<br />It; !JOAN CHARGES 83-00185 ,{{
<br />, l~sfiCtli'e(l:byth~~tyIiistrul!111ntissubject.~ a 11l':Y':Yl:rlchs~'m8xiJnupi:.
<br />18m 'i'tl~ sO thiltthe~'or()therl(}an'chargescolliietiidor to be colliJctetl.
<br />li' ., . .. . . perini ..'."Il:th'i8yis'theClise, tlilm'~(A'ranY':S<<c~tIoaD
<br />.... chMt' '. ...... ." '.' . . . .t.~ .'~thlli:hlll'glltcjthe)iermitt.ed;llil1it;'andl~Br'any
<br />~'a. . .' dy coll~' f1'!>m'Bol't9W1ll'.whichcexcetJ<led pennitted limits 'will. be' refundedJo .Borrower;
<br />~nder.IllllY 'cI1OO!lll~.makll'this'refund by',,'reducing,the, principal owed under the,Note.,or .by,Diakil1g';,,~
<br />di~ paymentto'BolTl)wer;
<br />C.' PRrOlt'IlIENS
<br />
<br />
<br />~~~
<br />
<br />........nn...mm'mm'.__...'.....mnhn'....'.mm..'...m.....__.::a;.~::;;;.
<br />Larry Levin
<br />
<br />
<br />WLerfl!l!r'diltermittestIiat'till or aitypatt 'of . the SUIn!l securedbythiSSEiCuritYIDstrtiliIent'are,silbjeCt'
<br />~j8cJie,n'whiclidlaspnority'o\l'erJhis Security Instrument, Lender may send Borrower ~motice.idllnpifYing
<br />t11at lien, .]30fI'I)'IVlll' shall;promptlY'aet'with"reglU'dc.tcj.thiltlien"asipNrided'in ..paragratJl:\i'1lcofthe'.8el:u,ti,1;)"
<br />4lst~el1t ()rshallPl9lDptly sectJre an agreement in', afann satisfactory to. Lendersul)Ordinatin~t1ilitlien.
<br />:~St~~~fi~e:J;.F8iI'ilreto provide evidence that Lemler has firstlien,shall,.cona,t,it-ute a:default.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />If, thereisa;transfer of the Property; subject to. paragraph, 17 .'. of '. the Security 'Instroment;"I.er.1dlit
<br />~~require(l) anincreaseinthe current Note interest rate,or (2) an increase in (orremovaLofF.the
<br />linnt on the amount of anyone interest rate change (if there is a limit), or. (3) a changl!in the',B8Se
<br />Index figure, or. all of these, asa condition of Lender's waiving, the option to acceleratepl'Ovided.m;~",
<br />graphl7.' .. '.
<br />
<br />By. siGning this, . Borrower agrees to. all of the above.
<br />
<br />/J I" ;J'
<br />".....m"{.':74':J.ud..a,'L.zr,;.~.k:rVm...'..::.a;;;.~.
<br />Cynthia" K. Levin
<br />
<br />"
<br />
<br />STATE'OF NEBRASKA, .,....,........................~.~.....,....:.....,.;..,.;::,',.........;m...... County ss:
<br />
<br />On.this ...........,12~.....m............ day of ..........:AP.!;!J...:.:.:..,..C':',:m':;0i9.,~J.., before me, the undersigned,
<br />a,Notary, Eulili.c dulycommisaioned and qualified,for said c\:ronty;.pezsonallycame ..................................,.....
<br />.k;U;Xy..l&yJ.q..I!J).9....!;.YJ).t!\1I!,.~,.,.!i~:yJ.!!....J?9.lt!1I!Y.~..i!!!g,.!!'.u,g..:..."....,..,.,:".:,......,....,..,......,.......,.............,.....,
<br />to me known to bathe ideritical person(s) whose name(s) are subscribed to the folegoinginlJtrtiment and
<br />acknowledged' the execution thereof to be.........the.ir................................. voluntary act and dee<k
<br />WI'rNESS m.y.lu!nd and notarial. seal at m....'.Graud..Island...Nebraska......,............,in said county,
<br />thedateafotesaid.
<br />
<br />My Commisaion~;
<br />
<br />
<br />/.'F~_/,::"_;...--:_ ,>' i-' _ "pj<) > ,
<br />~. . __." . . .' NDJ:. _. .._"........ ..:..,....!r:.;~:~.;:?2.""'~;.,.,_.d......~.,...&~~
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<br />.' ~s.lW.ES:
<br />. ....-... ~.oa.u. ..
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<br />w.... OIl Bquol Emplo_. ~/AIlinoeti.. Ac:li<m Emplo_ M/F,
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<br />