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<br />^ 16 FEET FERM,I\NENT UTILiTIES EASEHENT in part of Lot }, Hol iday Gardens Subdivisior, ,,"
<br />Addit,on t; the City of Grand Island, Hall Ceunty, Nebraska; the centerline of "hieh '0
<br />more parr (_ularly described as foll(~\'ls: Commencing at the SOlltt1\-.;est corner of Lot 2,
<br />said 1101 i "\' Gardens Subdivision; thence S 00'00'00" E for 7,55 feet to the true peini
<br />of he~,!inll nIl; thence N 88012'02" 'vi for 173,68 feet of a bend; thence N 87'1,5'58" 'vi fOl'
<br />227,85 'lee to il tee; thence tj 89"/,1,'15" W fo,' 1}6,28 feet to a point on the \"esterly
<br />property 1 'ne of said lot 3, said point i>eing N 00"17'15" E for 42,20 feet frem the
<br />South\~es t corner of Sil i d Lot 3,
<br />Al SO IN luT 3
<br />A PERMANENT UTIl.ITIES U,SE.HENT in "Mt of Lot 3, said Holiday Gardens Subdivision, n.01"
<br />Pilrticulo1rly described as follows: Beginning <It the Southwest corner of Lot 2, said
<br />Holiday ,;,,,'dens Sulidivisienj thence N 90"00'00" E for 14,22 feet along the Southerly Ii,
<br />of sa.id lOe 2; t"Hnce S 88"12'02" E for 89,50 feet to a peint of bend; thence N 22"10"
<br />for 3,04 fe~t to. a point on the Seuthe1'1v 1 ine of said lot 2; thence N 90.00'00" E fer
<br />17.29 feet; lhene;: S 22'10'51" W for 20,68 feet to a point of bend; thence N 88.12'02"
<br />for 114.75 feet; thence N 00"00'00" E for 15,55 feet to the point of beginn'"9.
<br />IN,un 3
<br />FEU \JIOt PERI-'ANENT UT IllT lES EASEHENT in part of lot 3. Sil.j d iiel i day Gardens
<br />,,1,;0.0, th<: center I ine of wich is more particularly described as follows: Commer,,!
<br />. $quthl"est>corner of said lot 3; thence II 00"17'15" E for 1;2.20 feet along the
<br />Une of said Lot 3; thence S 89.44'15" E for 136,28 feet to a tee; thence
<br />E fQr 8.00 feet to the point of begiflfling, said point being on the Northerh'
<br /><luOvPd<lscril>edutilities easement; thence N 00"00'29" E fer 36,6 feet bein,
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