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<br /> <br />lriS~ <br />~~_-_~jth___~-_,~fOrl_g~,~ _~tpon _d~~~nd. the !\tf_tlrtg~.+t_?~_~_~~Y <br />~'M-,'ta"eo;_"'''r'.nJilla. eba<jf"" requinod l"''''''"",",'' <br /> <br />Th<- M""tp"Qr' "lil_.that . tOOril' ,hall ala<> b<> ~~, Ii' .'oob' monthly p"l'l/>ilnl."r <br />under an. iUllduut -~jma:h:n:l hy t,ht_~ -M<:iri.gagi'.e t.n ~ lndf:kient it) ~nab1(~ th{" \fodgag.N'i- to pay-. <br />p~~~ (nl_ ~llY,h~~_rat't('_'f." f~JJ.fCY (lclive~.t{f__U'u:~_~~ort_ga~ee Any d~tid.-.'iJey h(H~au~_yf thR in$1!~(!ie~_--{!f..~~_\t~t.". <br />""",,,,,,mdJ"'" (nrtJjwifb Ikp..,.lte<l by 1/W'M"rti<'''''''' with <h~ ~f"rt)("_"""" d<omani!:"y.t""M<t~.....,A;':Y<lk <br />~tq'ntph &haU t~ dll4~rtHKi -a d~auit m -tm._ p~yl'Jlt'ot 01 jlVIHta~":C premiums,-!t. the ptJlicy- or'pcltci~-'?~tM: ~t~ :~'~<:~:;~-: <br />OWfteo't. _Q-f (iU risk_ J-)(Mh-ie",__ .ftfi(1 the "!H1'PO,,,.ttR art. if~'1lufficU:H}t h. P-llY thf> .'lOtin- pr-t:'ffirUm, Hw ~tortgag-e,@ may- -:l'lppf.Y,--__th~.,:-~:,io- <br />pay pNmti~ l.-'in"-rn ~ i$lm~-:hy t:h.i,$ f*~rt~ai1~T <br /> <br />Paymen:b ~1f' br dw ~.fnt't~g_n.r lHj:l~pr ~ht' ~'-Vf' r4:t_TiOtf[mph~ ma? fit tt-,t< nptt\in -f;! th~ .:\for-t~ageil>^~~ _-hcldthy ii~~ <br />emmnl~i;@';(l wit_h ~'J-Uw"r ""~li"h ({.Huh H" .~c;; ..W-fl. fnp"i!< f'H thp p-a,r'mt""nt c,f ~U-d1 ~t..r:'~. -tm.! untIl ~1 appli~d, $t)('h paym~ntif are,J.~~- <br />pl~ ~ ~"-u.."t). lor- ttw iJ-tH~ld t:-...lhm~i" .,! thf" fn<[}ri).~al(V" if1_,1~ht-f",hw~~~ <br /> <br />T-o ~H'f)l;'_ute', ijf;'-hvN ~il, ,'!nd l'1:j-$ml-1ta~ fnr th-f' !-~;!:'I,,'fH .if ~h-\"- MM'htiit~.'"''' (hHjP-~ t}~')o_ hf('>, ill thiS- m:()rtga~~ t)'riginal-_'pOhdt':~-and <br />n~ dw-~. ~hv..--."~t.} $1 h-m~t t-"'n d-a"'ll!< hot--1'HN~ ttw l"'ltp,rJt~"n ,~r :>in\" "~)rh p{-;.hnt'~, i0:9-Uf"irn( ag,3inst-fi-re, and '''Jthe-('--jt_i$umbh;~.', <br />h...~--w~ ..-___~-..$ol-..;__ aM i^'.......hht.:"".........1- _ th..,.. ~fnl't~~'V l'r"a;v t'..~ni..p in -,~:1'1 ;'i~o-n-nt t'!<iu31 t.o tlle i~~- ~,l':ed: 'by-.jbil <br />Mn-rlg~;- l'tM in Om\l.i-a-iU-&'" W::'f""i."f"uht,.. U-~, \-ti..r-q.;:a~'jb--!",. ~~ ;!h k",,, p.:liY-:lhlt' d.auw in ("""':0-1 .~,f and in ft"irm- m~ab~ to th~- ~tortg$'" <br />~_ jn tM -~Y6ti:- an,., )~~n.'-y t~;, nvt f-i~floli'-'W"t'ti -Nt ",'I' t~fHtk' tn, i'L,w:-< d :L.., t';!o:Jura(~im t.iw :~,c1ol't~ag~ Util')- vro(:-\U"~-lmij,U1'8n~ on ,the- <br />lmpr~-1t~, P-.Y- tl~ l-H'..'m:han thlf;'ri'fq-t iHW:t "tKh ~1;nn "h.,.ll l,,"'\__"f:rh" _m1rof'dt3t~"h' "!" and paYAble wifh' int~_re'1f:t -:at tht< nn.e- set <br />(('Inh iN did ffO't.~_ nUH{ Pi'-i-t! -iHlcl ,,-haH ~,",' "'-":-...._'l..l-n'f! th" t,h~,;, I:;~,rt~'~in-' F'1~.l:Uh' 'At th--j'" ~~!tr1 ",{ trw -!\tQrtg3,or to' fu.rnil!h ~och- f('O-ewah;_ <br />M Are h~u n'!'q-uU''ft1.:i H f-ltdHt~. ~" ~~~y :$.t~~~ .~tHn-ii i_t-<i>p'HW.~~d b-r"uH,J">f ",.h~lj. ,i.~ n-~f' ophon uf th~~ ;\1';:lMK~.ff^ ,~1)MtH-u.~ .a delanlt <br />U~f' ~ht- t",:tfn~ ~)f thl"- ,nHni;-atr rh", .t.---h"-'f'f';' ,,,! .~t,d: ';"'~'IH w,. ",!,.:;iH j~->; t,hi" "~'ii'-.H "f -:k--f30h, ~'un~tH:_Ht:('< an a~__~il;HHn4l'n( nf- tht!- un, <br /> <br />tfarned fX~'-Qm <br /> <br />^--"y ~\iml'; 1';;".,.-.""."T'] }'.." ,t,~ \~,.;n~~lj{-f"'f' <br />Ahd avvl~i V...tilr~rl ~h"" p;J_y_rn~Jl~ ,,{ ~h~' .t,..hf ;\",'~d,," <br />pjirt 'r-ilUiY t* -jnuU i">'!-'r:f t,_, th-f< ;~hJ-f'j#."a~;L,of' l;, t'.., v...."'j ii'-' <br />"atlm- i-mflXJlM" (,'r obj:Ki ",""lt1<f~'"tn_n: f'} !h<!' \-1.~rtr.ff~~"'" <br />by ~~\ff ~\X$ p4)'M-f'nt- 4"'"'f'f t,~:>. ~-,t...ot~t' <br /> <br /> <br />'-'f ,:,~nH~~ q~-'''H1'-d ,"1;,olm~t mft~ hot:- r,*:o-Httnt'd hy thf.. ~tor-t~ <br />In "<!l-lt~l~ hf th-f' \t-fu:'tiI4)Ct~. imeh ~um~ eith("'r- wholly (it. in <br />f"'r~H ""de; ~4.:'1;-dm~" cr ft, i:;;,H!d n~W bu!_h:hntJl:1i. in l~it pi&:-eo or f(~r-_,.ny <br />.... :th ,ut _'ltl,"('ht,<j(. ~h{" Lt"!'l ,,__'f" tht> fn(lrtllt~ f~'tfr fhf'- turl .ntH-t,mt ~'1"Urt...d he",-. <br /> <br /> <br />r-u ),J4'vtnt>>.l)" f1'1)o;t"C f"t'"",t.iJJ.,t" "r (,-~h\H~d i--,;;!~~\n~'" '-j ir~'p:tn~"..n~.nb (;I'\'<- ,.r h~'-rt"'!lH"'r ,'1-(, ~h{" pr..ttll$t's whif.'h may' ~~> <br />('01'tW' \~ ~).'f- dMtf'f.l"-f1"rl: tr~ ir-~j _l!>Jiud ptt"'rfH~-:O-:!, Hl t,j&~~ ~'~:n-dlt.+~ft Jlt~j -I':O~4Hur and fH~ fr'-H:1'O ",Oy rm"('h8nk-.~ hflft (i-.f Hth.t!'l' he-n O-T <br />("WID 1.'1 ht'"~ not e-rr-p~i:y ...*ho,du~i\u<_~i t-~} thr tJ"'fl hlC"l'""oL r>.Jl: {.t~ ".UtfH '0; t,,;~HrHl ~'H~J- unf#"",-luJ U,jMj!'- ~,~f t"r 1tny ft.uiQ~ to ~lls.t oil. <br />Yid ,u:t~,rty oot' to t>>rt\\l.t ~'iIl~tt;' ,Jot} 1>.;li-.::t jrtwftH-'lR"_<!<. 0,;:1' ~" d,u -"'n-r n(_ht't" -M ~ wh1"notJ.':,; tt--~. rH'ot:~'tv h<e:J'~hy (,\lOW~Ypt_J ~haU -~m~ <br />I~ v-ti~" !:~Hr h.l mrouu$h -l:"t H:n,v;a-H-- H., ';4h~:t. ~:q; 4ny .".,.--t ,,~ -<HH,,~~,-~1. ~" ,,<<_"( _ h. i_T'P-H)h' wl-th lJU t~lJjnatfl~hb 1)1 13w -with rH~ <br /> <br />td,t_.~ p~ #fKl t~~:-_~\,~~--:t.".~_~~~__:::t <br /> <br />ThAt li!o~W 1M -pr~~ -'l-$~ -!I.n~ -1~t th;t....:4 t~': tA~f1 .0-7 4Jamq,e1i h~- re.~tU ni .un puhh(" i.mpfl:w-t!tllt",nt- (11' (,~~Nl@-nn>>tticm <br />p~,*~:Qr u~ t~ r-t<<ht ~~..i it'ffi.t-fP."'httk..msin, {~::.~rt a!ly -<.>tht:--t_ ~afU''h')'', n~~ M"'>-tt4t\g~ ;)ihaH _lx> '--~~tlHed ,tn aU compe~~ <br />~ idld -~ othw nilyrorn--l J,H" whil'--l ~hrl'~f~kro and milEn-~ -e-ntittM_ .a.t rtil=--v,rtt-nn_ t!1-- ( ~--in and p~rd:t~_-'in>"lta <br />~'_-~-~iSAY' -~'__ t:{"- I~_!;__rd, b? -~, 3~Y n.~~_~.lf ~uk~,_ ~n <:~~_~~~ _~h_,~_,t3~I~J.-_~r.-~mn.q;e~ 'A_~l-~~ <br />~~I1lfJ111hC1iJ .__....'- ~;.' h.~t- 6l--o_~,;Uld ~-.t~ -~",b:y-,~._d bJ -.he- Mor~" -w'M'-fmtY. ar~i dMiwtin& <br />~.Wil'~ ........_y~_ ~by.lmewiyu...__lmY~-.d""_I'/ril.\','\ton.' <br />_~,,,,,~_"'f~~ ____ <tL....'. 4__~., ~- "n<l~>d>.l!f~..!!d'f1~'!'I\~'(~,~~ ,',C,"'\h'.',\ <br /> <br />1'tlilt i.. .,....,Jad...'..'" !'"'rl_uynt t....'__n.. h~,..", ,I... M....4:_ m.y do "" 1.....Ml>t*c......5I>fihaJf~~''ilJilr <br />llI>CW<II~.lAll,.' m.t""'""~- alM do. _, <<I it ....., .1.._ ......_.,. ... ..Mort 1M li.n t.~: t""IIIl<lM..~."wI!t <br />'~""""~_~Y1'l>&id .> by I.... Mort<<_ t....._..tthe ......~. ..w.iOWlb......tHi~lnlllle$!\ <br />~.~.iiU. .....l!~ in Mid _..hllll ","",-... mud> 4<ddtt_1 in................. ""~y"""""""'8ftdmay""i.... <br />...... m_ ...... ~J>Cuu. .~ .....0 "'" ._ ",.. ,,{ t."~ ...."to ,,. 1"""- ,.('","",<>1: ....d "...,.,._if notollwi_ <br />.,~jt.w..... "" ..w~..._t"" ~rt_ 1.0 ''''l....... 'n... t.... ,...litht)' "f ."y h~.., ~"""mln.._, ".<'1.......... ad' <br />~,~,_~~\~.~~............iIloaII t..H'.......ed..I'Oq....m.:ln.,Mi!r~I"'~. anY <br />..~~_,....,__~_.tlWM~..u_lncttt_.P"~~,.~l!f~" <br />. '.i..tlJ,..~' <br /> <br />II ..'~t;.;II;~t.yM~'" the _1.<>1...,,)' i.-u.-.t.Mr'"l..i~,hylltt>i-t~i~..~~~(!!ll,jf,,~t <br />m_i~...the~ in lit.. __ <>r .n th<> no.. ....,..nod th"ffby, 1M M<>rt_ ."...1. 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