<br />
<br />83-0h16~Q
<br />.nom all ,-en lip 1tbt~t .re~tnt~, Thai., Whutu, In an 'oiIiIm in 'tCl/J'..t1'wl Court of Ik
<br />~~E.._....._.......Judwial Diltrwt of Ik SI4k of Nehnult4, wiJhin anJfOl' Ik c"uniy of....'.....n......!i'?)J____..,....._........,..,......, whuein
<br />Home ~,gg:r1lo1,..$.~Y.i.,n,gS....1lon.~L.I,Q!!n,_A!ePQ.Q,gJ;j..91l,nQ.t,'~);',g,n.g_,I~,L.,9Jl.g.....,,_,.......,..,..........,.._____.,_,plainliff.-. and
<br />~~~___Q,~....~.<>.':,e.~~.e.~.___.~~,ll.~,~..,.......n______.______..,..,___....___..,.......___.n___.'.....,____...._,_....................,...,..._.......,....'..'......n'defmdanI...:>
<br />at u...J.?.Il.\t?.IT...Eix:?..t..._.........,.T.,.m, A, D; 19,8.3..., of mid court".HQ!lls;.,.,E.e.!ii:.r,d..,SJD!:ings....iln,d...L.Q;m....A"'~,Q!;J,i!J;:.i9n
<br />did abtain a d<<reejinJing thailk,.. is d..from._____J~Qn'i!J'gn.P_L..L,Qx:gng,gJ:l....,j;~L.g,L_..n'n___..
<br />/o_l:l..q,!!\g__"Egg,gL'''!,..?i'-.Y.!ng~,...M!;l,..,);,Q.;m...N.>.ll.9,\:.:t?.,t;:J.9!l".Q.:t,..\?,r.,m4...IsJ,M4n'.."'........"........."....... ...,....."...... IM'um
<br />qf .Lou,J;.~.g,J;l..,l'.h.QJ!!><m,!L.$.Jl>.,.H,!ID4:rS\g .,$.,!:Kt;:.Y....f..t'l!! ..i'-J:l.Q.,.lfJIWfLn(H4."(!f).?,,J8}..... .....dolldr.,
<br />
<br />anJ COIfg of .uit /axed at.. .fQ:r:.t:.Y'nf.l,y!!'n'g!:!g..?)IJQ!L..c~4.?,.?n, 0000 ___ n. . m..ndollar., and, w~, it W08IMn anJ there
<br />
<br />furlhu 0Niut:d in Ik .aid odion thai in <hfaaU of Ihe p~nt of Ik ,mm 80 found d.. by Ik .aUi__HQllle...,F.i:,de,r.al,Ji<t.Jli!lZ1L,.,_..
<br />..1i.:'~..,~~."::'. Associ ation ___~!....~,':,,,l1d Is land nn___.___.thaI. n___........."~J::~.:,~.esnT:F,,trb anks
<br />
<br />SMriff of said County of,.._......._.,_._...!:!..,,),),....,.._.n
<br />
<br />.u., should cause the lands and tenerru:nls hereinafter described to be
<br />
<br />advulued and $O/d according 10 law to pay tM same. and, whereas. default having been made therein, the :laid
<br />Charles F. Fairbanks
<br />
<br />_. Sheriff oj said counly, under and by virtue of (he said decree and
<br />Ik ord.,. of.aIe fa him daly direcfed, did on Ik. . 22nd ..... ....day of n.m.m..I1.<l.r:~.~.....___n.m. ..m...4. D, 1~~.m
<br />atlkm.1.()~.<:.r:.)gl>.bJ. fr0,i1 door of 1M County Court Hou,\e ill ille. . 00 ....t;:~JJ ---.of m.mQ:r~.Q,...);!>.l~,<L..,....____.,___.
<br />in mid Couniy of.. Hall . . having fir.t gi..n d.. and kgal noliee of the lime and place o/said safe
<br />by publi{:alion once in each tL~ek for four ,wueSSi'l'f' ll:eeks ill the ....~E~?~,~.,+!~_~?:~.?mQ~.~!X.,.~~.~.:~ ~1~~p~r printed and in general
<br />circulation in said County of.. .u .m..u ...I:I.~.~~.... .._..... mmnn...n...m_. ...mu._..__nm, sell said premisu at public auction to___JIj..I".$J~.'h".
<br />'n'm,~."YlIl.g.13...~Qllll',~J. .......for Ik .um of._l:j...f.!;,~!!,n...IJ:LQJJ~.g,n4..,:nlJ;:~gm!il!!!g'~g~
<br />,KQ,!'1y_Xg,\l.~.JIIl.~LnQQIJQ.Q ..LU,?,)4:4..&Q .,...,.,mdollars, which .ale W08 aflerward atlk,______J.!l!lL,J.!?,LTerm of said courl,
<br />
<br />A, D.. 19...83, examilled wid confirmed and Ik saUi.. ...m.Char:le.smE~...F.ai.rhanks... ...,___"" sw:h Sheriff, ord<rt:d
<br />fa CO"""Y tM .aid premiu. infee .imple fa Ik mid ...... .U.r.131:...s.llyigg13..C()111J.'.aIl.Y nn...m...m. .......... .'....m..___m.___..._,.,
<br />.Bow QI:bertfore, I, 1M said ....m.. ..0000 .Gh.!Lrb.",.S...F.. F.!ll,~l>;m.l<sm . 00.....___..., Sheriff of the County of
<br />Ha!!..._.. ___........(1$ aforesaid. in ronsUkraiion of the premises and by t1irlue of the pC1Wers ttested in me by law and the
<br />decree of .aid courl, do hereby Gi.., Grant and Co"""Y 10 Ik &aUi______ ::rrJ1~_'~ _ ,
<br />,.F.:?cE!>...!:....5,'!".t.Ilg!!_..gglllp.'!Il.J. 6lL,)~ OSSigM, Ik prem..... ~ os aforesaid sold, 10 w~
<br />....___....mn..n _..n!eQJ.m1'l:'Qn C.22...Jn..B.",.mh,!lT<1. V os S Sub ..tvt.13.l,QIl.,.,.."...P.ll.J:'.LQ.f .....nm..
<br />. ....!e9.t:...OIl e... (1)..,....'1.<:>13,13...9 tll>g,!.vi,,~on,...i!1 ..5<:.<; .ti{)nn.E:I,~,,<:.n. ..( 11). ,..
<br />.. ..00.. . ..n.~().t:t:l1,Range N:ine.(~),\.<:stof tl1e(;t:hP.M'n'I1<lllCol1I':~x,Nebraska
<br />
<br />......with Ik appurtenan<es,
<br />
<br />&0 Jlabt anb to Jlolb tbt &amt unto Ik mUi..
<br />
<br />Fi rs t _;>avlng!?..nQ9.1'!P_<If!Y,.... n......n,......_,.,...,_,JlOHanJ a88igns, anJ to them and Ikir u.se anJ behoof foreuer,
<br />In Q;tJ5timonp Wbertof, I ha.e, .... such Sheriff, hereunto "I my hand thil........n ,...m.'!.!;hn. .nh.day of
<br />__,_.___..._ .n...Ap..t:i,!.,. A D 1983
<br />noon m" , " ....-'~,~.i95~<..~n..
<br />
<br />Ezeeult:d anJ <hlivered in Ik present:< of Sheriff of_._,..,___,.,nnHA1Lhnhn_..., .....c"uniy. Nehnulw,
<br />
<br />R. L. Hilliams
<br />
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, .}...
<br />
<br />c::.....er qf__.......,.......!!i!lL__.._... .00........_,...,....
<br />1983,." before me, Ik UIldu.igned...___.~'?~g,<:.r....,r"~,,Vlg,~,~Ii,m.:'l'n
<br />in andf... .aid caunIy, per~ appcwed Ik &aid'h..__n_.n.. .... .n.... ...."h.... . 00.....'......,...
<br />.__,..,...___,.....",.,..g,l:L<!E.!,<:,!!...f~...f.,ai ~~~~..,......'..'.....h'.n......'.......'h....,.8huiff at .aid ~,
<br />to me per<01I4/ly knDlDn to be 1M idenIi<aI person who .iqrwl Ik foregoing i1I8/rwnPll 08 gronIar. arid
<br />he aWiowkdg<<llk .."". 10 be hil oalunlaty ad and deed, 08 suoh lhuijJ, fOl' Ik U8e8 and purfJOIQ
<br />tIwo'" ..tjorih, , .. ~
<br />.Uneu~hand~day~~~wr~ '\
<br />-==~,,:,~' h/.. ''1-..CZ::J:t?<c1:.:: __?'C.c __,__"
<br />"'CllM.bII, Marth 13, I. J
<br />
<br />On thil..'___..n.._._______o?J;lLday of.-- ...n._..'..~J),r.:t.L
<br />