<br />
<br />~ m.dll .,... ~ 83- tJU 17~3,~
<br />_now .u{[ ~lJ,tn bp \CIIbt~t ""rt~tnt~t ThoJ, WMN!a8. In an odum in /he Dulriel Courl of 1M
<br />Elev~J.l!:.~., ...,.......,..Ju4idol Dirlricl of Ih< Stale of Neb/'(JIIlta. within andfor 1M County 0/-..., .....J1.?.1.L .....,... whuein
<br />2 an ~?..~()r,~&':lif/e..,.C.?.IlIp"Il)'....!...",Il....r."",."...,~..,.,......,.....____..._.plaintiff.... and
<br />_J..~J:I,.:.J.,...1:l.~.I:9Y....~c:l..Ic:if1.cla,...1lo,..Jta_I:9Y...L. ....,~t:...";l.,, ....................... .. ..,...dqendanl'L
<br />at 1h<_",.:r,,,!\.tl':l:r:Y.,...l".~r,,.~,. ._ Term. A, D, 19..~.2, of soid courI.Jl.~gf<:> J1g.r:.t:g"g<=c.()!!1P13.,11Y.,L~!L.
<br />diti obtain a deem finding that there u dIU from... ..__-",,-".I.,L..!Ierr<I)'...."":9:.. Lin da R. .IIa:r:9:L ' e t ..".I.~..!.. ....,...........,..
<br />to__.._,~."~,~-"...!:!<:>!;.t;:.g.~gl!o.....c.-".!!lP,!!o~y....,,..a,I1..I-",..?_..c..().TI'J:>!;.?.tJ<:>[l ....................., ....... ................" ................ lhe sum
<br />0/ .__,~,!"'J:.Y.,.,9!!J:',ThO!l",.a,!\!:\...Qm~..J!h1I1S!J::"'.!:i. ..S:i,j{.t:Y..E.:i,ght....Mcl ..~:?llQQ ..(~I?J,19.~. ,.R.;;) ... .,.dalldrs,
<br />
<br />and COIU of suill=ed ai,
<br />
<br />.. ....dollars. and, wh~, it wcu then and there
<br />
<br />furlhu ordired in 1M saiti aclion /hal in default of Ihe paymenl of 1M sum"" found due by 1M said. ...E.arL..J......Har.dy.....and.....
<br />_....:L.,~J.l9:",..ll'....l.l"r:dy...,.. e,~....".r...L ..... ............._ ...that. ..............h.....(;.ll.":r:.1oe,, F. Fairbanks
<br />
<br />Sherif! of saiti County of.
<br />
<br />...1:I.?t1.
<br />
<br />_ ____u_" ~:IIOUld cause the lands and tenements hereinafter described to be
<br />
<br />adDertised and sold aaording 10 law to pay the same, and, whereas. default hatling been made therein. the said..
<br />..... ..............CJ:1".rl~.sm.F:.,...I'.,,:i:rbanks ...., 8Mriff of saUl eounly, under and by .irloe of Ihe saiti decree and
<br />Ih< order of sale to him duly directed, dUl on 1M... ______....f.!1.th. ....day o/-. .... .......P.~.Ggl!!!?-"'X'h" ...A, D, f9..??.
<br />at the",~<~""<=,!;...J()1>J)y f~ of lhe Counly Coarl IIoa,," ia Ihe. . .CHy.. .______....o/...c:;J;:!l-.I1.clmI~..!.~,I1.cl
<br />in saUl County of...... Hall . ha'Dingjirsl gi..m dIU and legal rwlice of the lime aad place of .aUlsale
<br />by publioo1ion once in mel, u'eekforfour suc('e.~si,'t' I/'ef,ks in Ihe.C;.:r_@.~..J9J:?.!Lc;l_J2~J.ly..____:_~~_~~~r;~s~~r printed and in general
<br />circulalion in said County 0/-.."0 Hall __nn' sell saidpremuu aipublre auction to_ B~~~_~m...___.
<br />~'?,!"1:g~g"mg-"lIlPllny.>....~..I-"w"...c::or:P..().r:g:L.Qr;>... for 1M sam O/-_.sni.:K.):Y..JhJ;:<=,<=...JhQ",,,.,,g.cl,.().n.<=mll'>g~.:-
<br />..r:""<i...-".i.J.l,,..an.<i..,,0/10()(~6},lO~,.,,()>.. . dollars, which sale was aflerv:ard al IM,..,J''''-'.,.J.''1:....Term of said courl,
<br />A, D" 19..82.. examined and ronjirmed and lhe saUl,... Charles F. Fai rbanks ....,.., sach Sherif!, ordered
<br />to conrey the said premises infee simple to the said. J~.3.n.G.O ~19.rJK<?:g~_ gq_~P3.lnY_,,,_~~ ~g~~~_ .~g.Ipqr~.!;Jg.I}..
<br />llolD m:bertfort, I. 1M said.
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />Char les. f. _..fairbanks. .
<br />
<br />., Sheriff of Ihe County of
<br />
<br />...m mo. n. un _as aforesaid, in COll.Sickrai~'on of Lhe premues and by virtue of tM powers t'eskd in me by law and /he
<br />deem of saUl rourl, do Mreby Give. Graal and Conrey 10 1M said..B<lII.c:()}!or:.t:g!olg~..C<:>!!1P.ll-"Y.,.ll11...J()"'ll.(;Or:P<:>r:llti,On
<br />
<br />__.heirs and assigns. the premues 30 as aforesaid sold, to wit:
<br />The Southerly One Hundred Twenty (120) feet of Lot
<br />
<br />uuE:Lght"""uuU~2L1:Iot;:ut.:L-".gf1-,,!!1E.,,~a):<=suSub<:livi<3ion,in. the
<br />
<br />u.u.m u.c::Jty of Gr@,:L rsJ13.,11,<:lL!~!olJ-LC.()!l!l.~Y1.NelJJ:'.~",l<-"u
<br />
<br />.. .. .with tk appurtenanus.
<br />U:o "aue anb to "olb tbe &ame unto Ih< sa.auIlnlln.';g~l()r:tg<l.ge.u..c.'?'!ll',~-"YuLaIlul<JW?...
<br />
<br />C()rpnr~T; on..___..........._....___...
<br />
<br />In ~Itimon!, WlJertof,
<br />___~,~~a.-:ru
<br />
<br />.umum...u...u.m_..m,....kirs and assigns. and /0 them a,ld IMir <= and behoof forever,
<br />
<br />I hare. as such Sheriff. hueunto sel my hand Ihill....u . u 2.6tl1 u u day of
<br />A.D,.19.~3 ~ ~
<br />~<--Z7,ud~ ~,
<br />
<br />R L W~-ll~ed and dellVered in Ih< presenc< of Sheriff O/....m..u...._'..!.l,,~:l......uu__u . .,.CMUlIy, Nebra.Ita,
<br />.. ~ ~ams
<br />
<br />CGwo.I;y 0/__,_.............,_ Hal'~"_'h
<br />
<br />Ju.
<br />
<br />On !hill..., u....2..6,l:l1.. . mmuday o/-___.J,al\.\l!;1.Xy'..
<br />
<br />19.83..... before nl<, the wukrs.gned.__~r..L.. .Williams... .
<br />
<br />in and/or .said county, pt'rso1l41lJ1 ap~ ~ ~aid._.
<br />
<br />.___... h .u........_u,.,.,h..,,q~'!,(l~,"my~_.F.''',~.r:J:>~!~,!<.,,....u.''um....Sherijf of said Cowl/y,
<br />10 me personally known to be the identieo.l perron wlw .igaed IMf't:if:':,.'ntt iJulrument 118 gl'lUllor. and
<br />~':I1:::: the same 10 be hu rolunlary ocl and deed. 118 ...h ijf, for Ih< ",es and pur_
<br />
<br />.Une" my hand and <!/Mitsl seal the day and year abooe wrilk",
<br />
<br />
<br />'''Z>. ff" .~ ..,::u'm.'~'7'~;-7;~?'7/7"'''':''-'-'-'-
<br />{.zr~71~:'::I. <,7. tdl.L.L:.{'<4~S2.....-_
<br />. "
<br />