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<br />I <br /> <br />U c; <br /> <br />_< I.. <br /> <br />83-001950 <br /> <br />BENEFICIARY <br />A VCO FINANCIAL SERVICES <br />INTERNA TI ON.;,\L , INC. <br /> <br />DROOP TRUST <br /> <br />Pemuee <br /> <br />446603.511 <br />C~~ <br /> <br />l"\'lJt'f'(~\. <br /> <br />..~~? 'H~"" <br /> <br />416 West Third <br />I Addtelj.S) <br /> <br />HRAN'\'ORtSI: <br /> <br />E <br /> <br />Perales <br /> <br />C<u>melita <br /> <br />M <br /> <br />P.O. Box 536 <br /> <br />I ....~-~ ..Seventh <br /> <br />(lr.i! Ililand, <br /> <br />HE,. <br /> <br />613&)1 J Grand IsJ.a.'ld, HE 6880k!l1iiIlRA~A <br /> <br />TIIlSlJUH otTRlIST, M"'" 'hi,. ,l9!~ <l'r ""..!PJ:~..L_.._..___, t.etwe.n9'Etfj~E .5U1g..g_~eliu: J.I. <br />"."'...'"" ,,,11<4 'fll1,g,TOR, who", ,Hidm, ;,.. ,';>1] .. Eaat Se'fentr.... .Gran:!... T", i ","d .._l'/:E....6.8...>md r.1 ay }I. RogerJil <br />.....,.,....--...,...-,''''''er e,lkd TRVSTlT, whm<- odd""", ,,_1.0>330 ~~_ D:d "e. Oalaha. ~... '.-6aJ.44. <br />4"rni-. AV('o. nN-,~_~i-At. SERVICES lNTt-]~N-\-nONA;. IN< _ J Neb-rad~a ,:uq\Ora~-l"-:ln. heJt'ln;tner called lWNE(:IClARY. wbrnie -add,re-ss:_,;r,; <br />~1,6\11~j;'J:!l:i,X'dc _i3:~tUlIiIsl1J!~d..I~ n8~1, <br />WlTNF!iSfTH. Th>t Tm>l'" GRA.'<TS. COi'i'V1YS, SFUS .,"fl ",,\KHANTS TO lRl'STH, IN TRUST, WITH POWI'll. Of S,\lE,'h< [,,!lowing described <br />pWpt'HY. \4,~j.a~~d m~ <.~__.,1Iall '___ -(')~mn.-, '-i!;'bntsi..a <br /> <br />Lot 2t Block lOt !~bet"'t'5 Addition to th.e- City of Gr~t11d Island, Hill County, Nebraska. <br /> <br />abn K"~'f\ ii\_~" 12].1 _~~~~ ._~~::~::~!'.'" <br /> <br />tH1t<,{,~t ,l;tih ~J~ hiUt,lIDf.' _!ljn",l "ilip;..~nn",fth <br />~~u;:~:~1:.ll1~ ,~=~' f:;'~~::..H~~ t::~:tt:1lff,~l~l.h~ <br />~fH'~h_, 4oc~. 4li-t.-'\'.., t".;t;~-;;< <br />.........,,~~"""""" '."",! .""...,__..t,,~.-i.~P~ ",H.d <br /> <br /> <br />'In H~,\>f-_ '\M'! !fl HOLD!-h- <br /> <br /> <br />h~ n{"H,:m..:litf<-i ,n tne <br /> <br />,'f h-.;-H';ti;l" "'~"'~ t,'4 ihen'"n Jn~! ;dt ~C-h'('n\, ,'U,filflt._', ..tudt.~~, ,,"'rm "ash ;uhf hhfHh. ~nd hl'iiUn~. hghting, <br /> <br />.,,~:'';~::'~~~:'::~;,::;;77,~1,t,,~,:~~;, 'i:,,~,:2~i~~~:~;:~~;:.'~;,~;:;~~:.:~;,:~~~:"~::;::~~,::E~i:~~~:l~~':~~,~~. <br /> <br />~r~ f J~_:;r'~:~;~h~':t~t;::('~~~~~.:~:~:~~~ ~: ~ l:-~;~-t:~ ~;{~~~' ;j~:'~ !~~}~;::~-t~~:~)~~:~{i~h i~::~r~t~~t~ ~~~i:~i, i:i~l~~;b~~~'~ <br />.i;-rt(j ~~Jh !h~ Nul -fru--st'-<f d,.~", rn~~"D} '-"-pf1h,.,,!~ ~~ka->j>;' _-.1\::1 >\-;un'" <br /> <br />;!t(' !.-'~i-Kl~.. iJM ",>C-" ho~m- '<t'~ <br />\,",'!;.kh tH-ilI) ~ ~.t'lOlCh~, W.l-jr,,-n ,~t~~ <br /> <br />ftU'Ih':.\t <u'$) <\A.~ 1-(" k~~ liil rWU~ )~ "ij-p.:d profftt u! ~ rt~-m~. ~.nwttnt:. th~ tttftt to cnUc;:t ~nd W~ tht' urn..., wnn or \-vithout. taking pOjj.5eS$ion of <br />(~. P1~_. _\.tunn;\t -(f'itt_tin:~ t"f d~lil'Ult h~tt. and du.~ i::?tltinu.-UK'~ :..If l'"di d('-hiU-t ~uthot1:~ 8e~fKa.t].~ w C'nu~f up<.~n !l.'tld prenu';t:$ andfOI to ~oll~t <br />~ m\fon.."T__ IJre- ~me Wi~1 ~g W ~~t uf nn- ~'U-"b fYi ~- md.f:btedfiffi, h't-f~by ~~H~_rl b-; <tnll4~tul rfil~J.In!i Including 3p"omtm~nt of .. [~etVer In <br />lne ~Jtm't- ;J~ <I9\-' ~fW h~;}. i'_~ f--e.. ~f Ute' ~~ ~ ~~'>j:t! ~!!d ~~pe:~-!i q! ,~n_nOf! ~n:d >.y,Ue,\:tidO" HlduJuti'; f<l3$Vr-.a\:'iie :.tumnr-y'\ (<<s-. upon .my mdebtcd~ <br />r.cM ..~'>C,U1-l!!d ~ey, In !~~d:l; ,,-~roet ~~ ll~Oclu)" In;ll'}- -~-m:~. <br /> <br /> <br />HJR THE !:-"1Jk_P'(J-:$}- Of' St,{'\atL~~ ll} t'>~r'i,'ni:n:-Ht_~ c,li ~'j..h ",~lffrth':n! ,;{ ~ ,:,,"'H d.1.ntJ.HH7U h('-({'m: j':l j.armenl _",! !Ilt' prmopal wllh <br />f1'1W1t.,>t, ,is tH"~:\i-d~.. m...:..rq;~~~~':. atlt! {t~ ,-,~rl1'" .JIW pHnhh-J-l'H ui 4 h< 'nh' l<J,;;,H -\j!'r-;......m-cnt !h.-c1'l'11l~H<:~ f("r~n('d II:! ,l-'; "prnnllJi1iUT) <br />1l~'H.:l=') ;t'iitJ'l;'4.~!~,_,_~.~J.._..~2~-::?~_.____.,'~,__ _"~"_'_______' _ _ ,______. h("r~~w;.th t''\.~'(U~l'i.i h,,' i-;U-~-iUf .-did pa) j.hl\~ l~" the <br />,}f-d'i:, ".t ~fK-iitry. ,~ irK: p:-mdp>l.l '\l+tH '-'1 M:-d n;a-'imt. ~ht ,tat-<:: ,_'1 m Hu,d 1'\..l)'f!1eftl \lu't 'm_....~l~l.9+_^..l$&_"' <br /> <br />~~on:-U (}tar: ,,~tQl bd~~ by DWi~; ~:=- :~~:::=~1 b!,' ~~!Mn<<; t~i,~~ttrsn~~~~~~r~..~?=~~~ ~~v:~eD~;~~~fit~:r:t;[ <br /> <br />hQ~~.- I_'~~ _.~ ftOt ronuilute:. ~'{lmmitment ~)' Bi::!ne:n....~- tij maker luturt:' ad'~"lt; t4l Thr- p.J.rmenl ()-( IIn)': !mmcy that ma)' be -adViUK'('d br the- <br />~~f" t~ Ttmtot l(if ~ftY-~ nr t1-,\ thint ~ ","'1tb !nferfit m.:ron. wh~tc- tht itl'1ti:.lU:t\u arc- to p;ot~l th~ secUrIty in :icc-Otd:mce W1th lhe <br />e:fiWnatlU ,r,f - ahh Peed t1f Tnut: (,n Any r~Mww. r('~' l,)-J' ~.~tl:m-$i.;")n i.~t ~tJ Inom~~ Nit\':, of .<in) othct iliJ.fc-e-.ment tt. r;,r whk.h ma~' be 'iUWHtuh..d <br />-~, <br /> <br />,~li ~~~\:n:: t~l~:~t vr~~~ ~~~~::m~":~~~' ,~~l; (~~~:~J~~~ :~~~,;~ ~=~~ ~~!:r~.~:;~~'~~~\~~~~~-~ rrenttum\. l~patf~, ~llu all '"tth~l ~-hart:~'$ <br /> <br />~ i~~,~fi~-$<<d f{~ be ~ by_ the TtU:ih:U <br />st:~J)Nlk l'v U:JC -p3)'m.ent of -int~1Ut dae \1Il ~td h\,I,fl, <br />'l'K!l!!)' f" '00 ""'".."" oi l't"'n!",1 <br /> <br />'ft.) -P'_'b:~'f.l"T Tltlt-'- SfA::\!Rn'Y_ HjiRroF~ lJUJSJQRtS~_ ~-OvtNAN fS o\NU ..\<;-Rt._-t.S~ i_ j i tu k.l:~ ~td pre-ml~!j m~ur~d 11j;;&lll.H loss, by llrt.. <lnd ulhc.r <br />~,~..t:~~t) - <rn.d- >l.;.{."iftt~~ u~ hI tl'le_ fun \!~!ue {-'-* ;t.U fmpr{_IWMettH !~~ 'b~ t'1fI.'\l~-':~l'..,-n ~..t tte-fldktat} in ~Ui~:h man_net, m s-u-..:h affi'i..)\IDts._ and <br /> lIt ,",udl: <br />>J~_>t)<: ~~t' m#Y H~\ tI~ {<)- {~4i-pptO\--e, .uld that kl-n pn.......eeJ,:.- tlen (,"_pc'nw _,)f ".-oJk"\:tnmJ ~hi1JL;it Bem;f"'-"Un-"S...-~plwn. be Jppht'd_u," "-lId <br />~~"- wtw-lhI:::f cdtw- (If fK~ IH U-w "ei5t\ -fli ~-'--d nn-p.ftwe\'li<'nh. il'J-\:",,-.rnl uf i,.>>~ hmtu.f wtii ~l~'-e !mmro-Llle notlO:C t)y rn~lj tu the- flem-f..:-.:tary, <br /> <br />:':'-::t ~=~:_t~~fti: f~~=)~~~~~~ tt V::~;.~; ii:tl ~~:)p ~~ill~\.~:::J:~:=.t~':~~e~~:c~:~' ;:~ht:~edt;~~ :;~~~~t:.:n~~3~~ p~~t:~~td f::; <br /> <br />~"-~~-~"_~ ~_~ t(~ .~- hie tlnwf.H4n. upQa _mtueJ-f tt{ tM ~H..:tJr". the- uHn.'~l ;C\'~ipl ~:hQ"in!t payment 01 ,in SilliJ l;l:'(C~;tOO <br />~~~ _(:t_lch._ --~~- -!}-t~dd~t_-bY 1'ftltt-or uRikt ~~J } ill. 1 -!~~-e-~ 8mcf......"Urt, 41 H.s .)pHOO. Ol.llY (fi) pb,~ and t;eep such mMJf;un:-c abovE' <br />pt~- lyt -m -ft<tf:<<' ~*,f rtw. lif~_- .Ji' tfUl. Ik<<t fd Trtlft *ftd pn ~h~ -<<:~IDtl:1ble p-fd:mUmc1. ""nd dw'gt"i d,_et.e-ft,;H; i b) piI}'-;:tit 'kud tu('s ;ind .ls..wnmcnb <br />_~ ~~ :_u.. .U&titr._~..~ _ _'i'~.' . b:, Pay ~Cft. btmt And all _~h 4Kbufwmmb- :i:hali bt- ~m~ .i p;ut Il! t~ md;ebtedi\e~ ~\ufij by 1hl~ Ot......d of <br />-'~~ '-N~ b). lnatUl t{\ 8enti","-l.u')_ i4l T,,) kttp Ute- ~ lilfd -othet-ftnpro-~.n-U nJ:.l'\\o' (,:'\.liiUn~ nr Mte\tthn <br />_i.}T Mi~t lm:)' W"iltk' m ;t.1'ty u._ of S4td p1t'm~ ~-OMrdf)" to fUIn<:.tWft$ uf r<<urd (If \"<mtnu)' h. 14:\\<. .i.Huf <br />f;'U-;-pt.~ oi inJpe~titlJ the ptc:'mises: 001 1(1 removt': t'f' dctn..-.tiih an)' huiW:UlJ th-ert'(Jn: tll tt-Hvre <br /> <br />~-=<= ~~~~1f;:;:::~:!~.::b::n:~~i:~~h;~~(~~}~~~~;t&:;f~~I~~ <br />~ N()i:.eo.and: Ulit ~ of Trujt, 1M Th.a:t the tlJM ot payment 1)1' fhoC. ind-e-blt'dncu h!;.'--feb)' wc-ut-ed. or vI' any <br />{V ~. PlIIU'l'f Pt~ \.\f tM-.~_ hetdn d~bcd m~)'. ..ithout rwu~-, he f(,~ ftotn t~ l~n hereof. without <br />~, g{... -ptftttt\<< -tM--_~-"pi-um- o.a oJ T-Ntt. {'1j -l1utl-h~ dooj het-d~-)-- fQl't'~~f wauant Oifld wvll~m~"'r.r d(fend the <br />~.~~dtiIl1o."f_ _iiIl """"","whU_." <br />,",AT' <br />~~ p.iW**f- -t)t: 40_ _~ ~\:-[ n hetcin P'~. or If :HO' ~tml'f- N r1l:",,~,~di:fttt- 1'i _\:'l.'.lnun:~n{:~>J wh-Kh m<t~~flaU~ ,jff~'tl\ <br />. -_-~_T-Ni-__i but "'ms:~.l_~m h~-do ~'-. a.!td Wltht'Ut ni)ttJ;.~ tn m' ,kmand u~m lnuh)f. jf\d <br />{O ~ "'_IM- -do ~hr: .~.,;*nd -m~r plt).~ purc-h#~, ic'\mt\".,t ~)t ~'omPt(lmt'-t" -any e-rK-um--~"m'c-, (~3t~ <br />:_l"O-.~'__,:~tY; .,iIl ft'ftti~-.ny _~, _~we(" m,-w iU'l~^__hamht)'":s.:m,t ~.:\.~.d \\;ia:tr~ iiffluuMi in <br />~:etu.t,~.,_~,M("1f'_ I~f\~:, AU )lUlU.' "J t.t\(U'tnd' -j)f ~\.J)f;n4M b:'t' 8~(kw.1' ,-,r Tru:dft mllll be <br />.0< .....> ..'.... .....' .... ""'l.f\I>t........'*'Ift"'...t.,1l\Cbiall<><h..."'"'''''''t<l1'>l'I~w,.nd,".Ub(o..c.'''dh<t.b; <br />~--,:..>..JI,~t<~:\~,~;iiI;_-.~_-,~._~.--:~ J~,_~ t~' -r'U~t~_ :pt~~.dil...' ;;h.n ~ t't)1Ttlt;d j.> ,dl.."Hl\~~h\~. OI""'1IId' <br />~""~~'_'''~llwi_"" -~-"1<'''''''~l>;<. <br />.f~-il,t.. ___- ':6&i't.< U1 ~W the'-r~~ i..i-f-.nuth~ 1,11' ~lill..h li-n(t .)f t"k-clkm ill ~u. ~fkta-n ..J~ .t\n~ <br />__ -''M'~':~~;~~~~~~ :t:'Y~~~~:lt:~:::f\\!l,~~ ~~ =t~~~~~~ <br />~..~~~-Ql'~. wJt:n l~' ~;df' f.~ t1'l-~ t1eJ;~-U~t <br /> <br /> <br />"""","~~"",,,,.."'M!,"iO.Q"U" _y...... <br />