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<br /> <br />o3---1'1io'taoo <br />o. . --UU;.&;.iil1).u <br /> <br />MOR.TGAGE <br /> <br />T:filSin1!lrtp~madeand entefftlinro tbis 22nd day of .. April <br />r9:'Sa,..... ;by and.bdween FrOtltter. Properties Corporation <br /> <br />(llereinaftet1'detmN<ru RlottgitgQl')andCommerciai National Bank and Trust Company <br /> <br />mQ~Xwtromahltaltl$anofrlCl: and plBce ofbusioess at <br />HaUc~.Nebt'uka. <br /> <br />424 West 3m <br /> <br />(hereinafter referred to as <br />street in Grand Island, <br /> <br />W~.IluIt fOr the OOllsideration hereinafter SflUet!. r~"'eipt of which is hereby acknoWledged. the mortgagor <br />dbes.her'eby mortgage. sell, grant. ~ and convey unto the mortgagee. its successors and assigns. aU of the fol- <br />lowing~bed propeny situated and being in tile County of Hall <br />sum of~ka, <br /> <br />PIlIii:" (1) <br />tot Sleven ell), Block ~:, <br />Hall County, Grand Island, Habraska <br /> <br />,,/1 <br />Vi!.y <br /> <br />Colonial E!!t4tes Subdivision, <br /> <br />tOlletbft with ail tire t_U and appnncftilll<:t:S tlier.:lil heltmj<'1q:, 311 I lie rem~. "SU~ and profiu thereof. and all <br />~. 01* r"Ylllties, oriftetaJ.ol! and ~ rt!thl' ..lid profits, wat~. waler nglv..., and Wal~ slock, andincludioll <br />iftj. lldtitllJ; l>lUmbillB', rffri~jo". iipx".t. equlpman and all fi"fIlft'> of ever)' descripti<,n bclonging to the <br />~ - or ~fferanacll<<t t~ (>f ~ it.,~ with the p'cmtses herem de...ribed and in addilion <br />f~O tire followi!:lf; ~ri~ l)l'f>!X'1'lje,; \Oll>l.'h lit", and .hall l'<' dt'<'meli 10 i:>e (i"lUr~ and a pall of Ihe realty, and <br />1m' A ponWn of the !,~.niry funhe .~nn, ~n "Ialed~ lit !It_. >lale "noo~"j <br /> <br />To ~aRd 10 hold tbe _ luno the Mon~, n lle'fan pnM<1eU: <br /> <br />1'lIe--!OO<<ptor ~ lawfully ~ and ~ 'If aoo ~ tbe rigbllO ,clllllld ,rum.")' said prQperIy;thal Ihe <br />- i~ frtw:. ft_d l!ll!:Umbl'llnCet e.~ as llet't'inab6~t' fe\.'iteU: alld that Mortgagor ,OY_nti to W/lrral'lt and <br />~.lllt tillt aforesaid tbereto and .e\'ery part rnt'frof aKlullSr the d,lllm~ (,f all pcTliOlU whom_~"r. <br /> <br /> <br />''J1liiimtnrment is p~lo~fe lite pa)'lnent of II promi:ssmy ootC' datt'd_~~}.;_.E.!,_ 19~.3___~______ <br />"'1R priDQpal .lUll 01' $ !$.. OOO.~_________. >irnai by .Qona1:~. H. Kl:.u..!~____._,._".___,____ <br />..~.of.__~~~_C2!l22~ation______,_.._,___._,____.,_,._..,_.,______ <br /> <br />diQ;:ld llIChilotC' 01'-' ., frnm time lnlime be toodifmd. f~ or extended in ",wing, <br /> <br />~..~tfleu. to said re:al ~ b lramf<<ml. i)f rontraCled 10 be uamfem:d. from lhe undersigned for an)' <br />.f\tiI"(.lJ'l:l1 ~~W__~ the C'l!.!in:principal sum and a.,-crued intereu shall al once bef.'Ome due and <br />~. tkcllltWonoflllthohkt ~. Failme 10 ex~ [llis oPtion bec&lIU of transfer of tille as aboS'e sfaled <br />~~~~1lQ( ~ Ii wai~ of theri&ht to ex~ rhe _ in the event ()f any mbsequent O'llrl$fer, <br /> <br />1,...._~:~lUld__tIl>f~s.. <br />....,~.~..lhec~~ J?v~. promissOfynote aUIIe rimes and inrn!.' IlUUml.'f <br />;7~~.. . <br /> <br />.... .1Il'nt;~d~..~ts, \q~ rat1ll'i. afld mm ~tal or munkipal "hl\r~. f1llb, ()/ <br />~,...fftr..~..~..l1u.not ham m"'li<<tUl~.t[ndwilll'f()mpdy deli\'ef the \)ffkilll ll1l.'flpl' <br />t!lm;f(lt~lfIII'lillWmw~ <br /> <br />c. "to~~ .(\lll'i '''.1Dd. f_.~wmrreditl th;r ptot'tttkm wild maintetllUlCe of'iAid N\)~rlv, <br />1n"- r Itlle~of_~~fiY*m~ to\' tll<<; \-.olltdioo of an)' M all of rhe- lnd~ntl' <br />~~M fuci'i:lmu..e ~ ~'. !!ol\re, {'r ,,,,un !'t~i~. ,,,. ill "!lY (jlh.'f HUll"tim, "I l'n><cn:l",!,\ <br />..n~~~lt <br />