<br />52-A-REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE-(Wlth Tax. Clause) Rev. 78
<br />
<br />Huffman and Felton & Wolf. Walton,
<br />
<br />
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That MI\OC'OS J. SN::W and PAMEIA H. StnV, Husband and
<br />Wife, each in his and her cr;m n.ght and as spouse of each other,
<br />of Hall County, and State of Nebraska , in consideration of the sum of
<br />WE. I1VNDRED EIG:r~ ~'ID Frv'I; h'k"IDRED AND Ill/lOO'!P'::: ($1l8,SOO.OQ)-OOLL..4.RS
<br />in hand paid, do h..reby SELL and CONVEY unto FRANK Vi. IAYHER and D1\RLENE R. LAYHE..'~, HUSband
<br />and Wife, as Joint 'Ienants,
<br />of Hall County, State of
<br />in Hall Count;', and State of
<br />
<br />Nebraska
<br />Nebraska
<br />
<br />the following described premis$situated
<br />, to.wit:
<br />
<br />
<br />Q
<br />..
<br />t>>
<br />8
<br />I
<br />M
<br />O'J
<br />
<br />'l11e North Half of the tbrtheast Quarter (~NE%) of
<br />Section 'IWenty-Five (25), 'I'cwnship Eleven (11) North,
<br />Range NL'1€ (9) West of the 6th P.M., in Hall Cbunty,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />
<br />T'hfl: inwntinn being to -f';unv-e-y h~rohy an ab!iioluu> tttt~> In feE> simpti', mcluding all the righu of homestead and dower.
<br />TO HAVE AND ro HOtD t;w fJrMUhriYl abo\-'~ tl.li'i!l("n~t With aU tht- aPf,urtenances thereunto beJ.ooging. unto the Wd
<br />mUt1J;!::3lM!{s) and tn hi..._ h",r <:>r t.r-<<u. hi"lt" I\ud 3'1'1!>!~ns tnt~\'er< pr(:>v,dt'd- alw.flYs. and lh~ preiNmts are upon the express
<br />conditWn dl.ift tf tl~ ~Ui rnot"tgal'()f(~,l. h\:~. Jmr or tht"U' ht,.inf, l'Xf"CutOrs, admm;;\\traw:ot ur aS$igns. sh'1U payor cause to be
<br />paid it) the :r-aid JflQt1.fll:~j,5}_ his-, b~f nr theif rwlf5. ~XfX,\1tors, adminauau.:rrs or uaigns. the prmeipal sum of ,118,500.00
<br />r",~vahle U 'oIlOW!<. to wit $13,919. ()l dIE en i\pr~l 25, 1984 and a like annunt due on April 25th
<br />of each year thereafter until .'lpril 25, 1994, at wnich tlire the total aIlOunt of princi-
<br />pal balance plUS accrued interest wHl be due i.n full. Buyers reserve the right to
<br />prepay up to 15% of the original anount. of tile rrortgage in any one year \"itlx:>ut any
<br />prepayment penalty. If the llDrtgagors ,.;ish to prepay any additional anount on the
<br />nurt:gage, they will have to have wTitten penni.ssion iran the llDrtqaqees to do so.
<br />Othe1:wUle, a prepaYIll1!nt penalty may be c1SSeS&:d at the discretion of the nortgagees.
<br />
<br />~~
<br />
<br />
<br />w1th Hllt!'~t ~~DrdlfQt '.0 the' {('nut and t41f't.-"t .A ~h~ /'nOt't;l;QnT'!!; writwn prom.ttifllt')'f~~ nOlA." t~n,J e\-'fI-O date With these presents
<br />8nd $;haU pay aU t;t;Kffl and a-~b h~...it"(j uptm ~t(t feal r;;tAk-. and ail otlwr tax...~ If:"'V"IH and a.~menu levied upon this
<br />lltt.fl~e or t.h~ nult" -Wh.Kh th.0 u16rtg3::tt u. ii',,',,,,".fi to ~.1.H\"-, Wore th.e- ~ ~~ d'lthnqu"fit~ and ketl!p the huildittp on
<br />said .)~ Haund tor thf:! I'IoUID (I.f .$ ~. if .fifty, ~~yilbi~ to th~ saKi mortgARt'e, then theae pfeaenta
<br />to- ~ vHtd, o.dwn#.i~ h) lw ;1ln{t t~main ;:n. t-uH h.d',.~.
<br />IT IS FVRTIn:R AGREED \ 1J That if thp Mid mortga<<or ilia1i f.ad h.. puy ~h taX" Of' procure .uch insurance. the
<br />MJd muJ't:.&af-<<t" :ma~' r~:tay sw;'h la;l.~ at1d ptt)L"'u't" :!A.teh ~fLwriUK't'. itnd the- sum S;(.l adVAnt."t."ti. wtth UUf!rMt at per
<br />~nt, .hail f.1(>- !"~ by ~rd nror~f. ami thu mo-.rtptce ~.aU ~t.and 8;!l .!!RO'Cunty for the~. \ 2} That s: failure to pay any
<br />(of said. monc!)'-, eithe-r t.r-inr..':itlAl Of' mt(>N"!U. ""hEm trw AAmc i*'~ out', ar iJ failure to t''Qmpiy with any of tM (oregoin,
<br />~. ~l QlUM'" the wn"'-Jw ~-um Hi moTW"y h~m ~"-eri u~ bt!'!l.um't' ttu~ and {."Uli<<tible a[ o.f1Ctl at the option Qf the
<br />
<br />~.
<br />~.jhis
<br />
<br />20th day of
<br />
<br />lipril
<br />
<br />19 ~I ' ~ ('
<br />u..{qv~ _ .Jyvt..--
<br />'!'BT'CUS J. ^ C
<br />, )~ '-'-'-LQ. !".A)",.'~ ~
<br />---r>anela H. SllON
<br />
<br />Ibp~"'-t:(~
<br />
<br />STATE OF.
<br />
<br />~
<br />
<br />, . , County of
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />Th& f~insU'ument was ack.nowl~ before m&
<br />
<br />. . . . . Apnl 20th
<br />
<br />83
<br />.19.'" ,
<br />
<br />,,:1
<br />.~
<br />f
<br />I
<br />t:;.....
<br />
<br />by, .~,~".~~,~la H. Sncw, !!:JSband ill\d \"ife.
<br />
<br />h~!QOU ' '..-'t ; 1i~J~( C (V/c:r-
<br />Si~~t.'U:~of~ p~e.'~,.,',tR::TC~' , A7c'k<n'o'wxLe~n' t....'..'.
<br />c ':;gJ.. ...- '~u=l ~UBUC .. N!ed,.;m
<br />
<br />
<br />Title
<br />
<br />\}:~~j!
<br />. jSi'ATE OV, ......._........... ~. .,.,...~... ..
<br />
<br />!~
<br />
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<br />
<br />Eaten.! on n.......rit>LI index and liled for reeord
<br />in the ~ of o-t. 0tlIce 01 laid County the
<br />
<br />,.,-el<lel< 0Ii. ,minUlfi .. . .... ..M..
<br />
<br />....,.t_...
<br />
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<br />
<br />llL~ ~.., .L.
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<br />
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<br />
<br />.~ of Doed.
<br />
<br />By..,
<br />
<br />~"'ty
<br />