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r <br />s~ --..~_s~oa~~~ <br />L~"+IF Vie+E C: rnr h xa's. Borrower :ind Ltudar cuvtnanE and ^~ree :rs!#alitrws: <br />1. Paytimnt oP•Prinrtpsl and InlernsL burrower shall promptly pay when Jae the principal of and interest uu the <br />indchtcdni n t~:idenced ny the Nnic, prepayment and isle charges a5 provided in the Natt, and the principal of and imemst - <br />On any Fuurrc Advaav-cs stcurcJ by thi+ Martgsgc. -_ <br />2. Funds for 1'axes_atui Irecaranee. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver- by Lender; -Hnrrowat sliuii pay - <br />io Lcrtriex nn the daq atonthiy inuailmenta of principal and interest are payable under the Nate, un,[Ii the No4 is paid- in full: __ _ <br />a sr?m' (herein `Funck"0 equal to one-twelfth of the yoarty taxes anti assessments which may' aitain priority aver this _- <br />klnYtgage: and ground rents en the Propert;=, if any, plus c+ne-t+velfthnf yearly premium instatimenls for-hazard insursnce,- <br />.,y-y.~rnumi rnssaiinrenis far mongage insurance. rf any, all as reasonably estimated initially and".from - <br />timt tn-tiryF..~by i~ander on the 6asi; of asscnnaents su?d htlis unJ reasonable "estimates thereof: - - <br />"Chc Funds shalt be held 4a nn insnunioa the. deposits ar accounts ot" which are insured nr guaranteed- lay a Federat:or: _ <br />state agency tinciudrng Cootie-r if l.tnder is such sin instituuun). t-ender shall apply the Funds to-paysaid taxes; assessments; - <br />nrsursnee prcmiunu and ground rents. tender ma}• rax charge for sa holding and applying [he Funds. analyzing said account. <br />or vori#ying and compiling said assessments and hills, unless Lender pa}s Harrower intexest on the Funds and applicabte~ taw <br />permits 1-tinier in make.sucfr n charge; Harrower anal-Lander ntay agree in writing at Che time uf. cxecutipn of this - <br />Morigage that intnrest am trio Funds shalt tic paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is naade_orapplicabte law <br />requires stic6-ihtcrast to be paid. Lender shall not he regidred m pay- (#orrowar any intexest ur earnings oq thc~Funds. !..ender <br />shall give to Hnrr crw ar. without charge. an ~nnu:rl acenmuing of the Funds +ttowing tcmdits and debits to [hc Funds-and the <br />pnrpasc for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security far the sums secured - <br />hy this Mortgage. - - <br />tf thaarnaunt of the Funds Heid by Lender, toeathtr with the-fmure monthly instalments at Funds payable prior to <br />the due darns of taxies, u~sscssmenu- itasurarcc: prerarFUnts sod ground rents, shall uxcetd the amaunt required to pay said taxes,- <br />assessmcnts. insurrnce premiums and ground rents as the}' t,dk sue, arch as.cs shall. be, ;at-Burrcxwcr's option, eit{ter _ <br />pramptlg repaid to Borrower ar creFli:ed io Barrowu on momhiv irntalmerns of Funds, iC the-amaunt of the Funds <br />held by Gender shall not be stdTia:ient to pay taxes. ussessnacnts- incururcc premutr?as and ,-`na anti yens as they Eall due. <br />Harrower snail pa}' to tinder ant' amaunt necensarc te+ maAe up the JcBdencp w~sthnt 30 Jags from-the date notice is mailed - <br />hy Lender to Horrowc€ reuuesung payment thereut_ <br />l;pnn paymem rn foil of elk sums smeared Gy tius Alnngaga_ {.etuitr shall prompt!}' refund ro Han~nwer any Funds <br />held by Lender. II under paragraph !> boreal the Prupert :~ is gold ,a the i'mpcrty is r'+therw•icc acgaurcd by L-ender, Lender <br />shalt nppiy. nu later than mtntedi~ucl}~ prior to the ,ale t+i the Propem' nr ;re acyuisruon he i_erder. any Funds held by <br />Londe- ai the tune o.* application as a cretin against the sums 5c;:uroJ he this Mortgage. <br />- 3. Application of Payments, t~ntttis applrcabie law pro+ules ,ahensisa- sit paymems received 6y Gender under the <br />Note and caragrsphs I +ind '_' hcreot sh tall bo applied he tcndtt first ir. {+a}~tncm .+[ amour{s payable !u L.enJer by Harrower <br />under paragraph hereo#. then to ,ntarct {rayahfe ++o the ~o§e, d?er. u~ the principal of the Note_ :ind then to interest and <br />{xtncrpai on any Fukrre Adranccs. <br />3. Charges; teens. iiortow-er +h;d3 pay .di i,,+.-. _, rvu~nt+ .,nd ether ahar,>wcs, tines anJ u~uposiuons nur,butable to <br />the Property which may aitain a pr.,.titp rn~rr phi; !l;rr;ga*~e. a+.d iea,rhokt p:ay~mcnta ,rr gtrn:nd tens. if any, in ih'c manner <br />pmvrd~l under paragraph' trereoE or. it i:ot psis m ,crrh atannc>. by H,ura;eer tmtkmg payment. -shoo due, dtreettc to the <br />payee thenurf. Horrawar sheik pre+mpn} t.rrn~,i, t,= I sutler nu .aonces ;:; .one=xi His J.,c ;order this paragraph, sad in the event <br />Horretuz~r,:hai! make payment J_rect?+- N,ar,=+a,•r ,l;ad pmmpti: :<<rnr„ ~,~ L.nder~ recett+ta e~.~denamg such parrrtnts. <br />kurrower shall prompt!}^ ti - s rcr. ;,, s -er Ito nt one ,=+~r t=;. Mort}^a~c , owed. chat H~: r, war .hall aa[ be <br />required te^ drs<ar,u ge an} xten ncn _ ' .ng .o Han o:+n <h- l . „ -ate t~~ h .~menr rat the obhl;auo,? +ec erred h}' <br />such lien tr. a manner acasptab?c t+~ Lc.._dar, a_ ~t"a±~ ut _; :,+ .u t" „-nt-. .tct..,e, ~.~ ,a ~drtcnd : ntnrcrmurt of such lien m, <br />legal prcx-cnd,ngs whrcia operate t++ peacoat iii. cmarxmrn; of ih_ r;,.r, r torlecurr, nt nee Progeny ,-, .mt part thereaF. <br />5, Hazard insurance. He^n=r+,~ r -hail kart ~.+. ~tup+~: a,aut, .-..., , a.=~t,ne , r -,,.teener ,,:,ae+i on ti ^ Pr.=pertc vasurtd <br />.+gstnst to~c h}~ tirF. ;a:tzarde rc~iudec:.+hnm the. t, rn; e,.tc ~,.. +, .r; ,~. „r;u .., c,t hci n c„rde a,"s f steer ores require <br />artJ m sad: amnt=uts anal for <a;~i: periods ^, Le::dcr rir.,+ rcqurr~. i'.. •,de,?. t'`:~t { cntii .oral rn4 rrctuuc tth:H Iha :nnount oY <br />larch coverage e.atced that intl.*urt at „ ,. ,_ , ., ;:.y: ,r„ s==ra. -:emu;~;1 b: ~i,~s VIeit~agr- <br />Thesnsurancecarr;e tnsvidir,v he utst ra ,a ,;,.~li h -t, ~.;-n h+ tint nn, r~ .; hlc;t '~~ -II n?v a! i.c tender: proaided. <br />i}tat such apprnvaf .Hatt oat =te ,iuttia,an,zni+ ~.+,thnetd iii iu ertn+an, .:n sa.=.a,a+ce puhr~es siic,il be p;uJ m the manner <br />prcivrded tinder paragraph ? h;:rca; er. a rn.+t p.ersi ;a ,eict; as+nncr, b+ 8:=ut>;+at maAmg oatmert. -.v hen Jae a,rect k' ro the <br />in5nranCe 4:arfICF. <br />Atf insurance paircies aaJ ,'tnca,:is t;~rsoi ~?in,t tr n: i.=tn; .,, ~npt.;mr tee i e:r qtr ,:od chef; include a •,t.mdarJ mortgage <br />dates in fever ut and to aarnt aauptbie n, l.,:eacr, ! r:aJcr .h.,t; h.: •.e the ttgh; t.' aaoid Ih: p„lieies and ~crtuais thereat. <br />and Harrower ~haii prompt{y £e,ur;ah :.~ 1 c;?cfer a=:.. ,_ +., r ,.,...:~;; ... i :ea a ,.erci nremnnn._ In tna stool ut lass. <br />Sarrawer shall etvr {von?pt netxc t.+ the n?_m~a n:r carr:,r .catJ i cadet. i ease; ~;nap :uaS.e pr: u>i of loss n nut msdc prompt(}. <br />by Harrower. <br />C'nfess Lxndtr and Sortoua as he ns!~ agrcti~ u; a r.!:ng. r=.,n ors pF,.;recus shall he apt+ited to restucuinn nr repair nt <br />the 3roperty damaged, provtcted >o:h rcetorauorr er repair is en~aanocailc ?casihle and th_ sc^.urno 04 this Martgagc is <br />nM theeeby imparted. tt su:h rector;tRan ar rcpa;r is tent c.cmrnn: aR+ teas~aie asr i! the secw~tt of this s1 urtgage would <br />he impaired, the insurance proceeds ,hall tk appireJ ear the cure >eaireci icy rho Mnngage„ wup the t.+.a:ess, if alt}. paid <br />to Harrower. li the Pmperta~ is ;iu~nd++ntd be Harrower, .,r rt tinrrowar t:~~i, :o ~c~spand m 1 ender wnhtn 30 Bats (tarn the <br />date ttatice is ma€ini by Ltndar n~ Harrower that .he rusurance .arms Driers to ,e:ne n claim tar itrswance benefits. Lender <br />is authorized to cc>iteci and appty the mzuraa.e ^rc coeds .rt Lr:rJer~s piton either t+~ ttsturateon +~r repau tit tha• Property <br />or to the sums secured 6y rh>y Mortgage, <br />Unless Leader and Borrower other.:. agree rn w unng„ am such applirauars nt pFUCecds w prsiptd >hali teat extend <br />or ptutpone the due dste of the monthiy instaiitums irfexrect txa in paragraphs ! .m;i ' htreo[ ,+r change the amaunt of <br />such itrsEatttnems. It under paragraph ?8 hereof the Property is acynired by I_endcr, oil rtgitt, tale and interest of Harrower <br />is atp# to any insuraacc policies acrd Fn sad u? the pracetds thereat restaiung fro=:n dan;age to tbt Nrnpcrip poor io the sale <br />ar act(ttisititxn shall pass to Lender to the extent n! the sums secured 6t this Mnngace tmmedta!cly prior to such sale nr <br />acgttittition. <br />4. Prraervntion aad.k~tAintenaace of Propern; txFCSCtwlds; tandnminienrs, Ptanaed C,inlt llerelopments. Barrawtr <br />shall katg the Fropettp in gctnd-repair and =hall not camtnit waste or permrE nnpaiement or deterioration of the Property <br />tint shaft-z:arn¢ly with the provisiatts of any lease u. tins Mortgage s t+a s Icasehn{d_ if ihtx r\{nrtgage is oat a unit in a <br />condomitutam ar a Planned unrt dereluptnent, &~rrower shall perfarm alt of Borrower's nhhganuns outlet the deelatafion <br />or cexvasattts creating or governing the cr±ndttmmiunt or planned amt derclcapment, tree by-law; told rcgututiarrs of the <br />~ihvm or planned trait. datetopnrcnt, sad canstiurant Jacumtn?s. II a 4-undamira rum or planned unit aieteFapment <br />rltki ~ exeetzta€.tty fituarower.and rewtsied tagethtr wrth-rhea Mangage, the +:avcnants anti agreenteats a+t such odor <br />slzstt bis:itttxtptt~~irai iota atxt shat{ smetid and supptemenl. the uvenants and agreements aI thrs Mortgage as it the riJtr <br />wee a.p~r4 hzreaC. <br />7. P~e'e-nt-Lmtdpr'g Eecvritr, if It~nrrnwa~r falls to ~perto[m the covenants anti ngreenaents cnutarned na this <br />ltltrtt,~age, n# if "airy actt!!tt a+r proceeding is camttxcnced which maicrialty :-rticets ! ~ndnr_s datrrest 1rt the Ptapcny, <br />itclird~t.. but ruu r fimitetC Etr, ~mirnsnE dnns~~in, insial'3~rney. ctrtte-crciorerntnt, nr arrsngetncnis ar proceedtn~ invulvrng a <br />ktrttslrr\t~x pr dea<>~esieai-, ttaett Lecxderat t.andcr's option, upcu? r9a9tr>ri` ro Harrower. ierac make such :rppearancc-a. dtshuxse such <br />etrns3~ axxt~tattie urcft a~itcn=-a~•.i5-ne;-~+s.+acy-au protest Lender's ~nzats~t,. tttclttai~, out not ltatutei t4!. ,hxhttt'semenE. nI <br />raasnaaFl~ sicarrr?:5'x.. fCC:~, and: entry, trx'tort. tktyr trope rtv-tf> t3s»ke rupiarrs_ I! Lender regrNrc tt rrr3. rtgaga irreuranc-e av s <br />a: ~rp'didl~rz~ap, maS'ag-thsa ,IC~.l,''14-a=cs.'iNYdt tf¢„t}tik 1:+4s7[rg=asc. It ,rr ytu-et fha'st .~^ay the pramnalna ri:<t[arcd sex maintain ssr~,°h <br />3tprma[ttur in. c4zu _rn44t ~\ur:b tlflaer ai_Sh,.e teytkis3nO:r1. =1,r f-:r,.a -nsuran.,>+ t~rninat-s sat :,,,a. rda:at• se,eh Hr,rr:ra°er`s and <br />