<br />~~ °----' ocia4ss
<br />Uxuv,ast ('ovfx,ax'ts. !tort„war and Lender covtaant and agree :~.< fvlimvs:
<br />1. Payment of Principal and Interest. Harrower .hall promptly pay often due the princip:+i of and interest nn the
<br />ind.:htrdne~c cvulrnttd by the Nntc, prepayment and late charges ns provided in the Nvte, :ind tht principal vi and interest
<br />nn am Fritiur ,1.L-nsce+scct mTl by iha Decd ,u 7 nnt_
<br />2. Funds for 'faxes and Insurance. Subject to applicable law nr to a u~ritter, waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />n+ i ender .+n the d:p~ utan[hly instal hncnts of principal and interest arc payahlc under the Nvtc, until the Notc is paid in full.
<br />a sum !herein "Punds'i cgoal to one-tx~eifth of (hc yrady tatics and ussetancnts which may attain priority-over this-
<br />Dced-,rf.Trttu, and ground rents vn the Property, i[ any, plus one-twelfth of }•cariy premium instalftnents far hazard-insurance-. -
<br />pius one-twelfth of yearly premium mvtailmems fur mgrtgupte insurance, it an}', adl as reasonatriy estim,atcd iui[iaHy and from
<br />time to time by Lender rnt the basis of assessment. and hills and reasonable estimates thereat. -
<br />Tht Fitnds :hail bt held m an instdution the depvsiis or acruanh of which are insured ur guarautecd by a -Federal-or
<br />stag agency Qncinding Lender i(Ixnder is .uch an insutntivn). Lender shaft apply the Funds-to pay said taxes, :+ssessmerits:
<br />unurence nn°miturc and ground rent;, [.ender may net charge for so hooding and applying--the Fonds, ana_Iyzingsaid-account
<br />,tr verifying and cvmpil€ng ~=ard a~.<ecsments and bills, smlesc Lender pays 6orrn4,•er interest un the Frmds and applicable-.law -
<br />pcrmrts I ender to ntakt a+ch a charge. fiarruwtr and lender may agree in wrhing a[ the time of exectnion of'this
<br />Dcec3 of 'imsr th;rt intcrea on the Fends ,halt !~c paid rt Harrower, and unless such agreement is made nr applicable-law-
<br />roquires wch iatcresi 9±+ be paid, i.ondcr +hall nut be rcquved w pay Hnrroucr ::nV intcrct(-or earnings on the Funds. -lender.
<br />shad clue to Non rrser, .vithnnt Charge, ao annual accoum mg of the Frmds .bowing credits and adebits io-ihc Funds and the
<br />purpose i:~r •.~-bleb each debit to the Funds was made. "Cho Funcis are pledged as additivnal security f_or the sums-seeurcd-
<br />bc thrs Used of -t"rust. - -
<br />if the amount of ti:c Ponds bc!d br L.ender. togc[her <ai[h du tutu rc mun[hlq insmiiments of Funds payable prior tv
<br />Nte due date, of taxes. ~ sesmrur+- rasaran:c prcmiumt and ground rent, .hail e<ceeti the amount required tv pay said tales.
<br />.nsessrnenn_ insu ranee }>remmm< ,utd ea,urd rcnt< ,:, ;hoc !ail due, xich e<cess shall hc, at Horrowtr's option, either
<br />promptly rcpmd to Hrxrower ur credited nr Hnrrower on unmthiy installments of Fonds. tf the amaunt of the. Fundx
<br />held by irndcr shall nut h<r ,ulf totem !o pay facts. assessmt m3, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due.
<br />&xnnecr hail p:ry .n [ ,•ndcr dn} amaum neccssnn• :n make. uj> the de6riencf ~<'irhin 30 days {rum the Batt nptice is mallet!
<br />by i_cndcr to Nnrrowtr rcyu,»stiog payment thereat.
<br />t `pen par„tent in !tai of all stool <ecumd he the.: Dec;i „t Truce. 1 ender shall promptly refund to Harrower any Funds
<br />held by Lender tf under paragraph iR hercut the Property :, add ,rr the Pmpem• s rnhcrwist acquired by Lender_ Lendtr
<br />shat! spply. ^n later than antmtdiatdy prior i<t the s.dB nt the i'ropeny ur h.~ acqui<niun by Lender. any Funds held by
<br />Lender rt the ume of appiieatirm as a credit against the st.una ,ecured by this Dcat of Trost.
<br />3. Application of Payments. LJnir±s applicable iaa prnvrics nthcrwse, all payments rtceive~i by Lender under ttte
<br />xute and paragraphs t aa<i_ hereof shall he annhul Pn 1 ~adcrr first in paymcui of amounts payable to Y..ender by Borrower
<br />antler paragraph '_ hereof. then to iotcrc--a payahlr on. the Note, Ihen to the pniecipai of the tt'-ate.:ind then Eo interest and
<br />principal cm any Future Adva[res.
<br />~. Chargea; Liens. Borrower ;halt pap :rii late,- .tiscsstm-nt, sod other charges. fines :ind impositions attributable to
<br />the Property which ma} attain a pnvnty ,war this Decd ,'t Trust. and Iea:,rhold payments or ground rents, if any, in the
<br />manner pnrvided under paragraph 2 Iterert ,±r, if rrut p.iid ur srich manrrr. by 8orruw~=r making pa}'rnent, when due, direcNy
<br />m the pave[ thereut_ Borrow-er -,hall purnpily furcn.h to i coder edi ira!;:r. nt arouunt< due undtr [his paragraph, and in the
<br />event Harrower shall make paymrn, d+re~ciy. Horrn~.<cr ,h.c!i r-ram}!tly ~ ~:, nisi[ t.r Lender receipts evidencing such payments.
<br />Hamvwtr slip!! ;xantpt(g disehurgc anti '.ic.z which tau punntr r.t er Ihr, Decd ni 3 trill: pnn~ideri. that Borrvwer .haN trot he
<br />rtgwred to discharet :mr suet !ten ~,, !,trig :- Nnrr,,wei ,isdi a_iec m „;tun:; t ~ the pxymcnt of the ahhgation secured by
<br />,uch lien to a mannci ;i~ctptubic to i ender, :rr .h:ri ,a good t.uth cauree .!left Len hv, or ,ictend erttu control of such hen in.
<br />kgai praccedine=. a°hrch apcrarc to I'+n•:cot th~~ ~n ter: cntcnt at :hc i,en or tort cituro id the I'ropert} or any part thereof,
<br />5. ffazard ttisuraacr. Bern:c er ,Hall !,cep rite mtpi++~•ement; noes ev~tmp er henattcr rr-,clod un the Property insured
<br />agmnst inns hr tire, hazard ttt~ittded urchin iha r~rm ettende,l ~overocr - ,: n;l v+ch <=iher hazards as I ender may reymrc
<br />and in sack arnarutts :utd left suet htucnls :r-, i :adcr olio n~yuira; pa,e~~ie.l. Ih.n Leerier ~.it;ril rot re>aune chat the amoani of
<br />;uch cvvertge r~•.:ecd that amrwtr of _,zs-enxe req a,=ri t:: {,.r: .he sane ,.. ~.ued h} this Deed nr 1`rust.
<br />"i"ht msrrrance e,trrier prosidmg the •,rrntce .hail ix : ,, ^~ Sri;; o:;er suhiect I„ appro:-ai i++r I cm[er: pawided-
<br />I• ,.ru
<br />that such approval shalt out t^,.c unras,vtahla snhhda ail }rrrm!ums s+n ins:nancc palicirs shall he paid in the manner
<br />provided under paragraph ? hereof ear- tt not pan3 .u >uch ntannur, ". Harrower making payment, when due, ttireetly [n the
<br />insuranct Barrier.
<br />AL rrsmance poheie, an<i tore+, ai, t:acrrui shall h.' iri i=-, ri a.-uaahlr- ;.. d ender sea .tiatf include n standard mortgage
<br />clause it favor of and i = [,rrtn .+c,eptsi:ic to L enact i -~,ncier ,. h.iei r,- neht io hai,i tt;c pufidcs ;ind icne:call thereof,
<br />and Horror er shalt pr,nnptis Lr, mss, ;,. I enue. :nt~..,: -. t ,c:pix ~ p.ud premiums. Ir. the event „f loss.
<br />Burrower shall give prtntpt nut;re ;n rite insur,rn~. e ,: ua_ aril t ca.ie: I erdzr rite} make pioo,= ut fuss ii nut nmdt promptly
<br />fiv Harrower.
<br />lnfess I ender sod Hvrmuer .v h. nsi>e agree ;a ++,rur g, ;muomre p:.+.ceds .h.;ii trc .:pphtd ic+ restoruwn nr repair of
<br />ihr Proptrtti~ d-+maged. p.c t-~=led <u.._ ;~ _. G¢e , •cr-a:r r: ,,.e~nrnt :hie ,ell the sccurny at tlv< Dte;i of Trust u
<br />not thertb}' impaired. ii such restoration ~,r :epa+r i. n,rt,c,nnxitralil iea,ihir~,r=- a the saauity of tbic Dead of -I rw[ would
<br />be tmpaired. flit insurance pnn:ecJs ahaii he ai:p;te1 r., ibe sours .caucd by :iris (.>eed of Tnist, wait the access.: f any, paid
<br />to Harrower. t{ the Proetrq• is ah:uufrnred by B;i:rower, ,+r it N<,nawer tads n, re<pund w Lender wnhut 30 days from the
<br />date nonce is mailed by t_cnder to Huratw er that nc~ :nsuruncc .arr!cr :+tii•r. to -sonic ~ ; imm foi uwuruiec hrnefits. Lender
<br />is authorized to cnileB! and -apply ihr ir.aurarscc ptc~etd> ax I coder s .=.,uou either ur restn!:rtivn ur repair of the Pmper.Y
<br />x to the sums secured by flits Deed ut ~Lru.s;.
<br />unless t.endtr and Hw'n?wtr cthenvtx agree m a•nung, _rn< ,uah eppLcauun of proeemds to pone pal shall not extend
<br />or postpone the due date ut the monthly ms€alitntnts iettrred to m parugniphs i and -Z hereof i=r ~hnnge the amount of
<br />such installments. if under paragraph tti boreal the Proper.:, a.;gwred hr I.rnder. all right, title anJ interest of Borrower
<br />in and to any insurance policies and in ,colt to the proceed thertol ttsuiting from ilaniagt lu the Property prror to the time
<br />or acquisitior, ,haFl pass t:~ Lsttder to the extent of the owns otcuret by th+s Deed ,}f Prnat unmediaitig prior to such salt ar
<br />acquisition.
<br />b, Preservation and liatatetrante of Property: Leaseholds; Condonuniums: Planned Linit lleyelupmtnts. Harrower
<br />clip!! kelp flit Prvptrty m ecxrd rtpuu artd Jtall not .aroma w~ is or pc crud uupau merit ur drteri„ratran of flit Property
<br />and shall comply wrth the pmvislons of any lease rf thts Deed v+f Trust in on a leasehold. If this Decd of Trust is an x unit in a
<br />cendomtnium or a planntd unit development, Herrawer shall preform ail of Horrvwer ~s crltiigations under the declaration
<br />nr covtttams creating or gavernmg the condominium or planned unit devetoprxceni, the by-laws aria regulations of the
<br />condominium ox planned uni6 development, and constituent dcx;umtnts- IE a cvndvnxinium or planned unit dtvelopmtnt
<br />rider is txccuttd by tiorrawer and recorded together wuh this Deed uf -T7ust, the covenants and agretutents of such rider
<br />shalt be inrnrporattd into and shall amend and suppltnttm tht covenants and agrten+tnts of this Dttd of Prust as if the rider
<br />Wert a part hercut.
<br />7, Pmtectb» of header's Security. 1F Httrrawer fails to iurform the covtrtants and agmemcnis Bantained in this
<br />Dead of Trust, or if any action or proceeding is commenced which materially affttts t-ender's inttresi in the Property,
<br />itrchtdittg, but oat limited to, eminent domain, msvtvency, cede ertfarcenttnt, or arrangements nr pracetdings invviving :c
<br />bankrupt or.dacxdent, than txndtr at i-.tnder's option: upon uaticc to Narrower, ma} make such appearances, disburse such
<br />starts acrd take such action as is ntctssary to pro€eet t..tndtr> initrtst, including, but not limned tc*, disbursement M
<br />raasunabte attortmy's fees and lofty upper tht Proptrty to make repairs. if Lender require? mortgage insuranct as n
<br />cattdition o€ making iha loan aeeured by flits Dttti a{ Trust, Borxower shall pay flit premiums required to maintain such
<br />ituttranae ig tttaca urrtit such Batt as rite rtgmirtmrtit for stxh insurance terminates in accordance with Norrewer's and
<br />Lt~cr's +erittzn agttraotant or applia~ble law. Hvrrower shall pay flit amoum of all rrwngage irruranct premiums in the
<br />maaaar prcwidcA nndtr paragraph ' hcretrf.
<br />Any atitoutrts tlisbitratd by 1-endtr puttuant to th;s paragraph 7, with interest ihereen, shat! trxcornr additional
<br />irrdobtednass of borrower scoured by tbis-fkmd of Trust. LJ pleas Horrowtr artd Lauder .+grte to other tonne ei payu,ent. such
<br />aaxsua)s shall be payatrit uprttt notice bolo t.cndtr to Hnrrewtr reaiutsting payment thertx+t, aria shall hear 6tierest front the
<br />darn of diafutt~sament rtt flip rate payaftie from flint ru time an outstanding pnns;pai under the \~ote unltss paynttnt of intertat
<br />sr filth rata wouk! -ba contrary to appllcahip law. in whtch overt such amounts chat! hear rnitrtst at the highest raft
<br />parmisaiC+ta e+it~r a{}pticabl8 dew, 4Vothiny conSairied to thra paragraph 'shall rtynrrt l.~endtr ru rtx•ur artp c~cptnse or take
<br />any actxwtt hurttmdtr.
<br />& lanpractbq. l.trsattt may make or cat~sa sty bt mad[ rcrisanatrie €;ttriev uCxxa _ueti ingotv:,+on<_ of thv~ Pr,~pe-rtv. pr,tvuied
<br />that l-siydcs( abaft give-t)e-rruwtt nf!riu@ prror to an}` <ukh ?r,Y,pectt;tr, spe.:rfytug tCi_ nine :au- t ihcretus veiatetF „ t eodtr~a
<br />tgi~te><t t , tiro t"rti Evrnr
<br />