<br />'The grantor covenants and agmrs as follows
<br />a. Hr will prompt lr pu? the indrbtrdnr•vs rt idrnttai ha -nid promi*-ors nolr• at dre times and in the
<br />mamtrr therein pro? ided.
<br />b. He will pav all taxes, assessments, water rates, and other ~ovrrn rtaental or municipal charges, fines or
<br />impositions, for wtrirh pruviainn ha. not been made hereinbeG,rr, and will provtptlc deliver the o!ficial re-
<br />reiptstherefor to the Benrfiriarv.
<br />r- He will pav such expenses and fees a. ma. kae incurred i^ the protectimt and- maintenance of said
<br />propern~, including the fees of anc .n turner employed bs the Benrfirian~ (or the rolleetion of an r• or all uC the
<br />indebtedness berth. secured, of sorb rspenses and fees as mar hr incurred in anc foreclosure sale by the
<br />Treasure, or court procrrdings nr in area other litigatim+ or proceeding aflreting said properh•, surf attorneys'
<br />feva reasonable inenrmd in anc other war.
<br />d. The rights created by this convrcanre shall remain in full force and effect during any postponement
<br />or exterwion-afth'P'timt-of Ctie payapent uF the indebtedness evidenced by said note or any part thereof secured
<br />heSeby~ya etxt3z! s'..: ~::.a~-dem.a q,t~x~, •.
<br />e ~He will continouus7v m`niiiiain hazard insurance of such tr'pe ur types and in such amounts ae the
<br />Heneficiory may from time to time require, on the improvements now or hereafter on said property, and.wiB
<br />pas promptly when due anc premiums therefor. Ali insurance shall be carried in companies acceptable to
<br />Beneficiary and the polities and renewals thereof shalt be held by Beneficiary and have attached thereto loss
<br />payable clauses in favor of and i^ form acceptable ro the Beneficiary. In the event of loss, Grantor. will give.
<br />immediate notice in writing Rr Benefician~ and Beneficiary may make proof of loss if not made promptly bs
<br />Grantor, -end each insurance rompany nmcerned is heretic authorized and directed to make payment for such
<br />loss dirretly to Benc(iciary iustrad of to Grantor and Beurficiary jointly, and the insurance proceeds, or any
<br />part daereof. map hr applied he Renefician~ at its option Tither to the reduction of the indebtedness hereby
<br />-reared or to the restoratima or repair of the property damaged. in the event of a Trustee's sale or other
<br />transfer of title to said property i^ rxtin~uishment of the indebtedness secured hereby, all right, title, and
<br />interest of the I;nuuor in and to anc insurance pu6cies then in forte shag pass at the option of the Beneficiary
<br />j. 1[r will keep the -aid premises iu as rood order and t•ondition us then are now and will not commit or
<br />penult anv waste tbercuC, reasonable wear and tear excepted, and in the event of the failure of the.Grantor tti
<br />keep the buildings un >aid premises and those to he erected on said premises, or improvements -[heregrt, in
<br />good repair, the Benelitiarc gray make sucL repairs as in the Beneficiary's discretion it may deem necessary
<br />for the proper preservation thereof, and anv sumo paid .for such repairs shall bear interest from the dale of
<br />payment at the race specified iu the, note, shall be dos. and payable on demand and shall-be 1'u11y_xecnted. by
<br />this Deed of Trust.
<br />X. He will nut without the prior writtru consent of the Beneficiary voluntarily create oc permit to 6e
<br />treated against the property subject Ua this llee-d of 'f rust any lien or liens inferior or superior [o the liett;o(
<br />this Deed of Trust and further that he will keep and maintain the same free From rite claim of all persona
<br /><upplyiny; labor or materials whit-h will enter into the conatruytion of any and all;l?u51}lAq~~,.nllw-,bditfg_
<br />erected or to be erected on said premises.
<br />h. He will not rent or aseigrz.mty part aF [he rent.gf said property or demolish, remove, or substantially
<br />alter uuy 6uihling without the written consent of the. Beneficiary.,
<br />9. In the error the Grantor toils to pad any F'edrra), state, or local lax aeeessment, income- tax or outer lax lien,
<br />rhargr, fee, or other expenr charged u? the property hertunabove-described,iktn-$en~Soiary>is~ltet'ebs authoria~i ittl~.
<br />pas the same soft any sum so paid by the Beneficiary shall. be added:;to artd.become a part:oGthe=prin~pal antaugk(fr4•: -
<br />the indrbtrduess evidenced be said promissan ante. If the Grantor shall pay and discharge the indebtednesaeyideueed~
<br />by said prumissttrv note, amt shall pay such sums and shall discharge all ntxt?s-nod liens=surf he«.nos[e, face;-,and ex-
<br />penses of making, e-uCorting sari executing this lleed of Trust, then this peed -of+,T[ttst shall'be3uaacelydrajitd-
<br />surrrutlrrrtl.
<br />lll_ The Graznox covenants that ha is lawfully seized and pnsscssed oC and fray the right ttt aella,Rd c(!nvewr~.~rid.
<br />property; that [Ire same is free from all encuntbrantes except us herrinuhuve recited; anti-,that 1>e heceby.6intla;ltitlt:,
<br />self and his successors in interest to warrant and defend. the title aforesaid thereto and. every part.tbereof agau(rtthe.
<br />lawful claini~ of all peraorra whomsoever.
<br />tl. For laetter security of the indebtedness hereby seturoed the Gr:urtur, upon-the request oPthe BeiteflolHry'i it's
<br />stn-crn*ors ur assigns, ,hall execute and deliver a supplemental mori;;age or mortgages covering any additions, im-
<br />pnwetnents, or betterments made to the property hereinabove described surf a^ property acquired after the date
<br />hereof ~alltn form satisfactory to Grantee). Furthermore, should Grantor tail to rare an_y defmitlt in the~pa~'r»tirft~
<br />of a prior cr inferior eneunabrancr aw the property described by this instrunnmt, Grantor hreahy a,¢rees to permit
<br />Benrfici>kry to rare vueh default, but Brnrficiarc ie not nfrli~,ated to du so; surf sorb adrauca>s shall become part of
<br />the indehtr+lness erotur,<I by this imtruntrnt, ett.bject tr? the name arenas and conditions.
<br />1~. Chat aB awrtrde of damages in eortrw•cti+an-with any cuudemnatfon for pttltlic uao of-or injury to any o[ sai(1
<br />prtrlat„rty arts ~herrby arvrigrted anti >Ehuh !ar paid to.Bone6aiary, w•ho stay upplx the aatne to pawmetat of the installt*tenta
<br />Ltet due madrr said ,nose and the Benefaciary is hr„tabu ttut{xrrizrai, itt thrv narue of the frantor. to ttxerute and deliver
<br />•alid as°ynttturtrr•n thereat and to atpl?raI tenor an? rurh awarti.
<br />