<br />the sums secured by this Deed of Trust shall conlinue unimpaired, Upon such paymenl and cure by Borrower, Ihis Dee<&,.of
<br />Trusl and the obliga'ions secured hereby .hall remain in full force and effecl a. if no acceleralion had occurred,
<br />20. A_nIMnt of Rents; Appolnlment of Retelver; Lender In Po_kin. As additional security hereunder. Bor,ower
<br />hereby assigns 10 Lender Ihe rents of Ihe Property. provided Ihal Borrower shall, prior 10 aeceleralionunder parall'aph' 18
<br />hereof or abandonment of Ihe Propeny. have the right to collecl and relain such renls as Ihey become due. and payable,
<br />" Upon acceleralion under paragraph 18 hereof or abandonment of the Propeny, Lender. inpenon.byaJlCn! or by
<br />judicially appoinled receiver, shall be enlilled 10 enler upon, take possessIon of and manase IheProperty and 10 collect Ihe
<br />renls of the Property including those paot due. All rents collecled by Lender or Ihe receiver shall he appliedllrstlopayment
<br />orlhecosts of management of the ProperlY and collection of renlS, including. bUI nOt limited 10. receiver's fees; premiums
<br />on receiver's bonds and reasonable allorney's fees, and then 10 Ihe sums secured bylhis Decdof Trust, Lenderand.lhe
<br />receiver shall be liable to account only for those rents actually received.
<br />21. Future A.....nces:. Upon requesl of Borrower, Lender, al Lender's option, p,ior to full reconveyanceoflhe ProperlY
<br />by Trustee to Borrower, may make Fulure Advances to Borrower, Such Future Advances. wilh' interest thereon. shall be
<br />secured by this Deed of Trust when evidenced by promisso,y noles staling that said notes are secured hereby, Atno lillte..hall
<br />Ihe principal amount of the indebtedness secured by Ihis Deed of T,usI, not including sums advanced in accordance herewith
<br />to proteclthe security of Ihis Deed of TruSl, exceed Ihe original amount of Ihe NOle plus USS ,
<br />22. R<<onvey.nce. Upon payment of all sum. secured by this Deed of Trust, Lender shan ,equesl Trustee 10 reconvey
<br />the Propeny and shall surrender Ihis Deed of Trusl and all noles evidencing indebtedness secured by Ihis DecdofTrusl
<br />10 Truslee. Trustee shall reconvey the Properly wilhout warranlY and withoul charse 10 Ihe person or persons legally
<br />enlitledlhereto. Such person or persons shall pay all costs of recordation, if any, .
<br />23. Suhslilute Trustee. Lender, al Lender's oplion, may from time 10 lime remove Trustee and appoinl a successor
<br />trt.!stee to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Deed of Tnlst is.-recorded.
<br />Wilhout conveyance of Ihe Property, Ihe successor truSlee shall succeed to all the title, power and 'duties conferred upon
<br />the Truslee herein and by applicable law,
<br />24. Request for Notices. Borrower requests Ihal copies of the nOlice of default and nolice of sale be senllo Borrower's
<br />address which is Ihe Property Address,
<br />
<br />
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Borrower has executed this Deed of Trust,
<br />
<br />""'f\~
<br />'(R~~F~M!{J~rF""""""""'" ~~
<br />'1
<br />
<br />. ,&''LA)~j~,~, iM): 4~~.............
<br />(Barbara J. Ma!jtusek -80.......
<br />
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA., . , ., , , ,llilJ.,L , , , . , . . . . . , , , . , . . . . ., . , .Counly ss:
<br />On this " , , B,t.h , , , , . , , ,day of. , , .(\p:rJJ , , . . , '.. 19 ,83, .. before me, Ihe undersigned. a NOlary Public
<br />duly commissioned and qualified for said county, personally came, " RQIlq~c;l, f,., Xqt;q...~!,,!<, .a,qq ,!?{Irpi9-!,a. ,.:[',
<br />, ' , ,Matousek, , , , , , , , , , , ' , , . , , , , , , . , , . , . , ' , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . , , , , , . , . , , .. to me known to be the
<br />idenlical person(s) whose name(s) are, subscribed to thc foregoing inslrument and acknowledged the execulion
<br />thereof to be, . , their, . , , , , , ,voluntary act and deed,
<br />Witness my hand and nOlarial seal at.., ,Gl:l).J;l9. :rI3,~a,I1q. ,~~!>,r,a.~~~""""""", ,in said county. the
<br />date aforesaid,
<br />
<br />My Commission expires:"44~-7 /-'? /7'"..?
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />~ -::"'~"=-=1 REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE
<br />
<br />""""", ,~, ,dtA4.." ,. ,.""" ,..",.
<br />
<br />/' Not8ry Public
<br />
<br />4
<br />
<br />To TRUSTEE:
<br />
<br />The undersigned is Ihe holder of Ihe nole or notes secured by this Deed of Trust. Said note or notes, together
<br />wilh all other indebtedness secured by Ihis Deed of Trust. have been paid in full, You are hereby directed 10 cancel
<br />said note or notes and Ihis Deed of Trusl, which are delivered hereby. and to reconvey. without warranty, aU the
<br />estate now held by you under this Deed of Trust 10 the person or persons legally entitled Ihereto.
<br />
<br />Dale: , . Al?~g, !3,., ,~~~~, , , , , , , , . , .
<br />
<br />(William W. Marshall, III, Trustee)
<br />
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