<br />
<br />83- ou1685
<br />.now all _en l1p tltbe5t1)rt5tnt5, TIom, Wheeaa, In an ad;"n in 1M Dulrict Cowl of 1M
<br />EleveIl!:;!L_.__...__...__.Judleiai DUlrict of 1M SIDI.e of NeI",,,IrG, within andfor 1M County of,___________............__...__.B,~,1..!_.....__,__,__..... whoein
<br />Home __~~s!",!:_",L?,9J'_iJ.\g<e....9,mL!o9_@,..8,!?,\'!g,<:;i!M;:J.QI!,..9J..uG,!:.<u.\Q....!!?,1,amL__,__..,..._,___u,_________,_______...p14inJijJ'___ and
<br />Connie J. Kinport
<br />
<br />._,..,.....,..._..__.._u_____,__,_,___u______ _________u______u____ _____,__u_u_,__u_u_____....__,___________,...__.....,_ ----u--....-----------,__u_..___..___,__,_de!endanJ.._,
<br />at IM...l~.P.:":~,I)'.._r.:~.E,,_t.,__,___.._____ Term, A, D, 19,~}u, of said courl!.!_().'1l_e_uF.:~_~,~E".~u_S.Cl"i.~~."_..&.__!c.(),ClJ:\_,_~",13_()~i.:":~,~_Cl_fl__..
<br />did obtain a ~finding (hat IMre i.r d""fl'Om.,__________,_C9I!I!J_~__J__._uK:h!lpg_n:_ _________ _ _ _______,___
<br />"'....B2.!!!~..u!',,,,<i.~!..~).____?_,,':'il1.8!~____<'!!9-___1,9gl.\__A':lf3_Q<:;}_,,t:1911___9 LQ'_9.fl_'!. _I!?.:!-_"fls!..._..__.....uu..__..___u_u_______ ____ /he.um
<br />oj ~~~tx___~_()___:r:J1_()_lli3__a.':l9_.,..l',()~l1?_..t!llI:!<:l:r~c1,__~~I1_t:x_)';i"" __&_ ~_U lOr) ($22 , ~,~5,:8..1), ______ _ _______ ,....dolldr.,
<br />
<br />and costs of .uitlaxed at ___XQ_r._t,L,i;lllQ__2.3lW.t1_ __($_4.Q_,2_3)____nn____ _ _dollar., and, wbel'ea8, it wasl/uffl and there
<br />furlher oNieed in lhe .aid action (hat in defauU of Ihe payment of the .um 80 found due by /he said.___,_......u.....__,_.._,.._,____u____,_,__,_____,_...___
<br />_,..,_..______________ (;.QI.\I!:hE>___J.____Ki,,@QJ:J:__ ____________(hat __,_______C,h.,,_rJ,g\'!..l'LXat.!:Qgglge, __ _,__,___,___,_____,__,__,...
<br />Sheriff of said County of-- ____________________________lig~J ___ ______ .____n___ _ _____, shoutd cause /he lantb and lenements hereinafler described to be
<br />
<br />udrerlised and sold according 10 law to pay the same, and, whereas, default """iog been mude lhoein, Ihe .aid_________ ___n_'_'__________nn
<br />_____n______ _______ ____ _Chi;l);'_l~!?____!',,____J'.'\_:j..r_b_,m.kl>__ __ ______, Sheriff of .aid coarJy, under and by virtue of Ihe .aid decree and
<br />lhe order of.ale to him duly directed, did on /he _________.2:\.tD.__ _ __day of_ ______n__-'1_'n:gh.n_'__'_________________..A. D, 19n\l),
<br />at /he___JQ'~,,_!:_J_9!JJ)Y ~ of lhe Coanty Coarl IIou." in Ihe _________Cit.y___ -,___of,_ ____Grand_..I.sland__________,____,___,
<br />in .aid County of- _ ____.tI.",l__L _ _ __ _ _, having fir.t giren due and legal rwlice of the time and place of .aid "ale
<br />by publica1ion once in each week for four sllccessire wcekR in fJw_GJ:an.d___l~l.an.Q....D.aUy.h~_~~.:.~~Vi~J}a),pr printed and in general
<br />circulation in said County o!-.._. ____._._.-.H_?JJ ..h.mm.._._._.... ummn_.__n_.' sell said premises at public auction lo__._mnQ~~__..
<br />...f.g_d,g_r_1!.l___S_1!.YJ)Jg~_._1!IlQ_.J.&1l-.lL_AS_s_Q_c.:i.at,i_Qn. ._______..___.___for /he .um of__"-",-Y_"At,,_"'!1__n'IhQll\'!,"!:!Q..X:l_,,_,,,__, .
<br />1:lundx:e_d____&D.OILQQ ______C$_LZ_~5.'JQ_..Qf)J __________________________dollar.. which .ale was af/eeward at /he,___J.an,.____lS_L,__Term of .aid cowl,
<br />,01, D" 19,JD, examined and confirmed and /he .airL____ _ _ _ _Ch_a.l:l"'s____f_.__.Yi!.:i..r.h.'\I1k,,_ __ ___ _ _____as sach Sheriff, ordered
<br />to conrey /he said premise. infee simple 10 /he .aid_ JiQ)))_e _ Ig_Q_~_r._"l__S_1!y:i,ng,"___ 1'<._h,9.9_11 _A!?_\,!.Q_"J,:3,1:_i,.Q_fl___Q,LQ,!:_"gs!__J_\'!J,an.d
<br />j}OW m:brrtfore, I, /he .aid_ ______ .___(;IJ_"rlg"P,__!'.1!trQaI1k_" __ ____________, Sheriff of the County of
<br />nH_~JJ. mmum nouunnunun m..mas aforesaid, in consideration of the premises and by virtue of Ih~ powers usled in me by law and the
<br />~ of said cowt, do hereby Gire, Crant and Conrey to 1M sairLm__li()_lll"__FE'QE>.r.aJ_~-'~Y_:l,!1Zf3,__"_!1_<i.__.r,,()_a_n_A,,_,,-,,E_~i1_t_~-"Il___
<br />of Gran.d Islan.d
<br />
<br />n..nnnhm_.m_ mmnmn._n..mn__..m__ .n.u__omm ...~'&nd assigru. the premises so as aforesaid sold.. to wit:
<br />
<br />___._h,.Q_1:..._$.gygl1_1:_~gl1____(U:}__.i,.l1___.H"_~_LI1~.:i.gb.1:"...Md_!.1:J,Qn
<br />to the of Grand Islan.d, Hall County, :lebraska
<br />
<br />------~;~1~~~i~TT AC~~_~
<br />
<br />-----------I..NEBRASKAOOGUMEN-TARV:--.
<br />______.____ ____ .. STAMP TAX
<br />____n ---------- -..-.. .. APrrS--1983 --
<br />..__...__m___'~{fjlg
<br />
<br />
<br />with the appurrenances.
<br />tlQ_mg .f.~gE>_);,1!1n~_aYJ.l1g,"'..1!_I1_g..1eQ1l.l1_ .
<br />
<br />Co .abr anb to .olb tbr "ame unto 1M said__
<br />Association of Grand Island
<br />__'_~__._..'_"'''_'__'_'''''.h'.__''''.''''.
<br />
<br />___....n________'.._'nnh_h__________:illIlIts and ass;gfl3, and /0 them and /heir use and behoof fo,....'.
<br />
<br />In ,t:eltimonp l>>bUtof, I haw, as .w;h Sheriff, hoeunto set my ha:ul thisu_...._.
<br />_,_,_........hA.:P.E~~ .. .....A, D,. 19..83_
<br />
<br />l_s_L
<br />
<br />....--day of
<br />
<br />Ezeealed and delivered in 1M prue~ of
<br />R,L. Williams
<br />
<br />~J2~~'-.
<br />-~-5f-7~..c=::h'---h-.............. .....=..
<br />
<br />Sheriff of________ ____.,_Hall____,.._,__ _.._ _..._COWlly, NebrrulrG,
<br />
<br />CouR(y oJ,_...___,_,!:!..~!L__..,_,..,..__.._..._h__"..
<br />f9__?_~, before me. 1M under.iqned.--_h_&dgar..,l..._,Wllli.ams...
<br />in andfor.aid county. persona1Iy appeared 1M said__.____ _. __ ..__ h.._'__'
<br />--__hh......._."..m...h~h,~.rl,~"'_.E,..._,.F.,,,.:h!'.!l.~,fll<;!?.., ......-,..,_..__"..,........,_.....,_h_Sheriff Q{ .aid Countr.
<br />10 me pmorwJly known 10 be 1M idm&al person who .igned IMfOl'<![Oing inllrumenl <II grantor. and
<br />,.. ~kdged /he ....... to be hi.r roluntory ad and dt:ed, <II ....h .heriff, for 1M a... and purpoou
<br />(/wn:llI '''forth,
<br />..me.. homJGndoJJ><~~/a;ayear?")"jW) -//1/
<br />-==~';I~I~:'la .,,-t:.~~.!?..;;6.,....~'/tri:c;.Jt5.z..,___..
<br />...... flrIl, IIIa:i 13.1_
<br />
<br />,Ju.
<br />
<br />On /hu__.. __.._'h________,...!_13_~day of-_
<br />
<br />Avril
<br />
<br />8
<br />
<br />