<br />84 ..--~i Cr 074 0
<br />Tklf$f~BDbPTRilSTisoudethle 8th- day of Fehrtiaj~,Y
<br />d9~., ~enlt!(eTrustot,' Rf18ERT L. SERRX RND. ELTZ~$ETH BERRY h ~Ghan.i. anti ~~.ifa
<br />(~"~*~*"). AREND R._9AACK. attorne,~
<br />(~ ••Truu«•'), aad the Bey.- NOAAE>FfAEl1AL;.SAVINOi-i, LOAN AifOCfA7JON OF OIIANQ I,4LRT1D. ME
<br />BORAUeyER; itceotniderationof t}ie irdebtedness herein recited aM-the trusrherein created: irrevocabiypaMS attdconveys W:Trus[te;
<br />irtttttusniitlt'power of sde, Ofefo)lowins described property -osated in the Countq of HAI t ,
<br />State ofNi#aaka:
<br />whicb=hastheaddres:of 2409 Riverside Drive Grand Island
<br />tsrlt~er) -cfTrj
<br />Nstrraska 6991 maein "Property Addreaa");
<br />(STATE ~ZtP t~UE)
<br />'YOOE!'F~It,witb_aU the itopmremmts, rww or herafter eraxed:.on the PrpyertY. and all psemenu. tit;htts. appgrteoutca,:tentf
<br />(tabiaa,, bPweyato-the.riBhta and autbotities ~ivee herein to•Lender to collect. aod;appiy eu¢h rePUl): roytdtiesv rrritteral; oil and,gs ryha;attd
<br />profits, water, waurti~hu, and water stock. and all Fixttaes aow or hernfter attached.-to theptaPettY. all of which. ipcludios feplMxmmtt atrt
<br />additions. tltaeto: shall be deeated:to beaod.resaip.; part,of the iutipeny,cavered:bY thie Dted:of Trust;:attd all of the-NNea<tsitt~„to~ethea~--with-
<br />taid..praperty (or the laeehoid~.aaate U Wir;'.Qsed.of Trust. is.on a kasehPid) ate. htreiP referred to as ~ "Property";
<br />TO SECURE to lcoda(ajtherepytoeatoftbeiodebtedtmtaPVidencedbYsBorrower'tnotedated, Februax~d, T994
<br />ONE HUNDREp THOUSAND AND NO IOO-- ---- --_-__
<br />(herein "Nee"), in the Princ+wl,anun€of ~,. --- ~oWrts
<br />-wiW interest. thereon. aondmt ~a.sttoathly~imtallsaamaof priacipa{:and interests-)vltb the: W Wtce of thcitMe4tvdnpe. if not eooner paid„due.
<br />erd~yeble~, f+#arch l 2014 ;thapymmto[aLotlter;tttsa,
<br />witb. interet tMreaa, adva9ced.io aorordance herewith to-protect the security of this fhed~of Trust; turd the performattoe of the: troyenantattnd~
<br />a>¢e~ou of Borrower haeit[:cgP[:ined;;ttnd (bj tlro;rsprYmcnt Pf any,future advances, with intereat,thereoa; made ta. Hortower by Lender
<br />pursttaat tP ParairaPh 21 6ereoffbterein "1?Pture.Advaxeas")..
<br />Borrower oowaou tiW Borrowac L LwYutiy sited Pf,tite estrte hereby cPnyayed aced Aar the ri`ht to Rant and sonYeY the: Propw ty,
<br />that. the Ptopeety is uttmcumhered, atd that. Borrower will warrant and defend; 84tasllY rite title-to,tbe-Progeny a~aiott ep cieiou-aod
<br />dr~aods..wbjxt to eery declaraliau, catmtgPta~Pr,reuricuoas listed rn a schpluk:of s>sceptiont to coyera/c:in-_any utk--iruucaoor;po4cy
<br />irrKttioi{ Lertdes's imeraat in the Property. -
<br />lJNlFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender rbveoant and adne u frdbwst:
<br />1. rrggtotof irlndpistdlaaeteal.. Borrower rltali aanatY PaY wbapdue.the;prittcipai>ofandirttaatnn:theirtdebudueas evidetrced
<br />by tla Note. ptet>•yment and late charyet w pro.~ida1 in the Note. atd the pritteipttl of atd ineerht Pn any FatureAdyanGrftsacured bYthis Deed
<br />of TYraet.
<br />2. Ihsdsfae Tttaee W lartanra. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by,Leadrx,:~r±ower fbal4 wy w Lettder.oa the day
<br />raMtty. uYaaYSaata of priadpal aced iratreet errs paYataaa under. the Note. until the Neat u. paid in.full,.:a sum (derdp: "Ptaada"j aqua! ta otte-.
<br />nreiNt of tks yearly taaw and asanamu which troy attain priority aver this Dead of Ttwt, arlddtouud[enu ere the Progeny, it attY,.pbsaortr
<br />tweiJiYOf YMr1ir.Pteoinm ioetaYraeoufor harard ineaaraoae, plw oea.twelft6 of yearly aemium tnstailaseatafar tnoryye insuraoge,,Tf tsy, aU
<br />tw nasotsabb_gggapad ingiallyatd free. use tP urae by Lender oa the basis o[ asaeasetews and biW and rcasooabk estimates thereof.
<br />fM Ftattit ThaU br held iu an itwitntioe tit depoait- or auwou of whkh ue ituured Pr ~tataWaad by a Federal a state agattcy (irrCttditsl
<br />I,esder i(.Lersrter usvM;h: ao..irutituuoa), Leat{a shall apply the Fundr to PaY sad tasea, attapweats. ioeurantya_Premiuma and-ltPUtttl.teats..
<br />Lender ray' trot cMarde farso hPldinaaadappiYiot; thrFlrods, aeYYr+W said. aarount or ~uifjvgpand. sotnpiligs said asswtsattsand:blBe,
<br />sdea Lwda pays llarawa. ituertrsan.rhe i~ u.0 appikabk Irv. pnuuts Lenderto rrtaltp
<br />wlcit a.chsxaa..Bonro.er wdLardgr roaY attee ut
<br />vrritirtRat tbt tuns at eaeeution ofthis Oasd of Truce that intasat ua the } urtds shall be,ped tP:~ta'rows; aad~~tutllga.,tt~teyreautatt is made-ot
<br />