<br />-.--------------.--------------------1fj:::..-u uT 691
<br />.nolD all '-en bp t!I:b~e .ttuentut TlwU, Whuetu, In an action in 11M D;./ricl Courl of the
<br />~~,!:!2..,..-...,--..,Judicial D;./ricJ of 11M SWe of NeI",u/w., wilhin andfor 11M County oj...,....I!Il.~,~....,......_,.,....._......,......,....., whmin
<br />_,......,. . .......G.q!:',~.!i...,~.~!.".:!_.s.~...9.Ql11J'.1l!1y."lg~.,. .. ..,.....,._...." .. ..................,...........--__,.__.plairUiJf.... and
<br />.!_~!!!~~._,~~,h~,<::.I1,~,!,~"...L.~":.rX.,l\,:....~.<::,I1_11.H",..,L,~,t:..-"}.: ....,. ... ......._.,.._. . ..................... ... ....,.d<JendanLI?
<br />at Ihe-La,!g!"'rr1,tr.~.L....._,..Term, A, D, /9,8.1., of Baid coulfg.<:'...'l_.~.E!.r.Y;i..".E! ,.G<:>ffiP.1l,!lY.,. J~,~L
<br />did obtain a deueefinding /hQt 11M.. ;. duefl'OnL___Ji!m~...J.\.,.....s..!;.b.1,!lt.~..tf<l:ry. .A,. .S.chlJlt.1:.,.. .~J;. .<11... .
<br />1o_J!_q.,,,....~...~."',r.Y.,:Lf."'.,<;:()11l1',;mY.LIl1s.,.. ....,.......,.............. '..... ... 1M Bum
<br />t1.I_.!.i.Y.~":r.J:19.11,!i,,,!19cX}Y.,"'..I1~.~.,.E'<l.Xj,.t!:y ..NJn", . !'I1<11JfJ()Q.. ...J~~,,?,5C),!J) ".. dollarB,
<br />
<br />and _/& of .uit lazed 01. XOT!:Y...It>x.".",...s!,!l'L.n/JD.() . L$A},.VL ...dollar., and, whereas, il w<u lIMn and there
<br />further ordered in 11M ",id adion thai in default of Ihe payment of the 8um $0 found due by 1M ",id__J.i!m".~,.....A.,....!?f.h,!!J!.~~...,.
<br />,.,Jli.\.~...A.....S.cb.ultz.......e.t..aL.. .. ........... . .Owl. ....................<;:.b_<l.r.1e'l..Y,..I"':t.r1;>,"l}~..
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />Shuiff of said County of....
<br />
<br />$hould cause the lands and tenements hereinafter described in be
<br />
<br />advt!rtised and $Old according to law io pay the same. and, tL'Mreas. d~faull having been m~ lhert!in. the said. ._. m________... u. .'umm
<br />. . ..G.h.<I:r.1~''''h.f......f<lj,.rb.!>!l!<.'''... , Sheriff of said county, under and by virlue of Ihe said decree and
<br />IMorderofsaklohimdulydireded,didonthe.. 15th .dayoj... Harch "h'", m..4, D, 19h?.3.
<br />01 IMm~.()",,,,.r:..lobby ~ of the County Court IIo",,, i" 0.. mC.ttY. . .... oj. mGr.g.I}.<I..,J,~l!!!l.<l..
<br />in .aid County of. . _ u_ H9.J.l. . haDing forst given dIU and legal notice oj the til'M and place of said sale
<br />", .. I [;rand Island Dail Independent. .
<br />b.Y publlratwn onCt' In each u't"f'k for fou.r .'mcre.'fSlN' lI't'f'k... III J 1('......._h_hUh__h_.._m._n....__n~_......___m.. a nt"lrspaper prmled and m general
<br />.ireataiion in .aid County of_.. Hall ...., sel/Boid premisa at public auclion 1o.,..!_b."'mE.'lq:t.t;,;tp)e
<br />..~Il.~<:l~~Il~m":IldmLo<l" Association 0 fC;':llndIslall'1or 11M sum oj.?_~_~~Xm_~e."f!Il.TJ:1~ll~,,"'~~mggU()()'
<br />'h..~~!i.7.~!l().O.:()O). .. h.m.... ... ........dallars, which .ak w.... aflenrord 01 them.J.1l.Il.,..l~.L...Term of said courl,
<br />A. D" 19..!l)., examined and confirmed and tM said.. l::l1arles. J,.. Fai rbanks . .as Slu:h 8Mriif, ord...d
<br />10 COlltIeY the said prem;.es infe. simple 10 0.. Boid .Th~. Eguitab le Building and Loan Associat:ioI1.."'.Lgr:,,~cl Is
<br />j}OW 'Ql;berdort. J, the said. Charles F. Fai rbanks ., SMriff of Ih. County of
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />U." a.t aforesaid. in cQfuideraiion vf the premises and by l)irtue of lhe powers t'f!sled in me by law and the
<br />deuee of said .ourl, do hereby Gw., Gra"t alld Convey 10 0.. said__._Ih."'t:'ltl.:l.t.al:>l.e..Ilu.i,l.'UI1K..iolI1d.I,()atl;\>;s')<::i"ti,()n
<br />
<br />o L..C;.r."I1cl.}.!i.1.."gd. ~ and ....ignr, 1M premise. so .... ofore.aid roId, Iv wit:
<br />LotN!n.e (9) IVes.troads Estates Fourth
<br />
<br />Subdivisi.o".' . Hall-County ,Nebraska
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />APR
<br />
<br />~o Jlabt anb to Jlolb tbt itamt unlo 11M said..
<br />-A~,~2.s.il!.~,!,Cl.!!..():LQI,""'~..,Isl.~,~".
<br />
<br />wilh 11M appurk_,
<br />The E'luitai:>!.e.BuP.<i,inlli..and Loan,
<br />
<br />In ~tQimon!, lJbtrtof. / J.a.., as such Shuiff, hereurllo ...1 my hand thi>,....
<br />___........ April . ..4, D,,19,..8}
<br />~~:<c..-;/..-:-:i<-=
<br />
<br />.......,.~and anigflJl, arid. 10 i/wn and their ..... and behoof for<roer,
<br />8th
<br />
<br />day of
<br />
<br />'&<<uttd asod deli>ered in 11M _ of
<br />
<br />SMriff of_,........_.,....
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />...C<Junty, N.bra./w.,
<br />
<br />R.L. Williams
<br />. >____O"__....._......_.h__.__._._.._
<br />
<br />}~
<br />
<br />On 0.;'_,.,.
<br />
<br />Rth
<br />
<br />..,Af.'ril
<br />