<br />..nO' wherein
<br />
<br />...--..___,...pwinliff___. and
<br />
<br />.~~~,Ci.r.<!..A.....J1,,,:i:t.':~.ll,g,,!.,~Ci.r.lll'"t.':...A.::,..l:1"'~Tl~J1...g,,,:r.~...'C.t...":~:'..m'h'" ...... .. '...m..............,.."..... ..... ....---<kJ.ndant.S,
<br />at o..,_.!.<1-Tl':l!.Ci,L,!.:i:!....t.. .... Term, A, D, 19.83.., of said caurl,...f:i.X".h.,.fl.?Y.mS!Lc:g.rnP.?'TI'..
<br />did obtain a <kc.... finding thm lhere is due fronL..!CQ"'?J:'.~...A.,..}1"JI\.:j..!)..g".I,.Gil"1Il".rlA......~.".i.I),:iflg",r, m....."'.t: al.
<br />1o'_h.,!::~E",E___,~.Ci,~,i.!-':~".. .C;()lllp.":Il)'___Lc;J:"Cln~IJ..~.Cl':'c:l___L.~I"l>:ra".l<a.... .................
<br />
<br />... m _ mn. thesum
<br />
<br />rlll,iz.t.;!m,QnamThc;tus.and..,Thr:aemHundr.ed, Eigb.Ceen...an.d .6.91.lD.0.. ... C$..6l.J,L8...6.9J.
<br />
<br />. ___ dolkirs,
<br />
<br />and C08U of suit laud at, J''''J:'.)::y.....QI\'''...'I!)..~___.5J:;iJQQ...O."J...5151... ___.dol/ars, and, whereas, it was lhen and th.re
<br />further arrhred in lhe said aclion tlUJI in defauli of Ihe paymenl of the sum 90 found due &y lhe said'h..RdJ.rar:d,.A'.mMai.ninggr:'.mh
<br />g,i3._~)!!".flmA,..J:1".tn.JI\g".J:'.L",.t.milJ.,..___. ___...... ______...._.,.... ....that ___.....c:.h.ill"_!".'?hJ'.' Fairbanks
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />Sheriff of said County of..
<br />
<br />m m.mmmm, should cause the lands and tenements hereinafter described to be
<br />
<br />ad~rtised and sold according to law to pay the same, and, whereas, default having been made therein, the sauL
<br />h....................c:.tli3.r:.l",'....F:.:...X.<l.iEI>i3.11l<:.".. .. . '0 Sheriff of said counly, under and by virlue of Ihe said decree and
<br />0.. order of sat. 10 him duly direckd, did on 0..... . ."z,".t:h... .... .. .. .dayof. Harch ......A. D, 19...~,3.
<br />at lhe,~()".'C."..}()bb'i ~of the Counly Courl IIou." in Ihe. ..______c:.Hy. ....___...........0/, ..___c:;.r:.?t.':<l....J;"..!":ll.<l ___"".._..'..m..
<br />in said County ofn .-. ..m.mm.... mmH.?.!J__. . having first gifJlm due and legal notice of the lime and place of -said sale
<br />", .. Grand Island Dail Independent. ,
<br />by pllbll{~atron once m each week .for fOllr SIlCCCSSH'P 1L'ed~s In fheunmm..mn__n....______nmuu'::L.___._.._m. a newspaper prmted and In general
<br />circulation in said County 01-.._ .... m .. __ ._JI~_~J._"__ ___._n_n_n_.mn_, sell said premises at public auction 10.m_mu:f..!E~.Eh"
<br />~,il,".:!:~~f3Compi3.I1Y'.c:;r:aTl.d Is land, m~.".br:"f3l<:<l. uumumufor lhe sum oJ__:?j,l>'TuEJ.g.I:lt.mIhQ.\!!?.?.IlQu,l':i,y",
<br />~.',lIl.<:Ir:",c:lu~.:!:.'l",.tYuXi\T"nJ~.~..').9.'),O(n. u.dollnr., which sat.wa. aflerward at o..,....!<lIl::uJs,E..,nT.rm of said courl,
<br />A, D" 19u_~.J, examined amI confirmed and the saidm ..m'unm n..C;hilXJ.E'."..I','uF.?iXl>.?I.1I<!?... nmmm.as such Sheriff, ord.red
<br />to comey 0.. said premises infee simple 10 0.. s.id X:i..r:!?..' ""y:i.ng" mC;"'IllI'.Cllly'<:;J:'Cllld._I."J.":llcl,l'l."br:i3..s.l<:il...,
<br />j}OW \l[:l)ertfore, I, Ihe saidu Charles F. Fairbanks m.mq Sheriff of Ihe Counly of
<br />lt~Jl. .u u. _ ._. _...___as aforesaid, in consideration of the premises and by virtue of the powers t'esied in me by law and the
<br /><kc.... of said courl, do hereby Give, Granl and Convey 10 lhe said,_XiJ:'.".)::.m"."y.:i,!).J~!3.G{).I1lp."I.1YL.gE?Il,<inuJ:....J:aI1<:l
<br />Nebraska
<br />
<br />....~ and CJ$Signs, the pr611isu so as afore~aid sold, to wi/.:
<br />Lot ~venty-One (21) in R & B Subdivision
<br />
<br />in Hal1Co',lIl.1:}',}ebras~.a
<br />
<br />STAMP TAX '
<br />
<br />, APR 1 8 1983 '
<br />~ iJJ~mntUmm ..
<br />$ ..... u B:i~,
<br />
<br />~o "aile anb to "olb tl)e .ame unto 0.. said..
<br />~'-~,J:~,<:I,L~~b.,r..8:1l,!<Cil.uu...,..u.... uuuuuu..muu.hU'hUh' ..n..~ wid auig1l$, and 10 them and lheir use and behoof forever.
<br />In ~e~timon!, Wl)ereof. I have, as such Sheriff, herew"" ,<el my /uuid this..uu.. n lith, nmu.day of
<br />_'...'n..nnA.PEi.~n . m...umA, D,.19~}~~c<::<,2~
<br />
<br />
<br />;, E_uted and delivered in 0.. prue1Kf: of Sheriff of.........,.... n...JiaLL..wn mnCounty, Nebraska,
<br />
<br />._ ...with lhe appurlenaru:es.
<br />. F:i.J:'st. Sil.'y,;,gg!?,.C:.Cllllp.I3,I1YLG.ri3.n.<i
<br />
<br />R. L, Williams
<br />
<br />c-qrl,~~~~~,tF ~~~~~KA. mnJ" Onthi,... 11th nnmndayof._n..mf\P~il
<br />
<br />19..!rL ~fore me, 0.. WKkr.rig....L.._._.....R"'~.g,,,.J:', '\'"..W,tU"'l.1Il\1..
<br />in and for said county, perw,wlly apJ><<1red 0.. said, _'
<br />..._..,........n.....(;,h,~.':J~..'i_,I.._...F.I3J?:.t>'~I.!!<:"m.. ..'........m...n.m. n___..m"........Sheriff Q{ .aiel CounO'.
<br />to me per..,1lQ/J;y known 10 be the uuntiool perlO1l wIw .is1md o..foregoing i1..trumenl... gralllnr. and
<br />he admowkdged 0.. ....... to be h;" ooIun1nry act and deed. ... such sANijJ, for 0.. us.. alld p~"
<br />/Ivroin sdforth, / .r . ,:
<br />
<br />_=e.::=~~1[~/~~;~~~~y/~~~"......_,__,..
<br />IlOl*R L WlUJAMS '
<br />_..........lIUU9ll5
<br />
<br />8
<br />