<br />, herein called the grantor whether one or more;
<br />
<br />
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, County of ,..,...,...............,...,...,.........,.,............,
<br />Filed fGr reeGrd and entered in Numerical Index
<br />
<br />on,............."............,..,..................,......,.. at ...........,.... o'clock ................ M,.
<br />and recorded inDeed Record ....,........................'. Page ....,............,....'......,
<br />
<br />~-... .~..n'." "-" < 'H' ......~...... 'u.......... U"...... ....... H,
<br />
<br />By
<br />
<br />C<>>mty Clerk or
<br />R;.gi$ter of DeedB
<br />
<br />Ifflputy COllll.ty Clerk or
<br />Deputy Register of Deeds
<br />
<br />
<br />Reminnie O. SChmidt, in her own right and as the widow of Herman D. Seh$:Ldt
<br />
<br />in eon.ideration of $54,000.00
<br />
<br />reeelv-ed. from grantee. does grant. tung-aln, s.eH, convey and cor.firm anto
<br />Rose Ann Jacobsen. Daughter of Grantor
<br />
<br />herein "alled tht' grl10tee whether Ollt' or more. the rollowing deseribed real property in
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />C<"H.ay, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Lot (20) in Block (l) in Morris Addition to the city of Grand Island
<br />Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and recorded: together with all
<br />household gooda, furniture, fixtures and equipment located therein and
<br />used in connection therewith.
<br />
<br />Reaerv.ing unto the Grantor a Life estate in and to the use and enjoyment
<br />of the above property and all rents and inc~ th@r@fr~ for her life.
<br />
<br />To haYf> aud tQ- hi}kl th{. abQve desenbeti Vft.tU1~e'-~ t o~the-l" with uU t-enemel:lt-s~ ber-editamentl
<br />and aprd_H.temm~~:s tht:"N.,t-Q b-elout.!wg unt.z) tbe _gr-3.nt~~f'" 'lnd tu I-;-Mlnt~ 's, heirK and u8signs. fotl"ver.
<br />Awl tb~ grunt{H' -dt~ii h...r~b'y J',~\.t'natlt- with UH" !.p."':sntee and \.~.ith ~r-,I1utet~'Hi h{,lr~ aud as&igns
<br />rhllt ~a.t-i.t(it. ix lawf,1ily ~e.L~i of ~id p,re'mi~ft-, that !~wy tin" fh""t' frow t~netUnbratH.l~
<br />
<br />t.bg.t grUDt!)... has gU<t.d r~gi1t tu.ai la wfu.1 ~uthotitJ to ~; onv~y tb€ ;.atue; nud ~ hat grantor w-arra.nta and will
<br />dbfend. the titl~ 1-0 $aJd p-l'~nti~ &pif~t th~~ tlw-iul d~iut!'l!;A,gH persons whoInsuev-er,
<br />
<br />
<br />L S-
<br />
<br />19
<br />
<br />74
<br />
<br />/, )fZ
<br />..,:#'~'".
<br />
<br />j:.Ji.,.tYrJVhY.. ,/J!,~'C':!dt:.<;Y., ".".
<br />
<br />!,ITAi'E OP NEBBAi:lKA. CQumy o! m...2~."eL./
<br />
<br />.Be-fQY{:' me. a notary puhht' q:udifi~'d fo. ~Hld hJUnty. pt~r$\.HlaHy t~une
<br />
<br />]
<br />
<br />Relainni. o. Schmidt, in her own right and a.s the widow of
<br />~ O. SdmU.dt
<br />
<br />
<br />:t1(f\\'}\ t~) w-e- to b~ the- idt'm_tiral Pr'--l"$OIl or 1~,('r8(lJJ$ who -signed the
<br />It'>mg in.struw."llt 1u,,1 aekuowlwlged the exeeutinn there<.>f io he his,
<br />v" their voluntary ",et and d;red,
<br />
<br />J
<br />
<br />n_In)" hal.;l
<br />
<br />Itnd n".,nai ~~ on '..'
<br />
<br />~~,~J/ _ /l
<br />//, .d~~", ,~,
<br />,.-.,~~...,.~/ .'..' ,-,.,...-~
<br />
<br />"" ,
<br />,,;~~,~~~~~. >"_,~~ ,_.(.t\,.t.r:...~..,.~,
<br />
<br />H,.L!-;6::r-,:~", Nt'tar)' Public
<br />
<br />Ms ~~lllmi~inn tf_:(p:irt~$ ....l../;r,. 19
<br />
<br />~. ~;1I ..~. b)o/lc<llf"'~1i $:llt"nu !\llS<lelit.tw;; _ ._, ~.... v....." "....,
<br />