<br />TtlfS!Ce'nitle and all risht, litle, intere,! and claim of lh. Tnm<>r alld his ,uc"te"ors in .nterest and Mall person' daimingby
<br />ot,lluj)UllhoY undtrlhem, in and to rhlt propt'rlY sold, including all such right, tille, .interest and claim .n and to such property
<br />acquired by t!le. Tru'lorothi,.,uecessors ill interest ,ubsequentlO the execution I'll' the Trustee, The Trustee shall apply thl"
<br />ll1'O<.~sof t~nuslee's sak;lIrsl,wl","cO$1 and.~xpel1$esof exerci,ing Ihe powcrof sale, and oflhe.ale, itiduding:lhe
<br />pa}-Tllelll oit"'" TruSlee',fees actually incumd not mexceed the amo\JnI which may he providedintheTt\lst l)eed,sect'I"d;to
<br />,paym~oJ theohllgatl"n.s secured by thelm,l Deed, alldlhe balance, if any, WIlle pemlnQrpersoflsJegallyenlitled tberetn,
<br />
<br />'1...... :.......
<br />"-~t
<br />
<br />
<br />AudtheTnr~t<< ;;ovenams tiltlhfull:HO perform tlW tlUS< herem created,
<br />
<br />BENEFICIARY may from time Ii; time ,ub~titute il m.:ces.mr or SUtCesWfS to any Tillstee .named.herein'or'a~II1!'
<br />her<,ullden"I'_-Ulcthh Tru~rDt>ed,Uponsu"h appaintmenland wil haut conveyance 10 the Successor T m$lee, tbe llitter shall
<br />be. "ejllcd with .all titlt,> powm, and dl'tles wltkrred up{ln ;;oy Trlls!ee herem .named or acting hereunder. EactlsUCb
<br />appoimm':'matlG sub.tltulion',ha/J.be made.by. wriuen in,{rument. and execllted by. Beneikiary,' containing' refttelleelothis
<br />Tfll~t Oe<:d and ..IS pla~.e of r<:emu, wh,.:h,wh<:n re~orded in the nUke {If .he Regislt't of Deeds of ihe ('Ounlyor counties';n
<br />",.hidl saidflf('lX"ly i, sHuroed. ,hal/he col1d,,~i'e pf<Kl! 01 pro!,,,,r appmmmr1l! of Ih" succ'e\Stlf Tru~tee' The foregoingpawcr
<br />olsulmilUllon and the ll1'OCOOUH.' therde't" shat! 1101 he exd,,,,w of lhe P()W~t 'wd pwcedmc provided for by law f(>l: lbe
<br />~uhstilt~h{)n ot-a --T-rUMet' Of' Tnl~t~ in ~hr pj~.~ oJ the' TH:st<< ~)-f Tfustce,1j. H.l.fHOO ne-rein.
<br />
<br />rrU~t()f I'CT'Ife$.(,mJ~ lUlU ~dJTa.m:;, th.Al :h-e- .a.m:H-t: d~"...nibt:-d H'J! (:-~"I~n~' t't nn:
<br />
<br />fj)J dn agrrcuttund ,activity_
<br />
<br />
<br />Ttu: waht'-f bY'the TruH('i;Of Bellf'Jkuuy (l}" ..HI. I,' dcf~Hrh Df,. fus.HJl unde-r lhj., lrtht need ",half riot beo! be deemed L{l'be..n
<br />w-at\'-t't \,..,f any ()ther. ("'!.( !'imiLu dcfatdts -s.uhs.c4uctuly r.';"::Ufnn-ll
<br />
<br />fh1!1- Trust f:>eerl !r>MH itJtH't:' to' ,and hH'l:d lh.e- hClf\, k~:iHt"t'-S. dc\~ ,;,;e-\. .ujmtni,,-;ra~un, 4:\~;;;':Utor.). ~uccc_ssors,a_n.diaS$.igns"O'.f
<br />the panie,hetC!o.
<br />
<br />fhc- -rnu~t fh-vu ~haH -ht' ""P-lt."f1:fued a>..:.;on.tw!<,,' ih~ Lt~...,
<br />
<br />ih}.:' ~~aH" \"d ~{'hr3.'.,~.a
<br />
<br />The ln~!to-r l(Qtl~t." .jha-t;~ -;"~t)P~' ,ur an\: no-n;;'l;:- (,.f J.-r,:l;;HJh ~-mJ ni 4~nj t'lIHh..t: ut ".ate h~reund-tf he mailed ,to. h:in1 by ct~nifitd
<br />mad at the a-ddfft:\'jt; here-inbel-'(tft,;' h('f_ ionh: alHJ -hhje~J~( ,A '-'!J:;;.:h m:1,i:hng ichaH ,-'I)nsntut(. C'->dd-en:ee of recej-pl oJ $ucb -notice,
<br />
<br />\\-i'-~fn-i'r rhe ~':HHe'-t '}.i) t~l~Hft",\;. ',-H'iotUti4J ""'(\[;:.1', ,:Jj~-'iH he " 'n.HHl('"d Ul
<br />'Shall t~ ~tJfi-~HueJ to ltH.'iu-o", th~ !:r.'''n1MH"i\'t' -,uu! '9-h-_t,~ ...it! \,,1
<br />
<br />p!~H'Jl ~lf1-{Z ';. H._'\" 'H;'n~i. ~tld -the. m~~t'uh-ne gender
<br />
<br />IN WITNESS Wlif.IU:Ul', Ul< '''''''1' 1\;;; I1n,'W\!<'
<br />
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<br />BdOf\'m;:, a Nm.al)' ,1111>",_ ..Illllifi<:d hy "'10 <"limy. ,,,,,,,,nalh call.t. .!tI:I~!l~;,~..!l!~~,,,...~...._,,,........,,.._... and
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