<br />83-n01723
<br />
<br />This form is used in connec-
<br />tion with mortg~es insured
<br />under the one- to four-family
<br />provisions of the National
<br />Hou$lng Acl.
<br />
<br />,
<br />
<br />THISMORTGAOE,m$de'andexecuredtllis 1st day of A"ril. HU.blUldUdW1:1'~A.D,
<br />19 83,byariiH:ietween RObehD~ AlmCjUist a.nd Marcia K. Alm~uistland.. .... .... . ...........
<br />Kenneth L. Almquist and L;i!l,Cla Almqu;ist,HulIbADd..andW:tte, "
<br />ohheCounty'of'lIall . . ,and-State of NeBnlsJca,partyM't1ie'llrstpart; herelilllf'~r.C\llled
<br />the-Mortgagot', and SUper ior Hortgage, Itl(:, " - ,
<br />
<br />
<br />a corporation organized and existing under thelawsof Ne bra ska
<br />pa'rtyoft,*" second part. lIereinafter called tile Mortgagee,'
<br />
<br />WITNESSETH: That the said Mortgagor, for and in consideration of tile sum of . Twent y Eight Tli6Us.arld'NifYe
<br />llindred and No 11 OOt hs--------------------- Dollars ($ 28 900.00 ), paid by the Mort-
<br />gagee'tOO receIpt of which " hereby acknowledged, has Granted and Sold and 6y these eresents does Grant, .B~-
<br />gain, Sell; Convey andConlirm unto Ihe Morlgagee; its' successors and 'assigns; forever, tile following-des'crit#!
<br />real estale,situated in 11Il; COUnty of !la-II ",ancfStat:e.
<br />of Nebraska, to wit:
<br />
<br />Lot Eleven (11) and t he North Six
<br />feet-o~ Lot Ten (10) in Block Two
<br />in the city of Grand Island, Hall
<br />
<br />and Eighty-five lbndredths(6.85)
<br />(2) in Better Homes Subdivision,
<br />County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />of IlIe Sixlh Principal Meridian, "<,ntaining in all
<br />ment survey:
<br />
<br />acres accordil\!\.W Govern-
<br />
<br />TO H.o\ V E ANI) TO HOLD Ihe prem'''', above deSCribed, wilh allllle appurtenances tllereuntobelonging and including
<br />al) healing, plumbing;;"d Iighling /jxture, and equipment now or bereafter atlacbed 10 or used in connection wim-said;~al<lState
<br />unto. the MOr1gage~._ and. to.its $.Uf,;~essor~ 4no a"):i.igns~ fOIe\<eI, The:. .MorlgagtJf repf-esenls to.-and -covenants-with, _the-MOdp.~
<br />gee, thaI the Morlgagor has good right fI' sell and convey ,aiu premi"",; thalllley are free fromencl!mbt'llng:;,l!Il4 \bat the,
<br />Morlgagor will waflant and defend tile ,"me again>! the lawful claim, of all per,,'ns whomS\>ever; and tile said MotlgagQT.here-
<br />byrelinquislles all righls of homestead, :md all marlial rigllts, dtller tn law or in equity. and an otber contingent intereSls of IlIe
<br />Mor\tl83o, in and to theabove..s..cribed premi""" tile intenl;on being to convey hereby an alrsolule title, in fee simple, includ-
<br />ing all righu. of homestead, and oIlier right' and mlerests a, aforesaid.
<br />
<br />PROViDED AI. WA YS, and the", pr""enh are e,ecUled and delIVered upon lbe lollowing conditions, 10 wil:
<br />
<br />The Mortgagor agrees to pay 10 th. ~h)ftgag.., or ,,,der. Ihe princ,pal sum of Twenty Eight Thousllnc:J Nin~
<br />Hundred and No 11 OOt hs-------------------- nona", 1$ 28,900. 00 ),
<br />
<br />wull intNcst hom date Jt the lull;' tll Twelve pel ,.:enturn (
<br />the unpilid balance until pilid. The ",id principal anu inlerest ,hllll be paYilble allhe office of
<br />
<br />12.0 ';to) per annum on
<br />Super ior Nortgage, Inc,
<br />
<br />in Grand Island, NE ,ora! such otber place as thellolderof
<br />lhe note llliIyueSl&llate in wrilmg, m monmly inSlallmenh of Tw:> Hundred Ninet v Seven and 27/100t hs-----
<br />Doilars l~ Q " . L commencing on llIe lirsl day of
<br />---------------------Jiine ,19 83 ' ~dJ dtt6,. first day of each monlll tllereillter unlillhe principal and in-
<br />teres! are fully Paid, excepl tllal lhe lino) P"ymem 01 pru",ipal and !flleresl, if not sooner paid, sllall be due and
<br />payable on tile first da\, ,)f 11a.)', 2013 ; all according to the terms of ilcertain promis-
<br />sury note of even uale llerewitll executed by the ,aid Mortgagot_
<br />
<br />The Mongagof in order more iulJy l...l pnJltx;{ ,he ,;.ccUrtlj ,of thi':ll MOrlg4gc. agrees:
<br />
<br />L Thill he willp'''Y lbe imJe.bte4nes-s. as llereinhefore provided. Privilege iv reServed 10 pay tile debt in whole, or in an
<br />amoullt eq~ to OM Of more.lIlilntl.ly pay_nls on lhe principallhat are nexl due on tile note, un lbe lirst day of any month
<br />prior to m~).; PtJ')~~ ho.--e-,-er.. That ,written ntJtkc ~,i J..11 inl~nti,)l1 to extjH.:i:.-.e ,\u\,:h privilege i~ given at least thirty (30)
<br />days prlO< t~Pfepay.;lteUl,
<br />
<br />2, Tha\, iOJillllet; ,wi\lj,."rt4in a.lJili\lIlI<>, Ihe. montllly p"ymellls<>i pnllClj'lll and in~resl payablelloder too IcrOll of tile
<br />IWIC "'cllr~ her~by. II\;: Mottm<lr w iUp~y to.llIe M\lf!gag,e'l, on Ihe llrst da,li oleacb IlIdlltb until the lilOill nole i.lully paid,the
<br />f"llowillll 'Utto$:, '
<br />
<br />fa) Amounl llIIl'fleienl 10 p"'VIde tlteholder Itere",f 'villi lunds !n pay the nexl llIQrtgage Insuran.." p,e""um il tillS
<br />1ll>I"lIIl<l1111ltt<l IhellOl. !it\'Ul'ed hereby arelnlUred, or a 11lOl'1hly charge (in /1$ of Q mongtl/fe imunvt<"r pre-
<br />miuml ifllley.r. h<Ililby tlle s.",ltmy oYHuulillgllndllrhallDevelopnlt!nt, as fnllows:
<br />
<br />(I) It lctnu ~u Ions. 4:i !auJ ;l~H~ \'~f t''ot:fi daht and. du!\ l..n~lHiflU."IH <:tIt,' lII~lHCd or .He fcm.sulcJ umJ.e;J t11e Pl\)'
<br />.i>l<>m. 01 th<>N!.U......>il lIml.tlljt ....ci, an """"..lIlt ""ilk'i'"I:1l """urlllll.l. in tht 11~1ld., or Ihe h<>ldtl "u.
<br />
<br />~. f-nA. 'l'::.JM~~,mtJ\' "',~ ~nUi wPfiiv ..~t.o
<br />
<br />Sl'A'fEOji' NUIlAl:lK.A
<br />HUO,9-2l43M (9.19)
<br />