<br />~~ ",['~ i 7 t.! 1.1.4 0
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 2d, 1 RR
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That LaMae E. Stoltenberg and Marvin E. StOltenberg, each In
<br />her and his t7wi2 right alld. a5 spouse of each other, Mortgagor, whether one or more, io conaidention of the sum of
<br />Th_? LS,y 'T'ho~Hiitd_s~l...S4/~' 45Z==_.--- -~----_P -- - ____~~_~~~_
<br />-- ~` DOLLARS
<br />loaned to said mortgagor by Tlu Equitable Building and t,rrar, Assrrciatiw of Grand Island, Nebnaka, Mortgagee, upon 300 shares of stud[ of
<br />said ASS(I('IATION, CartsPtxtc No, L 24 ~g ~ , der hen:by grant, convey and mortgage unto rite said ASSOCIATION the folbwing
<br />described real estate, sittutcd in list! Counts, TIe nska:
<br />R tract of land cattprising a part of the south half of the Nortlnx>est quarter (S'~NW'~) of
<br />Section Five {5), Township Eleven (11) North, 12ange Eleven (11) West of the 6th P.M,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska, and tBOre particularly described as follows: First, to ascertain
<br />the point of beginning, start at file Northwest corner of said S~NW~I; thence running
<br />southerly along the iti~st line- of said Sk~VW# a distance of Thirty Ogle arrb Five Tenths
<br />(31.5) feet to the actual paint of beginning; thence deflecting left 90 06' 15" and
<br />runninge~sterly a distance of Fiw_ Httrtc'sed Fifty Four (554.0) feet; thence deflecting
<br />right 94 46' 15" and ruruli.ng southerly a distance of Throe Hundred Fifty five and
<br />Thirty Seven Htlndreciths (355.37) feet; thence deflecting right 910 03' 05" and
<br />running ncrttraester~y a distance of Four Hundred Eighteen (418.4) feet; thence
<br />deflecting right c38 56' 10" and rtu7nirg nortferly a distance of Ttaierlty Nine (29.0)
<br />feet; thence reflecting left 8$ 56' 20" and running northt+~sterly a distance of
<br />tine Hundred Thirty Six {136.G) feet to a point on the west line of said S~ti14V~; thence
<br />riutrting northerly along the west line of said SkP]W'~ a distantx of TI-azee Hundred
<br />Fifteen (315.40) feet to the RCT[JAL point of beginning.
<br />tagethar wuh aB the rerurtuma, hereditamrnets and ~ppurtwranecx therauntu lu+ongtag, including attached tltror wserings, a8 window srseestts,
<br />window shades, blinds, sirxm w+ndnws, awaut~x. heatrng, mr ~xrndrtiunmg, and piumbirtg and water cctuiprrunt and aceeasories thereto,puatps, stoves,
<br />refrigantors, xnd other isxtures and egmpment mrw ur +urcafter attached toot used in connection with said Taal estate-
<br />And wtuxaas f.hc card rrxx[gagar tras agreed and dacs +xmehy agree that the rnortgagcrr sltatl and will pay a8 taxes and as:mtrenfs levied of
<br />assessed upon said pramrszs and uptxe vhu ttxrttgage and .hc bond ucared therwby i?efare ttu same shall bacorrx delingt[ertt; ko famish approved
<br />msoratrce upon the huddiitgs on sxrd prenuses xri mti : rn the xum of 334 r (j(J0, 4() payable m said ASSOCIATION and to dalim to said
<br />ASSFx'lA"PION thr tx>licres for sxul rtuuranee. and trot .u com:nn ur pe:rsut any waste un at xbuui said premises;
<br />in ras; of default m the +xrkartnanee ut soy <y the tarots and conditions o7 t#tis ntorigage or the bond sectued hereby, the tttortg~gisttdull,
<br />on dema[rd, be entitled to rimrediat.• irrsvrssr[rn crt rha r:xrttgaged pramrars xnd the ttwrtgagor hereby assypts, tran~'en and leis Duet to the
<br />tncrrtgagec xli the rrnis, ravEtxues and rncxntu to he der,rxd from the tturtgagcd pratniscs during such torte as the rrtortgage frukbtedttessltaR;entrain
<br />u-npatd: and Cite trwrtgxttec sfralt have the pcrwar ru appoint any agetrt or agents a rosy desue for the pur'_wae of repahiog said protttixs atd:rentittg
<br />rite same and cxrllecting flee rents, rrveatus and mcama. and at tnay pay out ut said incunx aU expettsas of ropairittg saki premises and net%mry
<br />a+rmnissurtu~ amt esperrscs rnwrtad rn renting and rnartagxtg tiu sane and of en[+ecting rantatt tiurcFrom; the balantx rettuioing, sf any, to be
<br />applied tawarxl the discharge of card martY~ em3c#rrednc~: these ngans of the neoogagee tray he exCrCised at any dine dtuing the existence of such
<br />defauh, irraspcraKrve of any tcmPtrrarv wmver ui the same.
<br />Ttusr Presents, irerwe er, are uiwm the Cnrrdiixrn, "first rC the satd Mortgagar shall rrpay card bran un or before the mattuity of swirl slates by
<br />payment; pay rtwniWy to sans ASSCSC:I A"I"IL'N ,fi the ::urn ~pactfied m the Bond av-.~'trred Aarehy as interest and printipa) on seal Itran, on or before
<br />the Twentieth day of ea•cir and every ttrcrath, uxuil said kran rs folly Paid: pay ati axes slid xssas~srnents levied against Bahl prcotises and on this Mortgage
<br />sad the Bond sectrsad stretchy, bafnrr delnrquency. tutrvsh appnrvati insutartcc span the berddings thcrrxm to the awn of 330, 000.00 payable
<br />to said A'.iSCSC'IATttYV, rr pay to saxd ASSCk'tATI(5-~' upsxt dtmvrd ail ttturuy try n pard for snch texas, asxsstueots and ioaurance with intense a[
<br />the roaxintum Icga+ rate tiurt~<,n tram dau .+f payutcnt all cvl whrclz Mortgagor hrtaby agrees to pay permit no waste on said premises;kup and comply
<br />whit alt the agteertunts and <arndrtrc•rts ai the Hand for S 30 000 .40 :+ris ~xy grvvn by the said Morigagot to said ASSOCIATION, and wmply
<br />weth ail the regnuemcnts „i the t'onstttutiun and 8y-Izws o~ said ASSOC`lAl`ION; then thaa~e prcsan[s shall btrc[snte ntili and void, atherwise tiwy
<br />sha8 reerxain rtr €ut+ force xttd noel Ire iinu,:lerced at tiro upkron lid the satd :155tICiATtON after farlurc fat twee months to make any of said-
<br />paymeats or he th[er ttarnths m arrears m nuk.ntg said ntanthiy paytuenis, err to Jeep and Comply with fhs ag[cemants and eortditioas of said Bond;
<br />amt hlongagor agrees to have a reu~rvar atrpotntad firrihwtih en such loredoswe pr<rendingt.
<br />If there is any c3tartgc in uwm[,ship of the real estate rmrrtgagad herein, by sale err otherwise, then the mire remaining ittdebtedmu hereby
<br />aeattred stud. at iha option srf The Equitable Building and Loan Associaiiun of Grand Island, Nebraska, become immediaicly due and payable without
<br />further rurtux, attd the amerunt remaining due rutdar sated 9urnd, and any other bond for any additional advances tn~e thereunder, shall, from the
<br />data of exetcixe cd said optjtm, bees interest at the maxl[num legal nett, and this mortgagr may then be fnrecinsed to satisfy the amount due nn said
<br />bond, and any other irrmd tw~ addirianai advances, together with ail sums paid by said The Egtutabk 8uitdiag and Loan Astarention of Grand island,
<br />Nebraska for iuwtranec, texas and a~asnrcttis, and abstrrwting extartsion [#rarges, with utttrast thereon, f?om dace of payment at the maximum
<br />;egrti nee.
<br />As pxovniad m tfte hand aes:ured taetehy, whx+a ttus mrsrigage rernaitxs m efTact the anrrtgagee may hereafter advance additional suns to the
<br />tinkers of said Bond. that axwgrrs ru sueczssors m ntterrst, wir[elt surtrs shall be within the security of this rtxrrtgage the same as the funds originat)y
<br />sedutod thtreby, tlsc total arxnsrent crf Pru,erpal deb[ nut to exceed at any oxtte rata nrigiml amount of this mortgage.
<br />tArtad this -- ~ day of ~ . -" t. D., lv $~
<br />.4 ~t c ~, ,~` t ?
<br />'' ~ -...
<br />3d'ATE' Ukt Ati:;~i4A5KA. se.. ~ fht this r., der ai - ~- ., 19 ` ~' , be['ora nta,
<br />Ci?ttia7'Y' OIr l-iAA1a1. y
<br />tlsc utxdarsµgtreri, a Isltrlr[rY Public in amt fu[ aaW Cutmty, parsnnally caaw
<br />LtaMae ~. S~it~zsll~xrg axxl Martrin E. Stoltt~xlbeerg, each in itee and hi~,~ rig!^lt~Ya~ot~"ta yt~r to
<br />G~ eachh ~rttieFr
<br />etc. to.ire the :,ttaxt+~i ~ ~ rvl~sc sterna 9 affixeik to the strove uratrutrseut as itnrrigagot 5 and tl-Y'.y vemnlly
<br />aAfrtrcnrici}luac +Ix sASr: o.r.txi[ ter Ira wktattary act and deed.
<br />YF r t ~ t tic a~ r !, ant N.,tadzsl Brut dace ateMasaist.
<br />siutuy~'"u~l~e _. _ .
<br />rapt err - - - .
<br />