwer maksng payment, when due. d}rutty
<br />to ttre paptr thrrcnt B<srrtswcr shall pn:uupriY #++rn:ch ro R rndcr all nxHrx'ts s+f amnnrzrs ds~ urzdef this paragraph, acrd in the
<br />e vtnt Btu rewrr strati make pagmrnl +t#rec r#p, tlar:aw rs sbafi pr4xrrptsy fxernssis r++ } ~etzdrr rtcrrpks rvi§knc rug such paymemx.
<br />t#nrrawer x#atf prizmplty d.-setrargr .xnY t+cn whxfl has {nr f,xrrry r, rr ih:s fkcd iff 1€Iisi, prov ulrt#. shat f#sterr+wcr shall rtW hr
<br />ragx,nred #n dn; #argr any sash inn s.x tswg .E, !#orruwrr .oast ,greet ,+. ,. nsrng s,r the payment of ihr nbirgthnn sesurtd by
<br />strz.N tern rn a manntr azceptatak t<x 1 .ndrr t,r ;teai6 :.r yr>=+d 1 reh contest sarsh i=rn hq, c+t SFeirnd totnrcrnttar of suet! fern tn.
<br />tr-a! ncrcdengs w-hsch 3 eazt !„ ;+rrvrnt #troc cnf,>tetmeni +Et Itrr tern ur taxxraturr err Liza Nrnparty cx soy }met theraszf,
<br />K {. Htrxard Insarsrnre~Her rawer chat: t.=cp :k rmrrn§rrrcnts rsov cs+it:sxy c=s htralttr erestetf nn fht F'toprrty insurtd
<br />again€t #ess by tilt. harards x~Fuded wunzn t#:r €s; ern ~ rs ernlezl covcra}145 a~ff sctch ct#Srr haaards' as t-ender [nay rrttatrr
<br />amt :n leech anarnz4efs and fnz s3n:h c=erzc is :ra } rn+.#srr neav +ryxi,rc. prx?vrrkd. Ih. t i.cna4tr s#.alf erect rrs}urrc eclat the antp#utt ref
<br />such rnvtraga recrtd shat amxwm of sus tr ate fr+a_xrvrd ;a pas +'sr sours sec##rcd hg Ihrs t]rcd of Trust
<br />The rnsa4ra#scr carrier pr vrduzg tht envu.an.r ahali ht , r,-r:sn by Ftarrrnvtr urkzrr.i t„ approx.>t by t rndcr: pritvedest
<br />[bat surfs apprt»~at ahatf not f,E uszeassenatzty w-uhfrcid .~tE pxrnaiurrzs nn +rtxurance }znhr€ts shall 13r paid in rha mantrar
<br />prnvnitd under paragaph'_ tzrrrof rzr, ,t ,,xrr pout ar ziht# rnanzmr, hs Avesnwcr msktng }saymcnt, wrtru dot. drrtetty to ihr
<br />irtsur.ttttr arxier.
<br />eft lnsurancc ptz#zt 4rs aeA rrrwwaia rl°:erzz.>s rhaif t-c set f~cxrm accr~f+tah#e 1t. t cnx4cr oral chat! reutarde a star'#tlard mr3ngGgt
<br />efaus~a in favor of and in l:+rm ncr;rpraft#r xx #.r:stfrr i.e;sdrr shalt bast r#c right fn hnfxt t#a pour srs and rrttr~wats tfitreo#.
<br />arxd t;,nrrnvrcr shaft praenps2y Cars nesir t.°o t-rn Scr -k3 zs+<sw;a; _xr+tn ere erac# a~#t rrstepex n€ ~;rsd yremiuzn<. }n Ihx event of Fr3sx.
<br />Borfuwar shall glut prompt next ctr ux atu^ rnsmrauee a azrsr .a n,t t emirs i.,rsdrr rzray make CX rzaf of tcxt+ of na-zr made prunxptty
<br />by t3arrowrf.
<br />i~ntC4x Ltrtdtr aYM# Bi:+Fi+-'WCS vxihri w-!YC i~`rr~ tit §§rt6 nY}~, ~r ltxl si4#kC (ExY lrC~y,+.$ ah41t S,t „'~pt1Cd {u [ritl7littt5n nP rtpalr of
<br />!hr Pr~triy danf aged, psi}YKt}`S,{ StN!* €rs€>f atntn ;nr (EpL3i.[ !§ cti nY()4mi~tiY !C3fef fit: .1nd 1tfC 4Ci tfr kly ist It#1i F76t5f of fftixL !5
<br />oat tt>Erttsy uxupaurss. tE ssa;~ti srxanraucn .n:~ re_pan ss nro13 ra:,auswn~utft ir~ttis e.r ;s she ua3rruy ct thn faced at T~r use would
<br />ter rmpaarrd, its[ rnzurafxc prr+s eesfs shall ht spg*L•rc} to ttxc solos urnscc-i by sties i.Frvd ci Irtcvt. rah ihr e5skexs. sf any, pa u7
<br />to iksrrurvar tf zhr Prcuxrty n ebantGxrtrst cry Ekwxowrr. 4x sf FFtirrowrr lasts ro re~+-~snd ttz Lcruter wnnsn 3t7 days fnsrn the
<br />date n~lrce I5 naadrd by t..cfldt[ tU Barrawtf fha{ tftr 'Fxsurancr SaJ rftr 4:ittf& in 6Ci!#r a itatni tar frrSftran§;a. tstntflts, t.rC2dQfi
<br />as antfimsxrd to xst#ac~r and apply th xnstrrasae iwe -[rods at t cneitrs c3Ffttnn treble to rrstaara-t+an nt repsrt oS rho Pro}strty
<br />nr to fha stems stctrrcd by ih4s heed of Trust
<br />tlntess t.tndtr anti Barrnwef c*tharwtsr ngrcr ;n wratrng, any ssw:fi app[#+:acurs+ us pr seeds to prsncapai s}sa}t not cxttnsF
<br />ar pustpont ihr dot dolt of she rtarnkr#y #nsiaF#rsaanrs trfrrrrct #n m paragraphs 1 azrd ? hereof cxr cftangt rha srrtixunt axi
<br />sib irtstai#mtnts- if andrr paragraph i B hrcrrstt leer €'iv+ptrty +v v._quutd fxy t tnsttr, afi right, is41t and naarrxt of fkrtxnwtr
<br />in and tsx any insunrtca poFxfr: oral to and so tint pnmrtds ttscrcc3; tasatung Frturx i#amagr isx fht Property prrnr to the salt
<br />ar acqutsidnn shat! mss to titWer to tfst totem o} ihr Burns srs:urrd try rho tktd al ~t'rust snttnrtfiattty error to such sate ar
<br />aCt}t1IfitlaA,
<br />d, Tnaersafbw end ;titakaleoaare at Properly, Ixttsehazlds. t'tasdonsiw#arnan Ptnonrd unit i)errlaptnems. Bnrrawrr
<br />shall 1CetP [tit Prtaptrty rn gutzd rrpatr sad shah not ccsrnrun ss sett z+r ptrrrtzp im}r•auz:rtn4 err atrteraxratiua of ihr Pretputy
<br />end shalt tompty watfi the pruvrssc3trs art soy least rt t#tu t3ead of T~ruxt +s an a icasetsr3Fd #t this f}red u! !'lust is nn a unit m a
<br />tondominiwn nr a pfanrud unit dtvefo}vntrtt, F3nrrawer sha## preform act of Banczwer's ab#igauans rntdtr the dtclarntinn
<br />ar covaaanu treatfn}s or gavem.nf the condotmurum sx ptan~rzad turf d¢vt#tspirtetit, the ny-laws arxd rcgu#auons of rha
<br />tontlaminison ar p}antuuf oust tttarh'rpmtnt. and conxtaueni documrnt_a_ tf a mixxdamrrtium ar pYannrd oust 4tevttapmem
<br />rsaitt is txecuttd by tiorrowtr arzd rreYZrttrd together wuh this feed of Trtaf. Ihr a:rxvrnams oral agrttrnents n! such rndcr
<br />shaft fee irstatporated into and abaci arsreru# arzd suppk4nestt the crrensnfs and agretmrnts of this tared nt T'ruet as sf t!te rrdrr
<br />seers a part harcaf.
<br />1. Praetpw at f,esder's SeturMy. Ft Borrower fasts to perform stet eovrnants and agrtemeeus tnmarxttd in tiers
<br />Died of 7n»t, tx if airy athon nr prtxxeding is tammetsctd whactt nsatersa#{y atttcts t.indtr's interest in the Property,
<br />tastuclsisF. bat tint hrrat«t to, trsssrxnt dsxnam, inscuvtney, r.•~e taltrrrcrnrnt, ar air-angements ea psactrdirsgs znvestwng a
<br />batsitrstpf s+r dtxeerlant, then titetkr at firaftr's vptsan, upon rsntur ire t#ortowtr, may make loth afp#ta#srarxcta. distotru such
<br />sums acrd fake loth attkar as Ea ntcessitry to i,enrltr's iraerast, irtrtittling, #zu! rest ttmitcd to, d#sbursemrm nt
<br />etsasanalr#e attexuay's ftxs end entry upon tY r~tYy to cooks rapaus !f iindrr iequutd mortgage Brat!toner as a
<br />t~alariifkon a# rnakatse the #qan sax°tsresf lay thzs t7ted of 'trust, Barrnwter shalt pay ihr prerrnums rtutaarrd to masnt-ain suck[
<br />saaaurante in efletti tas6iF such Grrre w t rcqurrament #ar stRh ssswrattct Irrmsnatts ice af_cnrdaoct with Burrnwrr's and
<br />t,attder'a wrfffen ajreeflntatf rte a statsk ties, Burrtwer xhai# pay rha arttuurxs of afi rrwartgage insurarzct }xeareeums rn the
<br />rnarstler prtrrtrt,ad under Para ph 2 hsrtaf.
<br />> aaRatnfu dklbstrttdby Lersder ptnsuaut to ihrs patagcap`d 7. with -nferes! fharron, sha#1 krttome sddttranai
<br />-at Harrrtrwar sa~rtrred by this f:?atsl a# 'frost, t,in#tu Bormwrr artd Lander agrrt to other runts et psymant, xuc}r
<br />anrsaattfs slsalb tKt ptty-abk ttpatf rsruitr frone Lender so Btasrnsrrr rtxtfatsting payrasent thtrra[, oral shat! liar dnterast Mrom rftr
<br />daFF it! sk~Eursnttstt# at tlfa rsta payahk from tlraa to dose nn outstanding prinerpal uruftr ihr Ns'ztt ustass payrr+enr tsf frNertst
<br />at arRC}s rank wuulti bt csasirary to Rpptttatak tar., is ur6+tiFt e. ens xsKh nr»suants shall brat .otrrtst at ctrl b#phrst raft
<br />patmaaxt4 omits apptirabte law. Nothirsx cuntaintxl to this paragraph ' xtsaN rcqurre t.tnder ro satcur any exptrrse ur take
<br />stty aiuou hrrrunrkr-.
<br />1!. lrrsyrtlw, C.tamfer may mak+r ar C~aait to bt rttattr resrsranatsit rrutits uprut ;araf rt?s}ztttetxsts of sha Artsptrsy, pea<~edrd
<br />tlsas L,A'ridet sftatt $t#rrtwsrr natitt prlur tzt any such trapartrun x}xCtty^+np rtasonahtt catrsa tharsfux st4arcd to t ender",
<br />4fifErtat Ira ttte Praaslr6s.
<br />