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<br />TIt,~ tracts in III arc: ill tht, ~;lltllll Ilall' (S~,) u! SvdilJlI S"vvlIl","j (1/)
<br />and North l!al.J (N!,,) ul StTl [un 'J'wvlIly (LU), TdWII:.11i1' Nille' ('J) NUI'l!" !(;III!~"
<br />1~levt.'1l (II) Wc:s). of (:tit' bth P.M., Itd I Count y, NI~.
<br />
<br />l. Lots Six (0), Seven (7), EighL (Ii) i1l1d Nilll' \'.1) 1,.1,111<1 ill :;"l', II, i1l1d
<br />Lots One (I), and part Lots Two & 'l'hreu U&'j) l:;!and in Sec. :!O.
<br />Acreages are: in Sec. J7 - 225A, in Sec. ::0 - IOS.32A. (Ill SlOe:. LU il j:;
<br />less than prior appraisi.lls as thu building siLl.' hilS oeen ".)1<1 1!.l,liA.)
<br />
<br />The lots and part of lot:-; lying East of Nelll'aska Stute Highw...y 1100 i,;
<br />not included in lands belonging tlf 11ll1lgL'IIl' ,1"d Vi J"ginia. .
<br />IL has OCt'Tl dL'lertllined the numbc'J" uf O1C,.',':, l',I:-.l ul Hwy. lIu() I u l>'~1~,:,
<br />the remainder on the wust being l()li.'12A.
<br />
<br />2. Lot Six (6) I:-;land, in St'ction f:ighll'cn (Iii), C\lI1Llillillg 4/1\.
<br />'). The Northeast Quarter of Lhe Nllnh"'lst l~I""'Il'r (NI':~N!':U ::1.'1<1' 1','-;:( ,>I
<br />Lot One (I) "nd Lut Sc:vell (7) i:,I,,"<1, ill Sl'c'LiulI Ninl'tc'<:ll (1')),
<br />containing 99A. (lOA. having b':L'n sold oft')
<br />4. Lots One (]), Two (2) illld Threc' (:l) Mailll"ll.! , ill Sl'<.:tit,,, Niltl'l"l'1t (I')'),
<br />conC ai Ili ng_J..'l8A.
<br />5. The South HafTOf the Southwest QuarLe.' lS'cS\1~), in Sec:Liult 'I"'J<:IILy (211),
<br />containing BOA.
<br />
<br />Numbers 2, 3, 4 & 5 are all in 'I'uwllship Nill\' (9), l{allgc: EJl'v.'1l \ II)
<br />West of the 6th P,M., Hail COUllty, NE.
<br />6. Lot Olle (1) Muinland, and the South':ilst C1U'II'tc'l' df LIll' Nunll"'"'' lJlI'll'( ,'1'
<br />(SE}i,NEJ,;) of Sl;lction Twenty-five (L5), 'I't)ww.hil' Nine (':I) Nueth, IC,It)'...
<br />Twelve (12), West of Lhe 6th P.M., It,d I Cuwley, NI~., <':ullLaillill~.0..:
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