<br />83-001964
<br />
<br />To HAVE AND To HOI,O the same unto the Mortgagee, as herem provided, Mortgagor represents to,
<br />and c.ovenants WIth. the Mortgagee, that the .Mortgagor has good right to sell and convey said premises;
<br />that they are free from encumbrance. ext~ept liS hel'einotherwise recited; that the Mortgagor will warrant
<br />and defend the same against the lawful claims of all p'~rsons whomsoever. Mortgagor hereby relinquishes
<br />all rights of homestead, all marital rights, either in law or in equity, llnd all other contingent interests of
<br />the 1\{{)rtpgor in and to the above-described premises,
<br />PIWVlDED ALWAYS, anrlthese presents are executed and delivered upon the following conditions, to
<br />wit:
<br />
<br />
<br />Mortgagor agree! to p.ay to the Mortgagee, or onicr, lhc aton>said pl'incipal sum with interest from date
<br />at the rate I)f TWELVE and OO/WO per ""ntum IILOO!);.) per annum on tlHnlllpaid balance until paid,
<br />The said principal and interest shulll", payahle at the "mee of COtlllllercial Federal Savings {. Loan Assoc.
<br />in Omaha, Nebraska , or lit such other pJa.~... us the holder of the note ffiay deaignate in
<br />writing deliV<'.red or maih'd to the ~f(>rtgugol', ltl monthly instlllln1l'nts ofTIlREE HUNDRED EIGHTY FIVE and
<br />Dollars ($ 38'1. 71 ), mmmendng nn the first dllY nf June ,19 8] and continuing on
<br />the first day of each month U",...'aft,'r until said !lote b fully puid. I'xcept that, if not sooner paid, tlH~ Hnal
<br />payment of principal a_lid mh~n"8t shaH bt' dup and pay~th!e on the first 41uy of ~.ay J 2013 ; an
<br />according to ti,e tenns of" tl'l'tlllU pnc'll'i'''''''.ll'Y noh' ,,1' eVl'Il date h"l'ewith exeeute<! by the said Mortgagor,
<br />
<br />The Mortgagol' flll'tlwr II!!,!"'t"':
<br />
<br />1. He win pay t.hl' tndd:)h.dtws","i-. aR. lh'!'t-Hli-wfnrl; proYldp{i. Prj\'Ht>~ is r~Rerve-d to I}rnpay at any
<br />time, ,"vithout prr'fluum or fpi:". tl'u:' d!tU>j< jHtt..hh'dfW,"~ df an~; part there-of not less than the amount of one
<br />lnsta.llment, or one hund,red dollars! SI00,OUj, ",hid1ev...r is teSS. l'repayment In full shall be credited on
<br />tbe daw recftlvl/d, Partial prepayment, "ther than on an installment. due date, need not be credited until
<br />ttJi; next foUOWlnll inAta1lment du!.' date Of thirty day" "iter sud. pn>paym..nt, whlchew.r is earlier.
<br />
<br />Z. Togeth"r wIth, llnd in additi"f1 \.!', t!,., mmllhll' paym.>nts of prinCIpal and interest payable under
<br />th(~ t\"MnS of Ul~ nQt(~ 5!f'(;tH'f..d h{:,:r~~hy~ )fnt"t;tngor \\ Iii ptty to M(wtiV-tW~". <1.':'> trust.ee, 1'tuHl("r tht> terms.of this
<br />tl'U8t as hereinafteT gtatedl on thl' lirllt <lay nf ,'ach monU! lIntll s"id not.:, is fully palll:
<br />fIJ) A sum f.:quaJ Cp ,hi..' Kl'\iUiH.i n;.ti-!.5, If <Hl\-- ':f'xt dUf', pius ~he pn.-rtliut:ns that will tlext become due
<br />and ptt~'i'dj!~' ';!l jiii~lH',f.)t \)f lire ;!ii;:J utlwr L:il-al'd dlS-HnUH.'f" ('-OY1.r!Hif th~ m.ortgaget! property',
<br />pius- t~t:\\f"~ ~~Hi'! ~\e!,s-"~:'lm..'nty;. H(~xt diU- ~hf' rnnrt'!tH.R~'-d prt'fw:rty ~ all a.~ t_!stimate-d by the "A{oft...
<br />~aJ{'f~}\ UJHl ,If VdHC-h Hw .\f(irtR'Jl~tir i'I; n'i1 dl.-d ~ l"s-.z;. 'in ",I!!n~ ah-{'iid~' pard tnt}r-efor dhrid~-d by
<br />tft,p f'i an... h..". <ot- rH",,-.th~ ., ....,,--~-. < . - -''',n l "to, "'H~ .i<uf'" "..in:,o z:\Ut~n groU1Hi rpnt..~~
<br />IH''MnHHn~~~ ~~n;~'g aud ;t~...%i-";-;;,,:'Hn.;,,;F_>_ "-'\::h- -,j..j]jiirU'-'i:i{. .<;.Udl sunlS to on h{~1-d by MOt1,pgee
<br />in tnlst h'! fHt.\- ~-hJ IlpnJud t',-nL'i. j.H"'dfl1unb. L1'(cS ;did 3r)t>{<ia! aSS1'Sl'!\nlt~nt.s<
<br />(h) l'h~" :ajiOl't"f'gatt'..[ ~tw ;{H,nlHst", p~iY;:-1hk p;,ni>Ualit ii, "-Il.hp;tragraph ~fl) iHh1 those payabh~ un the
<br />n'.!b:. si"('~jn\d j'-Wh-'('\', ..,bHi) t",- F~ud ;i ~[n~h-; !':i'd'fH'Hi i';:H~_h ai,oath. in b-\) apphf'd to the folloW...
<br />HtJl H'f'ffi:X lh HH:' ~1f--rlf'r :'<t.i'~h'd
<br />
<br />
<br />11)
<br />
<br />l;tl"ound r{.:nti'i, ~;~xc~. ~i~"'.':"'_'H1H'iitx.
<br /><ahTt'st ;::;1't tb.:' n~"tp ~,t"\: Hr~--d hf.1Tb~
<br />
<br />~11;d nth-'r haUU'ti H1SUrani.';{' prenuuma;
<br />;Uil'!
<br />
<br />illl
<br />mil
<br />
<br /><"unu'r"trl..;f:itlun ~d !tw pnnnpaJ :n! "'__~Hd nfi-t..._
<br />
<br />Au:v d:t~)(:~t'rH::r- 'if} tin- a!W}l,J,J)t ,-.f ~dn -'-"",.d" .;{~-r:ltn:'lt,'ttr mDf:~h!~' p~ynwnt .shall. unleaa made j{Q4:xi
<br />h)-" the M~~rtgagGf' rnor-!n th~' t!ih' d.'tv. -,! t!\t,:' :w:\J ,~,l.H_'h p-.l''1ymNlt. .('(1f15btutt.~ au tJvent of default
<br />UfH}~I' th~ rmlr~~age-. .;t ~t-(~ftf{<:i)ott.~'~ ~,ptH_H):. :\f'lJrtg-~or will f-tny a "labt cha~!-' not {'xc~d-
<br />:ntf four ;:ot~r (-t--nhUll (1' --;"-) <.;.1 any dL%.\tidi Hl-f'nt ,;d~d~ ~"'aHi mure than llft.cen (' IG) da:r!J afwr the
<br />dw: dat\:. th{~rt'-\.f tn ~~n't~(' tJw 'd,(;tX-i:!. r''\n~'n3~'" ~t-,\-Bht'Tt H'f harHiUnKtlt.HrH1Ut+nt J-ulYJnents. butsuel1
<br />'~latc t'h~-fg't".'" ~haH not h.,~ p~\)ahi<t< Ot~t flf ~h~,-' pntf~'.,"t'd!'i nf an~' )M1it~ !n:u!~'" tu MtL-'~Jy the indebtti'd-
<br />n~~ $.1.'t."'tln::-....l b<_h."b)\ tUlle$,!\. S-Ud1 pr-...K:n~,t~ Rn' -~Httka'nt to ih-sehargt" UH: t>uti~ uld-ebtcdnesg and
<br />a.U p-roJ)(~t' <\."'(l(l.ts and- eX:f.K~fl5t~ ~t~~\lrt"ri th..f~'n<-h"
<br />
<br />3, If th& total of th& plIfnlt'nts made br the MtlTtgagur under (Ill of paragraph 2 preceding shall
<br />"'-' the _t of payments actually made by thl:' M<lrt~, as tnllltN.>, for srrountl i"mt.~, t.ax"" and
<br />_ta or iMUranl>> pnmUums. as t.he "'alIe lllay b.,. lIuch excess ShAll be credited by tht' Mortll'8lfee
<br />on $.Il'-l_t paytIleI'lts to be made b~' the MortllllJ'OT for such it~ or, at Mortgagee's option, as trust.oo,
<br />5haI1 be IVfuuded to MortgligOf', If. how(>ver, il.\Ieh monthly payments shall not be sufficient to pay sueh
<br />ltcus whoo the _ shall berome due and paYable. th,'n the Mortgagor shall pal' tn the Mot"tgu~,<;, ItS
<br />t~, any amount ne<:l.,'.8IU')' to malt.. up tht' dt'ncit'llcy w,thin thirty (:JM days aft.'r written notice from
<br />the M:~ lltating the amount of tbe deticleney, whIch notic"l may be given by mail. If at any time
<br />the M:~ shall tender to the Mo~. in :U,":Ol'd.anc,' with Uw pnWlSlOllS of the not.. sl'Cure<l
<br />~,tun payment of the entire indebtedness repn'1l<"!ltPd thert'by, the Mol'tRl\l!'l'C, as. trulltee, shall,
<br />in ~puting tM _nt of aueh ind<lbtedneM, credit ti! the aerount Qf the MortJragor any crPdit balance
<br />_Iated under the proVl&iOOS of fa) of plU'llgraph 2 h...reof, If there shall Ix> Ii default under any
<br />(Jf the prov!.sioM of tbta ~ resulting ill a public ll3le of the prt'.mises rovete<i hereby, or if the
<br />..~ .aeqvi.rea the property <.>t.buwisE after default, the lo{ongagt;e, as trustee, shall um:>>y, ,q{ the
<br />tmw ufthe-.-em.mt of such p~inp. QT at the time the property is otherwi!li> lu~uired. the
<br />aciIIlIll:at titea ~1Uatt to e~t the M~ under (4) of paragraph. 2 ll.recedinll.llll a credit on the
<br />in~~ lU1d unpaid and tht' bldance to the principal then remaining unpaid on said note,
<br />
<br />4. 1'heiU9:1 of this, imtrument shall rt'lMin In full foree and ,'tT<!('t during any pOlltpolwment or exten.
<br />I>iob.Q{ the ~ 0.( pa.t__t of the indebtfil_ Ill' any part th"reof ~ured hereby.
<br />
<br />fJ\;Bit \rill'.,., a&t F'OUnd nmta. ta:!C.<!lIo, ~n'" wlI!:er ratell, and odlm" Il\wermnental 01' munic!.
<br />PIil ~~ orlmpQaltiona, k'Yloo UpI>>l gid pn<lttia8 and that he will pay all tax,'ll levied upon this
<br />"~Qr the.1<lbt _red tb"reo)', t~th!.;r ,,"ituJl.llY other taxq or _.l!3m~'llts whkh mllY b... l"vied
<br />~"~(J{N~ap.inatthe.Mortppe,'lr the lepl holder ofJlaid pnllCI\1a! unt..., on account of
<br />lblI:;~ i!~ wheou !,laymtlutf(}f aU suehitemA ha.... theretofore betm made !lud"r 1<11 of pan-
<br />...... ill ~1, and b... wlH pn1ffiptly .:l<>liwr Ih... offtd&l rt_ipt.ll ther"ft>r tn th.. M"rtlJll~~, In defalllt
<br />~tlttt)(~ Il'tllY p&,,'t toosatne.
<br />