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e~~~~--~(I fi 0 4 9 fi <br />iaORTGAGE LOAN NO. -L 24.18 ~ <br />xNt)WALLMENBYTItFSEPRFSTuN7S:That Philip. D. Iiorak and: Linda Susan fiorak; each in his anct <br />-her own- right and as spouse Of each Other, Mortgagor, whetlter one or rttoie; io'coiiaideration of the sum of <br />Iosacd ~'to said orortgagor-by Tht.F..gttitabk Buiiditig and Lt <br />said -ASSOCIATION, (:ertificate No. L 24:18]. <br />descrttred.ieal gate, sitmted in lla7t County.-Nebraska: <br />'---- llt}LLARS <br />Assoctatian afGrarxl lalaitd, Nebraska:, Mottgsget,_ upon 250 share of stocY of <br />do herebygraar; txtnvry and mortgage. oath-the acid ASSOCIATION the following <br />A portion of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast .Quarter, of: Section Tian <br />'ibwllship 'Itaelve North, Range Ten West of the 6th P.M:, Hall Qounty, <br />Nebraska more particularly described as follavsc Beginning at':tYle NortY~ast <br />corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast. Quarter and rEn+n;r,g:West <br />along the north line of said-Northeast Quarter of the Souttr~agt,.QUarter a <br />distance of 660.02 feet; thence a deflecting angle left 134 45' 20" and <br />running 929.42 feet southeasterly to a point arI the east line of said <br />No ast quarter of the southeast quarter; thence a deflecting angle left <br />135' 20" and running north 660.02 feet to the point of beginning. <br />together wiilt sB the tenements, heroditanxats and appmieasnces thereunto Ixtottging; including attached Moor caterings,.all-window-stxeerta,- <br />- - - window shadts, blinds, storm windows, awnings, htatiag, air croaditioairtg, and plumbing and water equipment and acceasmies thereto, pumps stoves; - <br />reftigeratora, and other fixiurea and equipment new or htreattcr anached to ar used in urnnection with saidreaF estate. <br />- Attd whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does ltcrtby egret that the triangagar shah and wi6 pay aU taxes and assessmenfa level nr <br />assessed upon said premises artd upon this r€wngagt and the bond sceurtd thereby btforo the-sattx shall beeame delmgmat; to Ettrttish-appravsid <br />- instrrana upon the buildings on sxiQ prenrixs xituattd in the sum of S 25. 040 fit) payable to said ASSOCIAT[ON and to deliver fo- stud --: <br />- ASSOCIATION the policies fur said irtsurarce; and not to tximmrt or perrm~ any waste on ar alwut soul prtmires; - - - <br />In cast of default its the pcrfumiance of any of the terms and txtnditrans of this tr>rangagt or the bond steered htrtby, the ntortgagre shall; <br />- - as demand, bc~ entitled to iatmtdratt petax-scion of the enorigaged premises and the mortgagor heretry astigias, traasfors-. wd sets ortr- to. the <br />mortgagee aU the reels, revenues and iricarix to bt derived tram rite nwrtgaged premises dining such time as [tie mortgage indebtedness shah amain <br />tirtpaid;.and the mortgagee shalt have the power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire far the purpose of ropaiciag said pmmircs and rentirig- <br />-- the same and txifiectittg ilte rents, tctTntres and income, and it [nay pay out at said iacurete ail txpevses of repairing said-- premises and ncceatary <br />- commiscans and exprrt~s incurred m renting tad managing the xartic tad of collecting rentals therefrom: the balance remaining, rt' say, to be <br />- appBed toward the discharge of said ttamgage iadtbtedness: chest rights oI tftt ttwrigagce may be czerciset3 at any time daring the existence of suds <br />de alt, irrespective of any tettgioeary waises of ihC saint. - <br />_ Ttiest Reseals,. however, are upon the Canditian, That iI tfrc said Mortgagor shall repay said lean an or before the~rnaturity of said shares by - <br />WYment; PgY mondtly to said ASSOCIATION of the win spetifitd in the Band secured hereby as utetrtst and principal unsaid loan, as or before <br />the Twentieth day of each and cserY month, natil said town is tally paid; pay aB texts and assessments levkd agaitsst said premises and on this Mortgage <br />- artd tM Bond setamd theretry, before delinquency; famish approved iasurante upon the building: ttterwron in the stun of $25, 000.00 payabk <br />- to said-. ASSOClATIFIN; repay to said ASSOCIATION upon dermmt a6 tnoruy by it paid. far suds taxes; asstxvitrenis and iitsutsnce with interest at <br />the tnasimum lepp{ rase thetean tram date of payrrtent a6 of which Mortgagor hereby agrcea to pay: ptrmit no waste on said premises; keep and-comply <br />with-all the agteenrents and. utiladitions of ilia Bumf f x 525, 000 . ~0 this day given by the said Mortgagor to said ASSOCIATION; and comply <br />with a6 kht requirements at tlxe I;atstitutioe tad By-taws ui caul-ASSOCIATION; then [hest pratats shall. becortx null- and mid, othtlrwiae they <br />shah remelt-in fu6 farce and may 6e totttlased az the uptiaa of the said ASSOCIATION atttr fadtue for throe months to make any of-said <br />payments or be three mtmths in srrtsrs in making said tttanthly payments, or w keep and catnpfy wit4 the agreements and mntfitions of said Bond: <br />md.ldortgagot agree [o lose a reoLiYer appeared forthwith in such fatectostue groasetlhtgs: <br />If tlterc is say clunge bt uvmership at the real [state mangagixl hcrcrn, 4y sak or atbtrwite, then the. erttae remaining indtbtedntss hereby <br />acctaetk shah, at the option of The k'gttitabke B»ilding and Loan Assuciaiiun atGraad tadwd; Netrraaka, become it[unediately due and payabk wiMotd <br />_ - further notice, and the amount remaining due larder said bond. and any ether bond for any additional advattas made thereunder, ahail, fmm the <br />date of cxettasr of said ogtirm, bear utttrtst at the maximum kgat rate, am! this nvartgagt may then be foreciostd to satisfy the atttotmt due on said <br />- baid,atad say other bond for additions! advaricts, togetltcr with sI7 sums paid by said The Egtritabk-Bidlding sad I.uan Association of Grand Island, <br />_ Nebraalra for -i~urattct, taus and assessrents, and abstrauing extenssan charges, with vtterest thereon, Crom dart of payment at the. ttr~mntun <br />kga7-rats.. <br />Aspr ovidad ra the Bond securod hereby, wink thra rwrtgage rtraains in effect the mottgvget tiny hereafter advance additional atrma to the <br />- tiuikas of.safd-Band, thek ataiignhE ar suexxsvors en utterest, which sums s}n21 be within the security of this trtnrtgege the same as the funds origina(Iy <br />_ atsoaed- tltmeby, the total amount of prmapa! debt mrt to exceed at any tune the original amount of this mortgage. <br />2'7ihtt ~' des of January A; o., lv 84 <br />- - ST/-TBfIp NBS~tiltSl[A,~ss..-.. eta that 27th day of January E9$4 ,Ix€are tas, <br />CYItA+fTY OP II,l~,L I( <br />-. - - - ttw uttdtrdgndl;s Notary Rtbtk is tad for and Cwmty; pexanttaBy cauw <br />P.1ig D. SsS'~tic Linda Borten tiorak, eackt in his anti hex exult rigk~t~and as s <br />othesr~; are ily°ntt~'. <br />- the as Iw titan t i g whose a>ane ~; <br />s are the abavt rumcnt ruattgagorg artd aq-eraBy <br />~d tIMC#,tsid haretstmmtE to its th~1r voluntary att.and ikesd. `t ~ ,; '' ,,., <br />. - '~ my hand: trnd'Nntaria#.'Ssat tlst data ats>zmaM, - .% /` "'~ J % ,`t.. <br />artaar«f ,,,~: f ~ ~,,~~~ .. Nowy.~+tbitc- <br />