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<br />P~NC1W .ALL f+IEN 8~ TFfESE"-P_fME~S£N~'S ~-
<br />TP,at U}ade Ft. Terser-and Holiy F.'%ersen, husband- nd wife, of Grand
<br />Island, ~febiaska, Half-County, Nebras{ca, Debtors, for the purpose of
<br />secwring the. payment of $80,8DD:DD, and an initial interest,of ilv per
<br />annum, .computed upon the ;unpaid "Dolores, according to a band descriCed
<br />as follows;
<br />Dated the 3Dtii day of 3anuary; 2984y in the-original' ampunt of
<br />$80,6QD:Ofl beaiing an initial interest rate of Iii per annum; computed
<br />upon the unpaid principal. balance, which.- rate; hawevar, iS--adjusted
<br />annue3l.y according to the -terms c,f the Chattel "1Drtgaga Adjustabie Rate
<br />?Dote. hianthly installments of $757m5fl-per month, which mill appiv iirst
<br />upon interest and.-the rialance in reduction Df the principal; hc+vever,,_
<br />adjustments to the interest rate will' causa changes in the. montr~~~ in-
<br />stallment amount as directed by said `.cote, the first such. monthly.-in--
<br />utellrrtent payment payable an the *irst day cf i~laren, 1984>
<br />;vhcFr bond was given the -Nome federal Savings and Latin Association of
<br />%r~od.slard;- hlebraska, the debtors dc, hereby grant, mortgage and assign
<br />unto- ~~id sacuree party the residence house, being an improvement-upon
<br />leasehc-id and all appurtenances thereto, uaid residence house being
<br />situated upon tct 25 and the Southerly 1D Feet Df Lot ZG, having a 1a!~e
<br />front fnctaae t,f ?iti cPe*_ =;ra -'tooted .n t'te t~}est side of the i11c'st
<br />pczrtidr, of i~uester faka, and ueirrg on apart of the E~SW Section i}ir-
<br />teen il3), iow:iship Slauen 'li; ~vorth; r?tinge- Nine= (°), utes± of the oth
<br />P.~i:, - in Hall u~3ua~ty, "ipbraska, branded an the talastvrly side By 'the
<br />::.pmmon road; and as spawn on a ~:,lat ih the possession of 'the Lessor,
<br />including any accessions, accessories, parts and =quipment nt~w,.and here-
<br />- after affixed t.her~ta.
<br />TtiP debtors warrant the above described-property is free and riear
<br />cf -all lions'and.encunbrances; that they will-pay. all perspnal taxes
<br />before the . sastce pacome daligquent; that thi,y will maintain and. pay the
<br />{iremiums-far fire and extended cDV-arage insurance an said property in
<br />an :~motti~t r;at less than the unpaid- balan4e af' the ir.debtednass. That.
<br />if they ~f`ail to pay -anysuety--taxes ~: pr~ni~ums, that the secured party
<br />maY gay :the- ~aame anti any sucJi payments by the secured party :;},all pe
<br />:~ fair df this' indebtedness; payment of which shalt ;^~; securad by this
<br />rar;3ncrg statement and interest thereon snali accrue at .the rats or
<br />i~;.ter,.,r ~rc~¢:id6d it tha h:?nd 4,f even date l~crxs:~it~+; p~yttre~~t Dr' +~h:ich .
<br />. „~: f,ri~t~~ ;'fic3 ;t. sv -.r-t'tt :a{?:,C:A1rP~, -
<br />