<br />83-U01516
<br />
<br />THIS INDENTURE. made tbis_~_:1QIH_________ day of _J:li!fJ;JL__,_____ ___, 19 J1l_, by and betwe<ln
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />of Ha 11 County. Nebraska. as mortgagor .,~. and Home Federal Savings and Loan Association of Grand Island.. a corporation
<br />organiud and existing under the laws of the United States of America with its principal office and place of bu"li.iness at Grand Island, Nebraska. as
<br />mortgagee:
<br />
<br />WITNESSETH: That said mortgagot S
<br />
<br />,for and in cOllsidcrationof ,hesumof THIRTEEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED
<br />--------------------------- "
<br />Dollars ($ 13',835~14: },
<br />by these presents mortgage and wa.rrant.untosaid.mortgqee-,,'itS~rs and assigns.
<br />
<br />the rec'Cipt of which is hereby acknowledged. do
<br />
<br />forever. aU the foHowing described real estate, situatro in lhe County of __----1:lall
<br />and Stare of Nebraska. to-wi!:
<br />
<br />LOTS ONE (I), TWO (2), THREE (3), FIVE (5), SIX (6), AND SEVEN (7), IN ISLAND ACRES
<br />
<br />TQKelher wtth aU heattnK. Ult {'ondluonm~. hPthtUl~, dnd plumbHl~ t'4u1pnwnt and hxtuTt"s. tndudmg st'rt;ll'ns. awnm,l;:'~. storm windows and
<br />doors. and wmdow shades or blinds. used on or m ("onna'uon with said prupe-rty. v. m-ttiPr lht.. Slimp art' now 1(}("';8tKI on said PfOperty or ht>rreflt'r
<br />placed lhen.>on.
<br />
<br />TO HA \-'E ANn TO HOLD THE SAME. togelh.N with all and SJnfCUlbt Un' (t'nt'mt'-nts. lwft,€htauwnls and uppurltmanCC-<i; tb~rt.'lmlu lw.
<br />
<br />longing. or In anywt~ appertainmg. forever. !lnd \\a.nant the lltl{' t,. tht:' satm' ~l:ud mOI"f(tt.gor S hen.by nl't:t~nanl with said
<br />mongagee that t ht"Y are Bt thp Jeh......ry herwi. tht.' 18\1rtulownt't Snf tht' premises llbo\'t~ convt.'yec.i and described.
<br />and ___ ___~_r.e ~u.ed of a good and in-deiea:nble- estate 01 mherH-dnU" ttl-t"n-m. fn~ and dear of a.U ~--'n('umbfanC'l."S.. and that t ht.y_ _ will
<br />warrant arxi defend the utle therew {orevt.-r aKamst lh~ dauns unci demands {If Illl pt"rsons whQmSQt>..'er
<br />PROVIDED ALW A ,"S. and thIS ",strum."" IS ",,",'utN and d.hH_ '0 S""un> ,h. ,"'y"",nt ,,; ,h" sum of TI:lI RTEENTHQUSANQ
<br />ELG,HT HUNDRED THIRTY-FIVE DOLLARS AND 14/100 -------- P"lIa,," 13,835.14 I
<br />with intel"Nt thereon. together ",--.m ~uc-h charges Imd I.la''-unre~ fL." mB" t-... aut> and pa~'ahil' Lo SHUl ntUn,~a,.,~. l!ndt:'f tht:' tt'"rm~ auti: conditions
<br />
<br />of the promissory notto oi e\''''n date nerewlth and st'l'un'<-i ht:>ct>by, ,'X,t<UlRtl by :'>tUO mtlrt~u~{)r S to Niui murtgttgt>e. paYdble as l"p:t's~"ll
<br />an said note. and to:secuf'tl the perlorman~ of aU the t.t'TmS and t'ondlhOtl:o ('onuunt'd tb'f\"ln. Tht> terms of sald now are ht'relw im'ofllorult'd
<br />herein by t.hi~ "'t~nce
<br />
<br />It is the intention and &greelrMUlt of tiN! partses lkroto t hat thiS m.)n;r..,-agt; ~hall.ll.L"k) m"t.'UI'\' any tut-un' advarn..'t's madt." to ~lud mOrl~ftgor _ s..
<br />
<br />by said mort~, and any and.U mdt.tbwdn~s Ul .,JdI(lUn hI tht' cunounl Dl~l\'t' ",Ullt'd whit'!. ~ui morll(agors, or any oj' l,h{'ll\, lUay nWt' W
<br />said mortga~. ho..",...-t!r t-...td.enoec.l. whet.h<< by nVh.-. bO(lk ll\'(:ount .,r "UII;'f'WISt.. rhlS m'I~l;lJ(t.' shall tt'lU4in m tull torn' and t.ftoct ht>lWt't.u
<br />the llartle5 he~ and then ht>jrs. personal <<'P~lU'll\'~':o.< _"~:n:t":,,~n~ tlnd aS~JK1\s. untd l.lll amuunts ~t'Cured ht'n-undt'r. mduding futun'
<br />advances, are 11&Id in fuU WlLh Ultetu.t..
<br />
<br />Tbe mortpaor ,,?_ heN-by tL'~~UKfl ld ;:..!ud mortgai(~ all ",'nt," Rnd mt.-ome ansmg at any and all times from saul proP'-ft)- and
<br />hereby autboriu said mortgag~ OJ' its ~hl. at Hh option. Ul-lOn dt'fli:ult. tn takt> l'h8r~ of saul propert)' l:U1d <..'O!le('t aU r\'llts and lIlCOfllt.
<br />t.herefrom and apply the samtl' lo the payment of interest. pnnc.'lpal. m~u~nc~ (}tt'mHulIs. la-x!;':/.. a.s~.ssment..~, h'IHurs or unproVt'liWllb
<br />necesary to keep Mid property in teGaD:t.able coodtuon. or to other chargt.."l:S or payments provlded for herem or UI the note ht.>feby secured. This
<br />rent asaagnmen.t shall contlnue m fon:e untd the uopaxi balant't' 01 saki nolt" IS tuUy paid. Tht' td-kJ.n~ 01 pO~iUn hereunder ~haJIl!l no IHannl.r
<br />pnNMt m retard saW. mortgagee in the eoUecuon of stUd sum:, hy fort'CiUtiure Of otht:'n<tl:iot".
<br />
<br />The failure of the mort.pgee t.o assert any of its rights hereundt!r at any timt" shall ntl\. tw t.'onstrued as H waiver of its right to ns.~l'rt thl:'
<br />Y.IDB at. any lalllll t.imtl. and to .lnswt upon and enfuh.'t.- ~tncl (,Hmph&nc~ With ull the term.... dOll Jlrovi~l;)lIS llC sauj nole and of lhHi mort-KHj{t'
<br />
<br />If said ~p S shall C&WMr to be pald to said mort..gagt.e tht> t:'nt.U't" tUllount dut' U he.reund~r. and under ltw (cnn~ and pnn'I,.mIlS
<br />ot said note benlby teCuhMi. lncludina future &dv.ll(:~. and any exwn.sJOns or ~ne-wBls thereof 10 llccordann> \\Ilh lht! It'rm.... ilnd pnl\cisttlfl:-'
<br />
<br />~'~ aDd" said ~.. 5....__ shall comply Wtt.h.U ttw pro\'tsllOll.!\ of said nme and of this rnortguj(t', then lh.~ prost.m.ls shall b{. vuid,
<br />~_1O I'ItIIIIlIUa ill tuJl.... &ad..... udaaKi ~ shall be entitled to lOO-llO$-.~.swU of a.U of said propt.'!rty, ltind may. at its upt.ion.
<br />~ the whoM: of Mid _now &ad aD ~ repn!'titJOted t.hen:lby to be- unmedmteJy dlW and PUYilhlt'. and Iluty fon~dos.e th~ IUnrtgat(t'
<br />0< 1M. eny other lepl _ '" .......... i.. ri<<l>t Appnwoemt>nt w..v.d,
<br />
<br />~ ~ shall be bt.ndinc upon.m :shall enunt to the aeoebt {){ the heirs. ~.~tOt8, admliUlilutors. !'lUl.:re8tlUfS dod .S!ilj{D:-l ~)j tiw
<br />-.-<;,.. peortiIoo t-oto.
<br />
<br />IN WV;-. '. -' "'. llr;.KEf.F.."!I01d. M_. or S
<br />-.. '. -. ' V j./ /;;7 Lffci
<br />~' /~~
<br />l'tA1t{L. . lLER~ ' / .
<br />
<br />h. Vehtneunt-o .-'t, their hand S, (hI;' day am_l )'fi1r hr~t <lhH\'~'
<br />
<br />" FA~UE~~ ,(~Ll't-~-)
<br />