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<br />84~--- noo~~~ <br />applicable law requ}res sac tnurest to be paid, Leader shell not be required to paY 8arrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Leader shall <br />give to Aorrower, witttau[ charge, an annual secounting of the Funds showing credits ertd debits to the Funds and [ht purpose for which each <br />debit to the Funds was madr. 7'he Funds aze pledged as additional security for the sums secured by this Deed of't'rust. <br />if the amount of the Funds held by Lender, together wkth the future monthly installmrnts of Fuads payabtepriar to the duo-dates of taxes, - <br />asscssmtnts. insurance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes, assessments, insurance-prtmittms.and <br />ground rcnu as they fall due, such excess shalt be, at Horrowci s option. tither promptly repaid to Borrower or on mon[ii'ry <br />installments of Funds. if the amoum of the Funds held by Lender shall no[ be mf£cirnt to pay taxes, assessments, insurance-premittms.and <br />ground rents as they Cail due, Harrower shall pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up the defiei=nty within 3D days from the date notice <br />is mailed by Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. <br />Upon payment in folk of ark sums secured by this Deed of "!Yost, Lander shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds-held by Lender. If <br />under paragraph k 8 hereof the Prapcny is said or the Property is otherwise acquired by Lander, Lender shall apply, no late than irdmtdiately <br />prior to [hc Bait of the Prepeny ar its acquisition 6y ixnder, any Funds held by Lender at the time of application as a credit against the-sums <br />secured by this Bred of ?ruse. <br />3. Appikation of Paymrnta. Unless appkicabk taw provides otherwise, at} payments received by Lender under the Note and paragraphs d <br />and 2 hereof shall be applied by lender first in payment of amounts payable to Leader by Aorrower under pazagraph 2 hereof, then to interest <br />payab{= on the Nate, then to [hr principal of [he Nc[r. and then to imertst and principal on any Future Advances. <br />4. f;harges: SJet[s. Ba.'rcwrr shall parr akl taxes. assessments and other charges, fines and impositions attributable w the Property which <br />may attain a priorih• aver this Deed of Trust, and keasehokd payments or ground rentr, if any, {n the tnam[er provided under paragraph.2 hereof: <br />or, if not paid !n such manner, by €iarrc;wer nuking payment, when due, directly to the payee thereof. Borrower shag promptly furnish to- <br />Lender alt notices of arnourus due node: this paragraph, and in the evrni kianvwa shall make paym=at dirxtly, Aorrower shag ¢rnmprEy <br />furnish [o Leader re,:eipts rnden;ang suck! payments. Aorrower shark pram ptky discharge any Gen which has priority over this Deed of Tots[; <br />provided, that Horrawer shall not be required to discharge my such tiro so long as Harrower chalk agree in writing to Utt payment of the <br />obligation sa~ured by such lien :n a ^ranner a:ccp=.ahkr ±o Lender, err shall in gvad faith contest such }fen by, or defrnd rnfotcemen[ of such Len- <br />in, legal proceedings wh;c•h operate to prevevt thr cnfarcemen[ of the lien err forfeiture of the Property or any part thereof. <br />5. Hazard Insuramr, tier*~?'seer shat? keep : he ~irapravcmenrs now rusting ar hereafter erecttd nn the Property insvitd against loss by fire, <br />hazards incJudrd within the term "e;stcnded a>vrrage", and such vthrr hazards as Lender may require and in such amounts and for such periods <br />as Lender may requrr; pros;ckcd, that ?.ends' stroll not rrqurre that :t:e amount of such coverage exceed that amount of coverage required to pay <br />the sans secured by this Decd +~.' 7r use. <br />The irrsurancr carr[tr prevsd!r=g the !nsurancc shall :>r chasev hp Borrower suh[ru sa approv:d by Lender; provided, that such approval <br />shall ntr hr unrrasonab})' w:i;".held. Alk prenvums on Insurance palrc:cs shalt tx pard m the manner provided under paragraph ?hereof or, if not <br />paid m such manner, by Horrawer ;trak,ag pavment, +vhen due- =i.rstki~ [o the insurance currier. <br />tii insurance pvt[rirs :+:+d rerrwvfs tnrreol sha}i re m form acecptacle is t_endcr and shall indudc a standard mor[Bage clause in favor of <br />and to form acre; .alike rc= !x:?der.: code: shad I:a-vr the ngnt t,i hu;d the }x?ki; its and rencwaks thereof, and Borrower shall promptly furnish to <br />Lender alt renewal vat>a°s anu ail t~ esnta :~r gad pain:u:ffi. 1 a ; he event c+k lets. Aorrower shall give prompt nedce ro the insurance cazrkcr and <br />Lrttder. i. rder mxy make {+nwf a Su+s rt r:r,r made (r atrpi}v 6~ k}onnwer. <br />l: lilac Lender and l3~?rrawcr [ritretwt;r agree. au ~.•tating, !n;ntance pracetda sheik be apphtd to rc€toration at repaii of U[e Property <br />damaged, provided sous rrstcraran of repair [s n^.nvmtcatiY frasi63e and the security of thrs Qrcd of Trust is not thereby impaired. [f such <br />restoration or renarr is oat rc;rn,rra;eaiIy icas.bEe ,:ts :f ttte sttiu; ity of tE;is Lyred of Tarsi would be impaired, the insurance proceeds shall bt <br />applied n? the sums src::rrd <= t3tts 1Sccd rat frost. u'nh the r.acrsa, r; any, paid to E3orsowcr. kf the Propcny is abandoned by Borrower, or if <br />tiorrawer fads to respond to Lrndrz uiti:In ~V dayn :ram. [hr elan rot+cr is mx[tcd by L.rnder to 8irrrawer that the insurance carrier offers to <br />settle a ciatm far insurance t±rtteitts. Lrrder is autnorized tv cot}ect and apply ihr insurance pracetds at L=nder"s option Dither to restoration or <br />repair aF the Property yr to the stuns seiturd by th!s Deed of 1'r use. <br />., niess Lxndrr sad Borr;;wcr arnrrx2sr agttr :n writing, any xuch apptieatsnn of prtxecds ter principal shat! oat extend or postpone the due <br />date of the matuhi}' installments refrrrd to +n paragraphs t and 2 hereof err change the amount of such }nsta{Iments. if under paragraph 18 <br />"trcreof the Property is aequirr+i hp• i.radrr. aL' right, trt}r and :merest of Horrowcr ut and [o uty insurance policies and in and to the proceeds <br />thrrtof resulting from damage !o the Prx>prrr)• prior ;v the sake er acquisttion shall pass to Lender to the extrnt of the sums secured by this Deed <br />vt Inset iavnediately prrar to such sett ar acquisition. <br />6. Preeernttoe red Maineraaare ai Property: Leaxhol~: <'undotntoiaata: Pianaed Udlt llcveiopmeefa. Aorrower shall kelp [he <br />P:aperly in good repair and shah oat commit waste err permit impairtrtent ar dcterioratian of the Propcny and shall compky with the provisions <br />of any !rest if this t)trd of "T; ust is err. a krasettald, !f th[s lXcd of Trust is on a unit in a condominium or a ptanntd unit development, Borrower <br />sitaA perform ail of k3orrawer's ubltgattons under the declaration err cavenanu creating err governing the condominium nr planned unit <br />dcvelaptnrnt, the by-taws and regulations vk' ;he condominium or planned unh deveiopmrn[, and constituent documents. if a rnndominium or <br />pfatuted unit drvclapment rder is rxrtutrd by Aorrower and recardcd together with this Dud of Trust, the covenants and agreeatrnts of such <br />sidrr shaA ix incorpara[M iota and shall amrnd and suppiemrnt the cuveranu ami agreements of this Deed of Trust as if the rider were a part <br />ttereof. <br />7. Pcoleetlon of Lender`s tiecnrity, !f Hvrrower falls to per€orm the bvertanu and agreements contained in ttris Dted of Trust, err if any <br />action or pracecding rs ~ ammrnerd which matcriatty afftcu Ltndcr's interest m the P.*aperty, including, but not limited to, eminent domain, <br />irtsoHrtuy, ccxir rntaretmrnt, or arrangrmcrtu err pracecdings savo}ving a bankrupt err decedent, then Lender at lxndtr's option, upon notice <br />to Borrower, rivsy make such appearattets, disburse such sums and take such action as is accessary to protect Lender's interest, including, bm <br />trot limited ter. dssbursetn=nt ei ressanatsie attnrrtty's fens and retry noon the Praptrty to make repairs. if Lender regttired mortgage insvranct <br />as a ratsdition of makisst:; the iaan secured by this Dttd of Trust. Aanowtr shall pay the prerniurns required to maintain such insurance in effect <br />until state time as tt+c tzquirrment f'ar such msuranc= terminal=s in a4iordancc with Aarrower's and Lender's written agreemrnt err appiia~ble <br />law. Aorrower shall paY tier amount s€ all mortgage insurance premiums in the manner prav[ded under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any artout:ts dlsburscxl by l.ttrder pz=rsuant tv this paratgraph 7, with interest thertan, shaA become additional indebtedness of Aorrower <br />seruretl by this #~red of Trust. Unless Hcsrrtrwa and Lender agrex to other arms of payment, such amounts she}( be payable upon notice from <br />!.ender to Btunrwtr rcque*ting payment tixreaf, and shah tzar imurst from the bate of disbursement at the talc payabkt from time to time on <br />~„„t-, ,:.:, ~ .,TM: tom- t:~= cs;.i~a ; - „_ ,zf ;a! a. _-s_t! r_ a would t+e tY+ntrary ra anpkica6le taw, in which event such amounts <br />sdtaAbtat lateral at the mghest raft permissihkc under appliwblt taw. Nothing contained id this paragraph ? shat! rrquirt Lender to incur any <br />eiaprxas to sake any actiatt hereunder. <br />$. lagapeboa. Lender may mike en cause to bt madr reasonahfr tntrits upon and inapert4ons at the Property, provided that Lender shall <br />gtv~t Aarrs.[wrr native Peivr to any such inspaettt tytt specifying roasonabke eaust thtrefar rekattd m Lender`s imrrtee in the Prnptrty. <br />~. s:. ~t'trc~pnxcsrda vi any award err .loins for damages, direct t>r cunsequrntta}, lea ;:onntctian with any cvndtmnation or <br />xr4ttmr taksaft of riot Pt,rpsxty, err part thtrra#, err let canveyantc rn lieu a#' enndrmnatian, art krerttRy asargued and chat! br patd to Lertdcr. <br />in the r4snat szf a u.Y,art :ak3ttg of [33r Prapnrry, .Rr~ prr,~tf! shalt br applied to t,4r Horns ertnuhi by itsis !teed of Tract. with the cxrsss, [ f any. <br />t ttt• iirrysircr. fir tier c+t~xrt of a par[xe3 taking dt'€ttr fT?rrt+ct*r, ssu'r€s tisu•rarwer and 1_ratcter vi3tr~twssr agar he ..^r'ftitsg. ! here shaft ba sppiitd <br />'t? (1+t ~nrn_e r~'=wzd tas- ifria, a3«xi ei' Truss sucA prr:p=xrion of 4hc q±te: cces3s as tx e. {9ttr3 #O. tha•,. txt?i+s?rtixur cei±ec* ;he anrottnt ;=i tt!t^ sxirn- ur:rurd <br />