<br />~~=~~ r~ ~ 0451
<br />` ~ MORTGAGE'
<br />r - - Per ~-tmdivided _~ halE t:o Verrxx? B:- Johnscrr atxl Fate .I, ~~3otatsai, C'o-
<br />.'Phis Mortgage is entered into between Tn~t-mss of the Verlxn B JaYatsai Livirn Fewcatzte 3Yr~~r arr3 an im-
<br />divid~] ~ ,tal.f t•p -uermn B;. Jota>srn arxi E3xxte I-. - Jr3ntsai~ Cb-2Yustees oP ZYie -Etatn I..
<br />_ Jotxis~ (herein `-`Mortgagor") and
<br />_ __ FIVE''POINTS-'-BANK.~Grand-TsIand NE_-" - ~ -~-(herein"Mhrtgagee").
<br />Mortgagwss indebted.to-Mortgagee in-the principal sum oP $ S'i;, (Jn0 _ n0 ; evidenced:by Mortgagor's note
<br />dated January. 26, 19134 (herein "Note"J providing. fox payments of,prineipal and intecesC; with thebalaoce,ofthe
<br />indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due and payable on- Julv 30; .1984
<br />T~saekutpthepaymedt`of the irate, with interest-as provided thexein,ahe_payment of all othe>=sutns,.wlth-interest, -'
<br />advanced 6q Aortgagee t#-prdtec6thc security bf this Mtirtgage, and the pextoxroanee of the covenants and agteeraentsof
<br />- the Mortgagorreanta~d itereit' 1Vfortgagor does hereby mortgage- and convey to Mortgagee the following described:.
<br />property located in Hat 1 County. Nebraska:
<br />__ - _ _ - Soixtharly Forty Seven-{47) feet of Lot Seven {.'7) and.-North Nine (9}-~faet-, -
<br />_ - of-Lot Eight (8) in-Block Fourteen (14) in-West Park Addition-cothe City - --
<br />Ot Grand Tcland, hall C`?'"„tr, N., n,-asks
<br />- - - ,Together with all buildings, improvements, fixtures, streets, alleys, passageways, easements, rights,~privileges and
<br />appurtenances located thereon or in anywise pertaining thereto, and the rents. issues. and profits, reversions and remainders
<br />- thereof; -ncludirtg; but-not limited to, heating and sooting equipment and such personal property that is attached to the
<br />Impmvementasa-as to constitute a fixture; a!I of which, including replacements and additions thereto, is hereby deflated
<br />. - - -to be a-part of the real-estate secured by the lien of this Mortgage and alt of the foregoing being referred to herein as:the~
<br />- - "Property„- -
<br />- &fortgagor.iurtber coneenants and_agrees, with Mortgagee,. as follows: - - - _
<br />_ 1. Payment; To pay the indebtedness and the interest thereon as provided in this hortgage and the Note.
<br />- 2. Title: Mortgagor is the owner of the Property, has the right and autbority.to mortgage the Property, and.
<br />. warrants that The lien created hereby -is a first and prior lirn on the Property, except as may otherwise be set forUt fierein:
<br />t7 The Property u subject 4o a Mortgage wherein -_-._._-_--------.-_._-_-~_
<br />is Ute Mortgagee, recorded at Book _ ,Page ____. ___._ of the Mortgage Records of _- County,
<br />Nebraska, which Mortgage is a tier prior to the lien created hereby.
<br />Ci ohher prior liens or ettcumbrantrs: _-.._-.- ---------------.:_.-_.--.._------- --
<br />3_ Taxed, tlsae~rnenta. To P$Y when due-alt tears, special assessttients and a!I otherchirges against the Property
<br />- - :and, upon.~vritten demand by Mortgagee, to add to the payments required under the Ndte secured hereby; syc4 amount as
<br />iaay be auC6ctient:to.enebie ttie Mortgagee to pay such taxes, assessments or other efiarges as they become due. -
<br />4.lasurance.- To keep theimptovemenis nowor hrreafter Located on the-rest estate described herein insured
<br />a~tinatdamage by fire-and such other hazards as A4orlgagee may require. in amounts and with companies acceptable to [he
<br />ilSorkgagee, sari witis:los~,i~yabie_to lire Mortgagee. in-case of ions under such policies the Mortgagee is authorized to
<br />-.adjust. co_ fleet and comPmtnisa,in Its dfsgrnYiaa; aitciaima theretiriderat its sole.option,autitorizedioeitherapply-the
<br />.proceeds to the restoration of We Property. ox upon the indebtedness secured hereby,-but payments hecennder shad con-
<br />dnuc. until the sums sRCUred hereby-are paid iii full: ~ - - - - - .
<br />A. ~ Escrow For Taxes end Ipauratrce. Natwithstandtag say Wing contained in paragraphs 3 and 4 hereof to ttie
<br />contrary; Mortgagor sha14 pay to the Mortgagee atEbFtirrie of paying the monthly instaltmenta of principal andintetest,
<br />ortr-twriltb aF the yearly taxes, assessments, hsastdinsurance=prrmiutm, and ground-ants (if anyj'eahich.may attain a
<br />pr[oaty over ri,ls Mortgage, alt at- reasvnabty estimated-irbm lime M Cime by the. ASorEgagee: The. amounts sti paid-shall be
<br />held by the Mortga{Ire withoat.interest and applied tothe payment of the items in respect to which such amoun(a-were
<br />deposited. Thr surru paid to Atattyagee hrrcunder are. pledged ~ additirrrtal security for the Indebtedness secured by _Utys.
<br />Mortgage, iSorigigorshitl pay W Mart$agre thr amount of any deYiciency lletwean the aswat taxes, assesadreata; insolence
<br />prelniama and gnrutsd rents acrd the depoalts heteu~le# ivltbin r14 days after demand is made upon Marigagoc rcquestipg
<br />paYmcmt thereof. - - -
<br />8. Repair, Aialateniace and Ure, To prwnptly repair, restore ar rrbuiid any buildings nr impmrements.now ar
<br />tsarrafter tstr ihr Property: to itvep the i4vperty in Qood condition and repair, ivithaut t\astr; and free from meebanic'sor
<br />- otiseriirrv not ercpreariy suhurdinau~d totltr lien hrrvclf; not kr.maky suffyt or,perndtany-ntusamx tv exiaF; nor to-dimin-
<br />- Ydr ar impair rhr Titus of thr iRoperiy t,y airy act nr vmisatorl-tD~ict; attd tCt comply-with Ali-raquiremrnts of'iaw with
<br />restpcet Lr1 tint Property.
<br />