<br />r
<br />
<br />
<br />This form is used in connec-
<br />tion with.mortgages 'insured
<br />un#>;' tli";~9i1"t~. f6:utlfamily
<br />provisiZDs ofthi;'0tltional
<br />HilllsingAet. .. ...."
<br />
<br />
<br />THlS'MORTGAGE, ma'd~and executed this 11th
<br />19'83. , by llndoetween Gr.egory A.. Hopkins
<br />
<br />day of April. .A.D.
<br />and Gale R. Hopkins, HusbaD.dand Wife
<br />
<br />Hall , and State of Nebraska, party onhe first part, hereinat'tercalleil
<br />Superior Mortgage, Inc.
<br />
<br />of'theCollnfyof
<br />the Mortgagor; and
<br />
<br />a corporation organized and existing under the laws of Nebraska
<br />party of the second part, hereinafter called the Mortgagee,
<br />
<br />WITNESSETH: That the said Mortgagor, for and in consideration of the sum of Fifty ThOusand Fmtr--Hut1dI'-ed
<br />Fi:ftyand No/lOOths---------- Dollars($ 50,450.00 ), paid by the Moft.
<br />ga'gee, the rece.pt of which is hereby acknowledged, has Granted and Sold and by ,tIlese pres~nts d?es Gra,,!,
<br />gain, sell, Convey and Confirm unto the Mortgagee, its successors and assigns. forever, lI!e fon<\wing.d\,s
<br />realO5mte. situated in the County of Hall ' and
<br />of'Nebrnska; to wit:
<br />
<br />
<br />Lot Seven (7) westroads Estates Third subdivision, Hall county, Nehra'ska
<br />
<br />of the Sixth Principal Meridian, containing in all
<br />ment survey:
<br />
<br />TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, with all the "ppurtenanc05 thereuntO belonging and including
<br />al'-heating, plumbing andJig/ltingfixtures and equipment now or hereafter alta<:bed to or used inconnection.with.saidreafestate
<br />unto tile Mortgagee, and to its successors and assigns, forever, The Mortgagor represents to, and covenants witll, tbe Monga-
<br />gee, tha.t the. Mong"g.;.r has good right to sell "nd convey said premises; that thuare free from.encumbralll;e;and tbattill;
<br />Mortgagor will w"rrant and defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whQUlsoeyer; and.ttu: sai<t ~ort&a8!ll;lIere-
<br />by relinquishes all rights of homestead, and all martial rights, either in law or in equity, and all other contingellt intel'e~ts Q( .the
<br />MQrtgagor in and 10 the above-described premises, the intention being to convey hereby an absoluletitle, in fee simple, incllld-
<br />ing all rights of homestead, and other rights and interests", aforesaid.
<br />
<br />aqes according to Goyern-
<br />
<br />PROVIDED AL WAYS, and Ihese presents arc executed and delivered upon the fOllowing conditions, to wit:
<br />
<br />The Mortgagor agrees to pay to the MOIl!:agee, ,,,. ordel, Ihe principal sum of Fifty Tho\l!;and, Four Hundj::ed
<br />Fifty and No/IOOths,----------------------Dollars($ 50,450.00 ),
<br />
<br />with interest from date at the ratc ui '!'wel ve pel ("enlwn (
<br />the unpaid balance until paid. The said principal and interest shall be payable at Ihe o/lice of
<br />
<br />12 %) per annum on
<br />Superior Mortgage, Inc.
<br />
<br />in Grand Island, NE 68802 ,or at such other place as the hold~r of
<br />the note may designate in writing, in monthly installments of Five Hundred Eighteen and 94/100ths-----
<br />________________ Dollars ($ 518 94 ), commencing on the firsl day of
<br />June ' 19 83, anil on llie first day of each month thereafter untillhe principal and in.
<br />terest are Cully paid, except that the tinal paymenl of principal and interesl, if not sooner paid, shall be due and
<br />payable on the first day of May, 2013 : all according to tile terms of a cermlD promis.
<br />sory note "f even date. herewith ex.ecuted by the_said Mortgab."t)f.
<br />
<br />The Mortgagor in order more fully to) protect the security of this Mortgage, agrees:
<br />
<br />I. ThaI he will pay the indebtedness, as hereinbefore provided, Privilege is reserved to pay Ihe debt in whole, or in an
<br />amount equall<' one or more monthly payments on the principal thaI are nexl due on Ihe note. on Ihe first day of any montll
<br />prior to maturity: Provided, however, That wrillen notice of an intention to exercise such privilege is given at least thirty (30)
<br />days prior to prepaymenl,
<br />
<br />2. Th"t,tQge!bel';Vith;"nd (n addi.tion to, ih" monthly payments of principal and interest payable under the terms of Ihe
<br />note secur~d.he.l'Cby, the MQTtgasQr will pay to the MQrtgagee, on the first day of each month untilth. saill nole is fUlly paid. the
<br />follo,wing sunw . .
<br />
<br />(a> Amount ...fflcillUt to plovide .heholder he.eof \Vitll funds to pay th~ next mortgage insurance premiumi/' Ihis
<br />mSlrumeill and the ll<,te secured heteby are insured, or a nloIlUdy.charg~ (in lieu of a moTtgage insurtJIlce p~
<br />",111m) if they ale htld by the S<:netary of !IoUSlUg and Urbatl Devek.pmcnt, as follows:
<br />
<br />(I) If an~_ s.o lmlij as ,~ld n~)t(' nf \,:,vcll J~l~_ .~~~ du:s Hl~:tfU~Ul."(H df~~ mSUlc(j (11 arc reinsured under the pro-
<br />Vmoll.S <)1' the N~li"nal HouSinll Act, an atllOUnl sufficient to ac,;ullIulate in the h.ands of tile holdel olle
<br />
<br />R.plaut" FHA.214)M lNhith t'hW h.t- tit&lJlJMtf i;.~p~l'r Of ItxJ\ilUs-ted
<br />
<br />81''' TaW.' NEIUlASKA
<br />HUD.91143M t9,191
<br />