<br />I
<br />
<br />83-001&74
<br />
<br />Dated this
<br />
<br />j/
<br />
<br />day of
<br />
<br />~r'''l_<' /
<br />// I ,i..- l<-:/-'
<br />
<br />, 1983.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an Agreenent for Warrant;y Deed
<br />
<br />dated March 31, 1983, BERNARD F. u.cY and IDA E. IN::{, Husband and Wife,
<br />
<br />have sold the following descril::ed real property to LEOORA M. roEBUCK, a
<br />
<br />single person, by teIlllS of which Agreenent the last payment of principal
<br />is due May 1, 1988:
<br />
<br />'llie tibrth Cl1e-Fburth (~) of lDt.s Fifteen (15) and Sixteen (16)
<br />in Sass Subdivision located on a part of the Northeast Quarter
<br />of the Northeast Quarter (lW-.NE%) of Section Fourteen (14),
<br />TcMnshi.p Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M.,
<br />Hall COunt;y, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />d3m1x~dct f s:Jer ,l-(_::
<br />
<br />yC' '-i.~ -7(7 /' --1;i
<br />ruc;- ,^"-1 "tbetu" ~. -I'--<.Lor _/
<br />, . a H. cle, B r
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<br />/). y;-
<br />~~,~~
<br />
<br />) 55.
<br />CXlUNl'Y OF HALL )
<br />
<br />Before l1E, a Notaty Public qualified for said COunt;y, personally cane
<br />Bel:nard F. !.act and Ida E. !.act, Husband and Wife, Sellers, and acknGl1edge
<br />the execution of the above and foregoing Notice of COntract of Sale to be
<br />their voluntaty act and deed.
<br />
<br />Witness my hand and Notarial Seal this ,x;Y day of ~hi;,i:7, 1983.
<br />
<br />---:) .,/ ---:,.>/,/
<br />...... -.....<" , '- \. c<..-"'''/(----'
<br />I.'UrARY PtBLIC
<br />
<br />) 55.
<br />axmY OF HALL )
<br />
<br />j;-.IIOIAIIY........ ...... 'I
<br />11M Co Pt.ATE ,
<br />air ColIIL e. ()a. 14. 1_ !
<br />
<br />Before l1E, a tibtaty Public qualified for said COunt;y, personally came
<br />Ienora M. lbebucle, a single person, Buyer, and ackr1av1edge the execution
<br />of the above and foregoing Notice of COntract of Sale to be her vo1untaty
<br />act and deed.
<br />
<br />Witness by hand and Notarial Seal this .d!::!itday of 7}VU-1,d!J , 1983.
<br />
<br />
<br />t1?v.A1~ ~(\1~
<br />r~c
<br />
<br />~ ^ RUDOLF F, PLAn:
<br />.. .. . -. ..Nm....ot)"""I>><>!~....
<br />. .. My Co,,,,,,,,,..,,. t:<;N~
<br />s.._n*" lQ, I \l S'.'"
<br />