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<br />A lbFEET FERHANEHT UTiLITIES EASEI'IENT in part of Lot 3, Hal iday Gardens Sub<ilivision,
<br />'A<Jdition t'J the City of Grand Islar"J, Hall County, Nebraska; the centerline of "hich
<br />more pafti.cularlydescribed as folle'vls: Commencing at the Southwest corner of Lot 2,
<br />:,~.?i~.l'lo'Fday Gardens Subdivision; thence S 00000'00" E for 7,55 feet to the true point
<br />QJ begir""jj1tj; thence N 88"12'02" W fOl' 173.68 feet of a bend; thence N 87"45'58" W fo!'
<br />217;85: teel' to il tee; thence N 89"411'15" W fa!' 136,28 feet to a point on the Wester!,'
<br />prop~rty: line of said lot 3, said point being N 00"17'15" E for 42,20 fcet from the
<br />Squtli\~es t corner of sa i d Lot 3,
<br />AtSO fnl LOf 3
<br />A"PERMANENT lITIL ITIES EfISEl1ENT in Dart of lot 3, said Hal iday Gal'dens Subdivis ion, n,or"
<br />part-icuL1rly described as follows; Beginning at the Southwest comer of lot 2, said
<br />Hal iday. Gardens Su.bdivision; thence N 90"00'00" E for 14,22 feet along the Southerly I;,
<br />of said lot 2; t"ence S 88~12'02" E for 89.50 feet to a point of bend; thence N 22"10" l'
<br />for 3.04 feet to, a point On the Southerly I ine of said Lot 2; thence N 90.00'00" E for
<br />Il,2~fe{:t; thence S 22'10'51" W for 20,68 feet to a point of bend; thence N 88.12'02"
<br />fQr l14.}5 f"'ct; thence N 00.00'00" E for 15.55 feet to the point of beginn,ng.
<br />Al.SQ> lit LOT 3
<br />i\I6FHTwlDE PER"'.ANENT UTILITIES EASEMENT in part of lot 3, saJd Hal iday Gardens
<br />Sukclivl.siv(I,the centerline. of ..ich is more particularly described as follows: CommelCc:'
<br />;,~tt~e. SOUfh\'i\\~tcorner of said lot 3: thence N 00.17'15" E for 42.20 feet along the
<br />t~~!'Iscte.r]yl.il'\e1;of said lot 3; thence S 89"44'151' E for 136.28 feet to a tee: thence
<br />iN,OQ:'0(l~,i?~}'E>'~'f.{lr8;OO feet to the point of beginning, said point being On the Northerl.,
<br />, t.1i;.;~.auQ'm descrioed uti I ities easement: t'1ence N 00.00'29" E for 36,6 feet beln
<br />f;",Jiaselll!i)nt.
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