<br />=~t~ __="'="-~"'"'~==--=~="'="='"="o""",.",=,=~~~,,,,,,,,,.,=~,,,,~:f)JJJ,,,~t7-,,1",,=,"=,=~.=,=,,===--=-,-,----
<br />. Ii, !;2.A-IJEAt. ESTATE MORTGAGE-{Wlth Tax Clau...) Rev, 78 Huffman and felton & Wolf, Walton. N..6B461
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />Manchik & Associates, a Partnership,
<br />
<br />
<br />pf Hall CoWlty, and Stale of Nebraska ,in consideration ofthesuinof
<br />SIX HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/IOO----------------------------------IJOLLARa
<br />ill hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY W1to The First National Bank of Grand Island;
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />C<>UIlty. State of Nebraska
<br />County, and State of
<br />
<br />the following described premisessiluatell
<br />Nebraska . to-wit:
<br />
<br />or-
<br />in
<br />
<br />Lots Thirty-Seven (37) and Thirty-Eight (38), in Block One (1),
<br />Brentwood Subdivision in the City of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />
<br />11... int<mtWn bo!ing to ren""Y ~y an abooluw ,<tI" in f"" ., mpW, includin~ all the rights of """"""teed and dowv,
<br />1'0 HA Vii: AND 1'0 HOI~D th" fJft'Ul_ "bov~ d~ocri!xod, ..,.h all the aJ>l>U- u...reunto beI~ W1tothe lllIld I
<br />murt_{o).nd to his, lwr '" th"'f h.,,,, and ,,~... fuFt""'f, provided ..I_)'!\. and thee p_lBa....upon.th.. .~......
<br />b:mtijtiott that if tlw Mid. moJ'~rl~), hJJl<< ber or tht!!f .h(>U'fi. t~~eeutOillJ;. ad:minrstt'atoJ'S or usi-lJl:S. -ahaU- pay- or cau&$' too-be
<br />.;~ ~ it.....-.l ""","""",,'3J. nlll, "''' .l< the.. !l."", necu"'t'S. adroiniotraron o. ~- the principahw..of$625.000.00 I
<br />l'"yabI., ""ful~ to ..it:
<br />
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />
<br />!
<br />I
<br />I
<br />With tnl:ttfT!lS:t a('t"(lJ'diUg' to t~ le-ntJ'r find '~<<iN:\ flj th~ murt':;D~t,.f'8 writtt"ft p~ now- ~ eVfll date with theM,~ t
<br />_. - .lI;baU ~~y ft. U tiU~ ami ~'-n. '0. 1.<.'VWd llj:-JQn .'''Hd: n-.al i'-lIotalc. and itU vther tat-.. 14"Nw. And iI.~ents l~vfed 'upon this _I'
<br />mort~ or trn,.. nGt-e- whwh thu. ttlnrt~qt: t;t I,w~~n to ~U,H-'. bt-fu.f't' d~ ~ne ~ delinque:nt. aad kHp the buildinp-on
<br />aaid p~ it\lliUf8t1 ftJ.r- th(f l':Iutn of $. t):2:> tl 000.00 h'-. ~f any, l>>lyable to the ~ mot1:gagft.. then ~ preeenta I
<br />to lw ~. otfwrwaw to 111(" and rt"ma1-tJ H1 tuB h'/n... i
<br />IT IS FtiRnU:R AGlU:E1J II' That d .he ....., """rt;la ,.>< .nail rad t.. 1"')' ..- tu... or procure .uch iBlOlU'tlJ>OO, the I
<br />..ud ......-q_ _y pay ""eh """. ",id p"""""" ....ell """'..........; and tm- ...m .., ~, with ihte.rnot at 16% ""r I
<br />.-t. .w.ll'r.,. .-'<! by .....J m<>rtcacw, .....1 tt... -)f1g"C" .hall .u.ntl... """"rrtY rOJ' 0... _~ 121 ThAt a f..ll".... to pay",,>, I
<br />01 &Ili:W J~" t>ither prindfl1t.l bi' tn.ter~, wfwn t:.t~ ume {~~ tiu~. t,r a l.aiblftl to .('(.lffip1y wlth any of the foregoina I
<br />~~.. _~baU ~~ dw ....,hol.;" ~ \:J' n~y h~n>ltl w-cu.red tv l,,~ due and L"Ullect~ at once at the option of the I'
<br />-...,
<br />Slped this 9th .l..y 01 ~larch 19 83 '
<br />
<br />
<br />,. - " :<2!K~~i~Iz::!1:""~"'~"== I
<br />l::y1<;j A.Manchik. a General partne~,,,....l
<br />I
<br />,
<br />I
<br />
<br />
<br />:rnree hundred sixty (360) monthly payments of principal and interest.
<br />with the fiut monthly payment due and payable on April 9, 1983. with
<br />final paysent het-ng du~ on H.."lTch 9, lOLL with the first a.nd succeeding
<br />paymt..'nts to be in tne ~unount of $6,913,7S, unless adjusted in accordance
<br />l.1ith the ter!llS of the written promissorv nott' hearin~ even date with
<br />these pregent$ and
<br />
<br />STATE OF, " , , , _~!!~~. ,
<br />
<br />. . l'<>uutyof
<br />
<br />"!'he f~ instrun:lenl "'88 acknowledged 001'0..., me
<br />
<br />
<br />.... 111,.............,..1"..
<br />
<br />..01................,....,.."..
<br />
<br />flail
<br />
<br />~larch 9
<br />
<br />,19.83, .
<br />
<br />behalf of Manchik & Associates~
<br />/' .. a rarznerip)
<br />
<br />~==>r.L._1'("_~(~-<,, ,~~~ctt1i::-,"",_/
<br />&'ignature ol PCf'89,ll"l'aking Acknowledgment
<br />'- ...:J ..../......-..
<br />. ., ,7,/ l~",""",~,(:,;,,-, .
<br />Title \. /!
<br />
<br />Ell"""" l)ft numerlt'al itld.>t and flied ftll' ~ i
<br />in the &Iiel... of o-ta 0lI>00 "f ""Id Coont)' u..1
<br />
<br />.0'"",,* lIlIIL.." .. ,.miDU*,- ~M.. I
<br />!
<br />,..^.,~..at pep...__......o~,..~._~~,,~. I
<br />
<br />By""...,..
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<br />. It,.. or D-a I
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<br />
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<br />