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<br />r <br /> <br />eM 11M 1I9A <br />75'3 <br /> <br />83_001588 <br /> <br />F-188564 <br /> <br />iUJf. iquttttldf flUt AssuruUtttJurlttg .at 14r lllnit:eb. tnat:eS. <br /> <br /> <br />a corpomion organIzed and existing under the laws of theSla<e of New York, hereby acknowledges that a certain indenture <br /> <br />ofmortlla8e dated ......,....~:r..,~~...........................,......."................ 19]~... made and ex<<ute<! by........................................ <br />....,.~~~~.~..~,~...~~~,.~,~~,..!#.~.y..g"..~,IA~,~....~!;,4,,ll#.l:., .aJJ.d..his..Q,wn,.rtght..,<md,..aa"......... .','.. <br /> <br />.......'P.?~~~...~.f...,t:!J.!:..~,~~,~!,.......,................,..................'......., ",..........,...... ,..",.....,.. .',,',.........,........,.......,. ',...,.,..,..,..,....."...., <br /> <br />to THEEQUITABLEUFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES. recorded ....AugusJ:...L8.., .....19..1.R., <br /> <br />in th'7 office of the Recording Oflicer of the County of. .. ......Rall,.......,..............., Sta.e of...,Nehraska,.................,..,.. <br /> <br />Document No. 78-005277 f .L_ d f 'd Cou . _~__d 'd -",. . Ii-> d d'--L '...... <br />,;"..a;.a,6,.I: oR" '"' .......... &..."L~..................o UK recor S 0 sat _ nty, IS rCUCClm:u, pal ou, Sabs ell an 134...IlU6...o,a. <br />in full, and it hereby releases the Mortgage and consents that the same be canceled and discharged of record,. by the <br />Recording: Ollicer thereunto duly authorized by these presents, <br /> <br /> <br />RECORDERS MEMO: <br /> <br />-}, f"l j'..L \.i:,# <br />/ <,'T"' <br /> <br />/." /u;.-/;~_ <br /> <br />-. of Deed$ <br /> <br />".UntJlJl ~tnf. THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES <br />ha.s hereunto caused its corporate seal to he afiixed and these presents to be signed by its duly authorized officer <br /> <br />this........................,~2.tb..,....,......., '.. .,......,...,... , of........,........ ."....., .......,A~&~,~,!=. .,.....,...'....... ........,...,........".." ) 9.?9..".... <br /> <br />THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSlJRANCE <br />SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />'Mi:r~O~~~~~....,.. <br /> <br /> <br />hilt !If 5. Il11'k } SS <br />~!lf5_Iodt ' <br /> <br />On this .........~2t.b.....,day of.. .........A\\8!1.~,I;... <br /> <br />, lyJ'L before me, " not.iCY public in and for the <br /> <br /> <br />Cpowty and Stue, pe_nally appeared.......MU,t;~muG. .lC.l~J.~. d , <br />-t ~ rne,penooaI1y,kno_ to bea Vice Pn:sident of THE EQUIT....BLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIhlY OF THE UNITED <br />, S'tATl1S, the ~ described in and that executed the foregoio/; n1Sthunenl haVIng authority to ex...-ute such insln1- <br />~.....lio. beill8bJ me dllIyswom, did say that be is a Vice President of THE EQUIT^BLE UFE ASSURANCE <br />~1E'l1' OF nul UNITED ST ^ TES, and that the seal alIixed h.. the IUstrumenl is the (Urparate "",,( of the Corporation. <br />~.."tQe ~ -~ and ~ed 00 behalf of the Cocp"r;hon by .mltMlt)' of ils BUllrd of Dirrctors; and <br />"".V;....,~ ac;kr.<Qw~ that he .."\4 the Corporatioll ..nuted the IUstrum.nt as hi. free and yolWltary act and deed <br />~~;ltiQ;i~:.aod ~ act &lid deed of tl", Corpor'uion for the uses an,1 purp,""s therein .xPC<$$w, <br />~,:e'::;- > ~O' '- -~.{ J,,: <br />-).;,~!,~:.,'..W~~.11I1d IIOWitl ~ the clay and year lut .btwe WI''',,,, . <br /> <br />~,,;(~,,'O \,,, ,e4;2~= <br /> <br />'~~f~.~tst;,~\~3 1lN<r~!le. 3:". d N"" ~~{\< No. ~1! <br />. =:~7f;:,~.:;I;:cF~;r~~;~ <br />