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TRUST DEED 84 -~' ~) (~ ~ $ 4 I <br />16th February 84 <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, made and entered into this-__.____day of --_ ___ _ -.___ _-_~__ , 19_ <br />Gary E. Brown and Ruby A. Brown <br />by and between ttaA-iiaa~-an8~'WiPe`_. _-..__________._ , Trustor, and Fira~~ttgr~can._.Tit n +ran ,Trustee, <br />Company <br />and - Securltv_P~slf,ic__~inance S~1Cporatia~---------_-_-----__----_--__ __-._----_- Beneficiary. <br />WITNESSETH: That the Trustor do by these preaems grant, bargain and sell, convey and confirm with Power of Sale <br />unto the Trustee the following described Real Estate including all buildings, improvements, and fixtures of every kind now or <br />hereafter erected or placed nn [he real estate, sintated in _ ___-__Hall- _____ __ __ _ _ County, in the State of Nebraska: <br />Property known as Lot 214 and 215, in Behttont, An Addition to the City of Grand <br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Piled for Record ____ at .___..__ __.M. <br />in Book__ of <br />Page <br />and possession of said przmtsr, now delivered umo ,aid Truster; <br />TO HAVE: AND TO HOLD the same, with all rghss, prtroleges. and appurtenances thereto belonging unto ilia Trustee, <br />his executors, administrators, heirs, and assigns I+rreErr. And the Trustor hereby expressly waives, releases., and relinquishes <br />unto the Trustee alt right, tltte, cfaun, Interest, benefit. and estate whatever. in and to the above-described premises and each <br />and every part thereof, .+hicfi Is given o~ or rrsuit. ;rom ai! laws ..r the Starr of tiebraska pertaining to the exemption of <br />homestead. And the Trusror cuvenam. w;~h the tr ^ure that he veal for rvet ~+arrant and defend the fine fo the same against the <br />lawful claims of all persons wh+~mx}ever <br />IN TRGST HU1VE1"ER, for the fuitnwmg itrs,:rihed purposes: \V'HER€AS, the Trustor did on this date execute a <br />Promrssury Natr evidencing e loan for the princrpa( arnuunt of X4695..,35._._.._.__.___.____~._____.._ and interest Chereon <br />according to the trrma of road Promissory Notr: ,aid Promissory Note being pay.thle in rnunthly installments at such place as <br />the Beneficiary may designate in venting teom rime to tune. Notwithstanding any provision contained herein ar in said <br />Promissory Note w the cnntran. if net suvnrr patd. all sums due and owing tinder the terms of said Promissory Note shall be <br />paid on or before _______ _-__~ebxuary._22._19.9.4....__ ..._.. <br />It is agreed by and hrrwrrn the na;ties hrre~o that until t~iing of Nonce of Uefauit, the T'rusfar shall: fl) pay all prrstnt <br />and future taxes and assrssmenu, general and ,penal, again>t said pr~~prny before the same becomes delinquent or actionable; <br />(21 keep all improvements ctectect un tnc land insured as may be teyuired from art}e to time by beneficiary against loss by fire <br />and other hazards, caniahirs :end cum;ngencres, m ,ucH amount, and fur such prnods as are reasonable and may be required <br />by benefinary, and ro keep all palsors ut w~h insurance ui force ur effect upon the property herein described constantly <br />assigned and drlirerrd to benesac;ary. i3) pay and ,~}ntpiy with a!I of the frrrns and conditions of any lien, claim or <br />indebtedness that may hr senun to or t;}kr prccadrnce co th» trust Decd as ,con as any such payment on such {ten, claim or <br />indebtedness shaft become due; and upon failure of Truuot uw keep any ,aid agreements, beneficiary may pay such tax, pay for <br />such insurance or pay of f such liens or cfmm., err i:tdrbtedness as the case may be, and flit money so expended together, thereon <br />as provided by the terms of fire atorrn}enuonrd Promissory No[e, shall be secured by this 'Crust Deed, and the'Trustar agrees <br />to repay the same upon demand, and upon torture to do so the balance of the anachrd note shall become immediately due and <br />payable at the option oi' the beneficiary; (3) spent really confer upon the l trustee the power of sate as provided in Nebraska law; <br />(5) retain possession of ti±e pretutses and collect the rents and revenue, therefrom. <br />upon payment u( all the <umt >rcurrd by Ihis fru,t Derd, the Beneficiary strati reyurst the Trustee to rrcanvey the <br />property and shalt surrrndrr this Trust Decd and ;dl notes r. ideneing ~ndehtedness secured by this Trust Deed to [he Trustor. <br />Trustee shat! reronvey tYsc property wuhuut warrams to the person ur prnuns iegatly enuded thereto; but if default be made in <br />the payment of satd note or any part thereof or ant oI the interrsi thereon when dtrr or In the faithful peribrtuane-e of any or <br />wither of said arrrrmrnts as aforesaid, ±hen tttr shr,fr et said note shat! ixeume due and be paid a. hrremaftrr provided, and <br />tEtis deed shalt resnaia in force, the l roster or hl. anorney mar proceed t.r sell the pruprrty in us entirety or m parcels at the <br />option oC the Trustee hereu}brfura drsctitxd at public aucnua, to the hrghrst fodder, for res;^.- Howr}er, the power of safe <br />herein con€erred upon the Truster ,hall nut br cserticrd until i i) the f roster .hall i,ra Iifr far record, m the ufhre of the <br />feIllKief n( deed; eaf 2aih is 0311 t}IV whrrrvn the frnel ante rte .. rrtrr nnrl .+ r~'rl rh~'rrin i~ ~ilnaie'tt a nnil.`v ,rr eiwfa„ir <br />idenirrytttg fire TCllst{s° t''Y sta Frng 1', tyr n$mC) t?t the Tr'Ur1lOC and ilafb}C1 tors Cl nrati4d gltitflk. tHC hol)i( and page wt}rrr ttlr )ame it <br />rt~orded, a descrtpt,ctn tit it,r t:u,t pre~per;>~, and ~untaining a statement That a preach w an abHgatioty ibr whreh the trust <br />property was conveyed as security Has c~.unrd, us;d setting forth Lire nature of x:~h breach and of hu election to scl! ur cause <br />to be sold such propert} !€+ sateaf4 the ubhgaa:on; and t'_r after nc~ lapse of nvt Its, tt:art rtne monitt, t`}e Frustrr stiali give <br />noriaeof sale asprovxi~i by Nebraska law. Alice nuu:e of detach sod [agar of nut le^„ then uttr mun[tr. the trustee shah give <br />aT~fiter. noricr of t#e time attd piaer of sak partaculariy drkr ft+tr!g the ptapetty to hr ,uEd hr m;h7fcauon .rt sash notti€~. at Ira<t <br />live't3ax~s, i9ru'C a wrxk fear i'rtie ct}n~cutisa wrtAs. the last Iwhlicafion to tee at fan-st )r) days but not ^uxe than ?t; days pr,ax to <br />tP~saEe, m unity nrwst7aper having a general wtrentatron ,u roc}7 EuUmy ~n wht£h the pioprzt.. i:> b, x~9d. +u part thereof, <br />cv siruatrd. !,tpirn ,ucfi ;safe, the I rustic ;ha$l ; wc•c u4c anti :tells ei a decd rri sorer ry an<< :+I She` pl +rprrv ,aid zr t1n- pu;, h,t,ct qtr <br />pttrslxasery th[tec.Y at}SI any +tairm~cn r±; set oral of tart ,n 2u<h Jcr6' In rsiata rr~ ,i, th,_ <rst ~- . ~r+, ihc~ ptrw c~i , , ,,ur •en+; ,ai, ,i, <br />the ~rrc~tert;r ,fie-9crt~•d terra, ,nst::;#rng ru,.tafs an:: -I r+a:g sop nui,ny,. V ir,,,rtai vv,- . - .,•tJ i er,_,t, E,rt,f, -,~ arc ,.,,=„c ._~ <br />ts~faU~, ar?y r i+tt`$~' Sod !hc gr„trb xa.-3=. .cnef } kntS13~ rr. r -; ,._e =+' -a1c. _,a~ ~: ~ -+ndu., - s .. e.!d f ~ ., .'.a' .ai~...,ir ..~... <br />p -t5s '~csr e c..#€.~r s>. ~.+.e,.1~ ~a'+f`~zusnc'~ cv sS ~s€~tyrssr i#r~.,-ev<a ,;, ,.u--, ~. ,. t~. = .lv~ ;=.~,.. i r. ~ a. -~ .....a h, a.~. r, ~. <br />C '~fd?t' r~H3 >~..lruda. 4..4.: t t+i ~ ..-,--c as`a -hail ,.{4_ r.€te ., , =. . ., -. _,-_ .. . - r...i ~, . -~ ~- <br />rae~.rssr €:t~f€3tAa RS. <br />