<br />
<br />83-00178.:
<br />
<br />Itcoqldbe tlu1ttge l<ian secure.d byth~ SecurityIDstrwnent is subject to.a law which sets maxilinlli1
<br />loan." .c.harg...... ......e&....' a.....n...d.. '. tha.......t Iii. "'.is.. in....te. rp.:rated so t.h.'a.t the..in. .00. '. fest. '.' or..oth. er. .lo.an.c. har. g..esCOllected. .'
<br /> '.0. r. to..... '.b...6..c.ollllCted.. ..'.'. .'. '.'
<br />mconnectionWiththelolUfwould 'exceed.llermittedlimitii. . If this is the calie,' then: (A) . any; such loan
<br />charge. shiill be reauced by the amount nec:e8S8l'Y toriJdlice the charge. to theP.!lrmitted limit; and (B) any
<br />~a1ready collected.fromBor,owerwbich' exceediJdpennittedIimits will be refunded to Borrower,
<br />IiJmilerlDaY choose j;o.make.thisrefund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or bY.making.a
<br />direct paYment to Borrower,
<br />
<br />Deborah D. Obermiller
<br />
<br />~.
<br />
<br />
<br />C. PItlORLlENS
<br />
<br />If Lenderdetemiliies.that ail or any part of the StmlS secured by this Security IiistrlltitentateslibjeCt
<br />to alien wl1ich has priority ovel" this Security Instrument, Lender may send Borrower a notice identifYin~
<br />that lien.. Borrower. shall' promptly act With:regardto that lien as providiJd'in'paragraIlh4'oftheSj!c1ni~
<br />I~ent orshaIlpromptlYsecu:rean agreernl!nt ma fonn satisfactory to Lendersubordinatirig.tfuitlien
<br />to this 8ecurityInstrument.Failu:re to provide evidence tlu1t Lender hasfustliensha1lconstifuteadefamt
<br />underthetennsof this Note,
<br />
<br />
<br />If there isatransfer of the Property, subject to paragraph 17 of the Security. Instrmnent;.Lendet
<br />mar require (1) an increase in the current Note interest rate, or (2) an increase in (orremovahot)the
<br />limit on the amount of anyone interest rate change (if there is a limit), or (3) a change in the B8se'
<br />Index fimueior all of these, asacondition of Lender's waiving theoption,to accelemte.providtl4in'para",
<br />graph 17. ,_. .'.'.
<br />
<br />By signing this, Borrower agrees to all of the ~bove,
<br />c \,
<br />
<br />.-,
<br />I /) f' )
<br />/ , ; " ;J i~J, /roY/l/
<br />
<br /><..,..,..",._....,.,."'...m'...'m..m.'.......m...'...............,..,......".....
<br />
<br />"..,...'",.'.,..,--......,.-,..".."..,..."'.,........".....,...,........~,
<br />
<br />STATE OF' NEBRASKA, ,......,..........................'...~~~m"...",....,.."......m.'...'".'.. County 88:
<br />
<br />On this ...,....,....)~,t?................, day of ..m'...m..,~Eg,...'....m......' 19..?':?'" before me, the undersigned,
<br />a.Notarv Public dulv.cammission...l and qualified for said county, personally came .........................................
<br />DeDOr~lJ. lTbe~~LLer,a s1ngLe person
<br />to..m;;'kOO~.to..j;.ih;.ideiiticai".p;m;on(8)..;~~'ii~;(~)'~.~b;;rii;d'tO.th;..iQi;g~..~iitim;;nt.md
<br />ackn,owledged the executiontherooi to be ..........~~...'.'..'m'....m.....'.'....m... voluntary act and deed. -
<br />WITNESS my hand and notarial seal at m'...'.....m...........Gl:and..lsland.............n...'...n in said county,
<br />the date. afQresaid.
<br />
<br />My Co~on
<br />
<br />
<br />w. ... ... Equol Ensp\oyJuoa, ~/_vo AcIioo EmpIoyor MIF;
<br />
<br />L...I
<br />
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />~
<br />
<br />L
<br />