<br />I
<br />
<br />83--o0170e
<br />
<br />10. Thatthe Mortgagor will keep the buildings upon said premises in good r~pair, and neither commit nor permit waste
<br />11flO1t'said land, nor sulfer the said premises 10 be used for any unlawful purpose,
<br />II, Thatifthe premises, or any part thereof, be condemned under Ihe power of eminent domain, or acquil'edfora.,puhlic
<br />use;,tliedamagesawarded, the proceeds for tlte taking of; or the consideration for such acquisition, to tlte exlenl ofthdull
<br />amoulltofindebtednesupon this mortgage and the note which it is given to secure remaining unpaid, are Iterebyassignedby,the
<br />Mort8l!lJOrtothe Mortgagee, and sltallbe paid forthwith to said Mortgagee to be applied by the latter on accounlofthenexl
<br />matt.lJingjnstallinents of such indebtedness,
<br />12;~M<lrtgag0l' furtber agrees tbat should this mortgage and the note secured herehy nol be eligible fore in'
<br />suraneeunder lhe National Housing Act witbin ,Sixty Days fromtbe daleltereof (written Slalemenl of any (lfljc'er
<br />of the: Departnlenl of Housing, and, Urban Development or autborized agen! oftlte' Secretary of, H~usinga~d.Urban
<br />Developmentdated subsequent to the. Sixt Y ,Da y s time from Ibe date of this mortgage, declinin!! to insure said
<br />note and, tbis mortga!!e, being deemed conclusive proof of sucb ineligihility), Ihe Mortgagee 'or ,bolder of ,I be' no Ie
<br />may, atits,option, declare all sums securred bereby immediately due and payable,
<br />13, That if the Mortgagor fails 10 make any payments of money when'the same become due, or fails toc(lnform,aoari<l
<br />complywi!b any of the conditions or agreemenls contained in Ihis morlgage, or tbe'nole which it secures;lbentheentiJ'ep!'inci,
<br />pal sum and. accrued interesl shall al once become due and payable, althe e1eclionof the Mortgagee:and.!his:morlgagemay
<br />tbereupon be foreclosed immediately for !be whole of said money, interest, monthly payments, COSIS, ground reots, 13X\lS31ld'
<br />IhecoSlof extending tbe abstracI oftille from !bedale of Ibis loan 10 the time of commencing suclt foreclosllresuil,:all4a'rea-
<br />sonahle attorney's fee, all of wbicb shall be included in the decree of !foreclosure; and the contraclembOdiediiltbis',"Ortlll!tle
<br />and tbenote secured hereby, shall in all respects be governed, construed and adjudged by tbe laws of Nebraska; wlteretbe',
<br />same is made;
<br />The covenants herein conlained sball bind, and the benefils and advantages shall insure to, the respecuve,heirs; execlltors,
<br />administrators, successors and assigns of the parties hereto, Whenever used, the singular numbershallincludtrtlie:plural;.tne
<br />p1urallhe singular, and the use of any gender shall be applicable to all genders,
<br />The foregoing condilions, all and singular, being performed according 10 their nalural and legal import,tbis cQIlveyance
<br />shall be void arid said premises released allhe expense of Ihe Mortgagor; otherwise 10 be and remain in full force and e~ect,
<br />
<br />IN WlTNESS WHEREOF, the Mortgagor(s) have
<br />above wrillen,
<br />
<br />their
<br />
<br />lumd(s)lbe dayandyeadirst
<br />
<br />hereunto set
<br />
<br />In presence of:
<br />
<br />~~~
<br />
<br />~lt:::~~
<br />
<br />{SEAL]
<br />[SEALj
<br />[SEAL]
<br />
<br />GPO 94t..138
<br />
<br />COUNTY OF Hall
<br />
<br />} ss:
<br />
<br />Ontbis 8th dayot April
<br />a Notary Public
<br />
<br />. A,D, 19 83. beforc me,
<br />in and fo, said County. personally came
<br />
<br />Karla Jean Pfenning, a single person,
<br />
<br />to be Ihe identical person whose name
<br />going instrument as MortMor, and
<br />execution tbereof to be
<br />
<br />, personally to me known
<br />affixed to lbe above and fore-
<br />acknowledged the said instrument and lbe
<br />voluntary act and deed, for tbe purposes tberein expressed,
<br />
<br />is
<br />she bas
<br />her
<br />
<br />In testimony whereof. I bave hereunto sel my hand and affixed blhotarlal seal at
<br />on lbe day and date last above wrillen, . i /
<br />
<br />
<br />~~..-:tj '~-'<ZL1:{
<br />
<br />Gran~/Island, NE
<br />:( . 11 /1
<br />." .,' ) Ii,: /ff-"
<br />.' 0.:."1 ~_. J" ,ill"'., _"
<br />"f-,_ ' I! .~~ J.: ,..- <''',~...r t. [/ l
<br />/\ ,,' - . ..-.... ',J./ ~ ?\.-
<br />. / NorM. Public
<br />
<br />
<br />ss
<br />
<br />Filedi'orrecOldthis
<br />at 0 'clock
<br />recorded inllook
<br />
<br />
<br />Hll ·
<br />~"~"~' ' t
<br />~- ,.~~,' 5f.;
<br />it- "i;} f:,y~J,;_'__ ""F,..
<br />~: {~. ,
<br />
<br />day of
<br />
<br />A,D,I9 .
<br />M., and eOlered in Numerical Index, and
<br />of Mortgages, on
<br />
<br />tj
<br />~
<br />~
<br />
<br />~
<br />
<br />Register of Deeds
<br />
<br />,
<br />
<br />"UO,9~j43M 111,191
<br />(;"-0 ..~'J'!'.
<br />
<br />