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"+~~"" Nebraska Public Power District, HA-16-355 <br />EASEMENT FOR ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINES <br />IINO W AIJ, MFN BY T{Lt((ESE PRFSr:NTS~ 81~ - f/ ~ ~ 0 76 4 <br />That _V Q O 7.~ _~_~~.tL~r.-~i-.rt-u_=~ r . ~`1 eU ~e L and <br />[If Grant is not married, add words "an unmarried ) <br />-- - ---.-'-- --- ----------- ctf - -~--'---~^ /~ a L L County. <br />oa <br />Nebraska, in consideration of 5 _L-_.__ , receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, end the further payment of a sum W make tofal paymentof t_for <br />5 pales and.___2 _-anchors and other neceesaryequipment when set on the folinwingdeecribedproperty, do(ea)herebygrantmdcoaveyuntoths <br />Nebraska Pubhe Aower District thereinafter called "District"}, ere (theirs lessees, successors and aseigm, the pemtanent right, privRege, end eaeunenlotngh4 <br />of-way [o wnstrurt, aperete. nunntein, inspect, repair, remove, alter, relocate sad r~ecnnewct its electric trensmisainn lines, Including all necesssy pohr, <br />wires, RuYe and other equipment used in connection therewith, along s route described herein. The waterline oftheelectric traneroieeienline, shall heestahiished- <br />bythe actual location of the electric eransmissinn line as originally constructed on said premixe. The aptnoximate location and routeo[thesubjecttranamiseion <br />line is described ae follows: <br />Five (5} poles placed along the centerline of the electric transmission line to be located over, upon, and <br />across a portion of the Snu theast Quatter of the Southeast Quarter (SEA SE's) of Section Thirty {30)r Township <br />Twelve (12} Nor[h, Range Eleven (ill West of the 5th P.M, in Na 7.1 County, Nebraska, said electric transmission <br />Line is described as follows: Entering the property on the north line of said SE% of the SE'k-1 £C. west of the <br />west right-of-way line of a road along the east line of said Section; thence southerly parallel with and-1 ft. <br />west of the west righ[-of-way Iine of said road to a point 1 ft. north of the north right-of-way line of a road <br />along the south line of said Section; thence eas [erly at a deflection angle to the left, leaving the property or <br />the east Iine 34 ft, north of the southeast corner of said SE~i of the SEIt. <br />And also: <br />(Me (;.) anchor to be located approximate Ly 34 ft. west of the west rightrof-way line of a road along the east <br />line of said Section and I ft. north of the north right-of-way line of a road along the south line of said <br />Section. <br />And also: <br />One (1) anchor to be located approximately 41 ft. west of the west right-of-way line of a road along the east <br />line of said Sec[inn and 1 fr.. north of the north right-of-way line of a road along the south line of said <br />Section. <br />The Uistnet shall, wherever reaeonahly poaatble. utrlize public right~nfwav ut survey, ronatmet, maintain, inspect. remove, niter, relocate or reconstruct the <br />District's eleetnc cranem+asson :mss or env asaucrat d eslu+pmem. <br />The district shall also have theright at any time w trim or remove such to and underbrush ae may in any way endanger orinterfere with theeafeconetruction, <br />operation, maintentmce, alteration ur recronacructiun of its vanamiasiun !fines and equipment used in wnnecaon theeiwith, including but oat limitedb topping <br />moving any trees whirl+ in tatting w raid wme within ftReen I15j feet uI the neatest electric line conducwr. All refuse from such tree uutting or rimming shall <br />be burned or removed by the [kntnct, and the Ikenict shall have the right to wntrol by chemicals all weeds, trees, and brush alanR, ediawnt to and under the <br />elenttic transmission line if said right rrl' way is not being utilized for cultivated crops. <br />The District agrees w pay the Granwr nr [.eseee. as tttetr interests may ttppaaT, for any damago w personal property, tencee, livestock, and to growing crops <br />caused by the survey and nrytinal wnstrur:ncn of said tine F`inai pnymunt shall be made nn or be-fnre flu days aRer completion of the wnetrucdon elated herein. <br />The DietricY agrees w pay the Grantor or 4.snee. as their mwreats may appear, Cor any rlnmage to }teraonal property, fences, livestock, and w growing crape <br />uceu*ring after the initial construction and resulting liom the survey. nlternuun, rnnintvnancr, inatreciian, repair, removal, alteration, relocation and rn;on• <br />etructivn of the District's eletuic tranemteaion linos. It is Curther agreed that all claims Cor such dumagen moat be submitted w the District in writivg within <br />90 days of such ocrurrenw; otherwise, it is agreed that said clean fur demagaa shill have been waived. <br />The Diatnet agrees w take all reaaunable steps w raswre, ua Heady tta puunrbie to the condition it was m prior W wnenrsction, all land which is damaged ae a <br />recall of said Gunn-tructlon- <br />The Grenwr may cultivate, use. and enjoy the land n1onK and adjacent w the ele+~tric nansmiasicn line provided tbatauch use shall not endanger or he a hazard <br />to or interfere with the survey, maxtrucUOn, rtsvnatmction, repair, maintenance, inspection, operation, alteration, relucnNon mid removal of Ghe Distriet'a <br />electric trastsmieston lines. No buildbtga, atructurae, hay ar straw slacks shall be parmi[ted underneath ur immediauly adjacent W the electric transmission line <br />exwpt by express written permiaetun frmn the tAs[ritt. <br />The District agrees that altau}d swd right-uf-way nu4 ba ueod for the purprrem herrm stated, or should any tranamieaiun linersmatructed hereunder ba removed <br />and not replawd by another transmiaaion Tina, for n period of five yaam, tine right-of way and easement hereby secured shall then cease and temtinate, and this <br />instrument shall bs of no further fu ~ and eflect. <br />The underayCned ngreua and repseaenta that he has read and undera[nnda the foregoing and that lido inatruotent eonmina ail agreements and anderetendinge <br />between the paellas and the undersigned has nut relied upm any promis •a, mducamenta, wvannnta, oral ataWmenta, or agraemanta ui ntry hind or nawre which <br />are not expressly set farkh harem. <br />Signed the _~..~ day of _.. _ J ~L..:A.D.. ;^.1 .cL7. <br />ShiNATti Rb: ::UCI9L SY:CI'Hl'lY ffiGNA"Pt1HE S[1CLAL SECDRITY <br />r ti U MISER h'lf MAK,H <br />r ~- -------__. .-- - -------- --- - <br />STATE OF NE.BH.h41iA / ~ ~_ gEfltW gsiM+f-Stns M seMelh <br />G:)l1NrY AP.~__._._..----,L~.~".-.L~.--.------ I MtLiQN W. LUEKE <br />Ml flbt.71985 <br />Ott t~s ,...._._....~~_.-_.~-day of _..._-. _ the underatgntal, a Notary l'ublrt <br />;~ /J ~T / n <br />to arMi for ttliid G:ount; seal tate_ pttraonully xppr-.r.s3 _.-_-:Lttay.. -~^' !; _Qa.~~ .~L12.!1~c~Y~1~,~=.-~~.. <br />__..~..____._.__ _._...~._.___.,~__.___-. __.....__.,~_ __ __.____r-~~_______._ ___-____._t~_ __,__1____.-.~.._.______ <br />to mu krtnrrn to he the td ,t;t.,l pereontsl wlw signed the tmgatng +nstrurnent as Graawr and watt, arkoowEe;lKtsi uu+ exevv+nwt therm[ to be <br />- .,,. vnlugtery act and dead fur [tut Purposes tltarean axprtxmed- <br />WiR'N#* my brad sad nularud attal the dote okay writtest :} <br />_.-__. _. <br />My Ctsatmitur:ttn oxtareat ,us t3ttr _,.~ _,,.~lay ,rf _.L ~~.5t__. _._ [.i ;1~.. .... _..... ,,..L1~'~-¢`-¢`}~ ..-.4i.'._._...rid~ `t'~^.`~.~-__- <br />tict;tr,- Fa3th< <br />