<br />I
<br />
<br />Sixty-Three dollars and 38/100 ----------- ~~------------
<br />
<br />DoIIan.($ 1,,J.1i1 1R
<br />
<br />),
<br />
<br />
<br />83-001515
<br />
<br />
<br />THIS INDENTURE, made thIs___31lth_____________ day of __.l1ar:ch___________
<br />rIMOTHY R. ALBERTS ArilLfllAl'lN,ItJ....8LB.ER~.J:lUSllAtill.Jl"rill_Ji~_
<br />
<br />, 1983...__, by and between
<br />
<br />of Ha-ll Counry, Nebraska. as mortgagor S . and Home F<<ierat Savings and Loan Association of Grand Island, a corporation
<br />organized and existing under the laws of the United States of America with its principal office and place or business at Grand Island, Nebraska, as
<br />mortgagee:
<br />
<br />WITNESSETH: That said mortgagor _-S..-_. for and in consideration of the sum of
<br />
<br />Three Thousand Spven Hundred
<br />
<br />the receipt of which is herehy acknow~gcd. do ____ by these presents mortgage and warra'Dllbito said ~~~rt.. iti: successors and assigns,
<br />
<br />for~, all the following described real estarc. situated in the County of _ HAll
<br />and State of Nebraska, to~wit:
<br />
<br />
<br />TOfifether wtth all ht"8tlllg. llir conditi.omng, liKhh~, ltnd plumbmg t'1:luipment and tutW't.s. indudin~ Sl'f'L't-"ns. awnings, storm windows and
<br />doors. and wmdow shades or blinds, U:-lOO on or m coone{'tlon with slud propen\', wheth.t"t the lioa.tne Or'\.' now k)(,'Uted on said property or hen'tlt't-er
<br />placed thereon_
<br />
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME. loKelhl'r with all and sU1jCUi.t1t th~ tt'nt."_mt:nls. heft'ditamt'nts and appurtenances ther~-llnto be-
<br />
<br />longing. or In anywlSt!: appertaming. forever. and 'Aarrant the title to the same_ Said morK8-Kor __5. herehy co".tmant with said
<br />mortgagee- tbat '4e Y_ (iTe . at tht, tit.lIver)" heroot. the lawful o....ner S of the premises above conveyed and described.
<br />8.nd___,______~_t:"_e se~ of a good and indtl:f~ibJe ~latt' of inhentllll<<' the-rem. f~ and elf'&' of aU t'ncumbran~-s. and that _.t_ he_'y__will
<br />warrant and defend the tit.le lheftW forever agamsl thE' \.'laulls ano demands of all persons 'A-hom:!Otlftvt"r
<br />PROVIDED ALW A YS. and this instn.nnenllS extc'i.'utw and ddl'o'e,rE<l to secun- thf" paymt"nt of tht> sum of THREE._IHQUSANlL_"_._
<br />SE'!.;N.liUNOREDSIXTY-THREE DOLLARS AND 38/100 ---------- Doll.rslS 3,763.3& I.
<br />with interest thertlOn. t-ogmher with such charxes and <u.iv-llnct>s as m!l)' t)(> dut" ~Uld pdy.hk. l.n ~Iud murt~tI~~ under tht> It.'nns a.nd l~ondit.ion1't
<br />of the promissory now of even da~ MreWllh and ~~un-d. herehy" t'lL~Utn:1 b\ saki !Uull.cUt{ut S to ~8.id ltlurtgttgtc't;, payahlt' a:;;c \.'xp~:it'd
<br />In !aid rwte, and to $CICUte t.he perlorm&llOl:! of all the Wrms .nd ("omhtwns ......\nt-timt.'lti lht"n!-m_ Tht<' ~rms of said note an! hereby int'orporaled
<br />htnin by this rerll.'lrenc~"
<br />
<br />It is the int.ention and agretUIMml of the partteS ~Mo thal this mortWl~ ~haU al!iO- ~un> any future advanctffi IIlBdt;!' to scud mort~a~r _ .-s
<br />hy s.KI mortgagtlV, llnd any and aU imit-hl<<int.'Ss In .,.uhllon \-u lht-' t&mnunl Ulll.\t. ::>uatt'1.! whl(:h saId murt~a~ns. ..If tiny of lh~m, nUl)' OWl> lu
<br />said rnortgag\W. however- twiden~. whether b,\' n(Jt~. book th_'\:~)Um tlT "thff.... 1St. , Tht~ murlgal(t" shaH ~mam in lull forn' ilnti t'ffect bt.twt"t-'h
<br />the puttes herew and t.heir heu~. l~noJUll repn>st:!nlatl\'t:'~, ,.UCC~M-ll("~ And asSl.K'L"', linn! all amounts st:'Cun-o. here-undtir. mdudiPJ!: lutun.
<br />advances, are paid in ful~ wlth ml~,
<br />
<br />The- ~~._.. hMeby ~ to.said mongagt-"@ aU rent.s 8nd lOcomt' ansing lit any l:I.ud ll11lunes (mm said properly and
<br />hereby authoriu saKi .rnortpgee or its agetll... l:il its opuon. upon d~hliult, w take i'har..", of smd propt!rty and t~oUt'Ct. all rt'nl~ uno HK'Uln\'
<br />therefrom and apply lht' $8.l'Oe to dw payment of inl-e~l. pnnc.lpal. msurliLOCt' premiums, tax~. assessments. repairs or improvement.s
<br />necessary to keep aaid property in laM.Dtable amdlUOn, or to other c-ha~ ex paeYIMOl.$ provided fnr ~in or 10 lh~ r~ hen!'by secured. This
<br />nm\. a.s.signment shall t'ont.inue in force unt.1l the unpaid ba~ of satd not.,- L" tully pa".), The Ut.iun~ uf pos..~""'iion hffl~undl;:'T ~han 10 no mllOfwr
<br />pnNent or retard said ~ 1ft the coUection 01 said Sumlil by iU<<.-"('.iOSUTt! or tllht->rwlSt'"
<br />
<br />'The failQ:r8 of lht> ~ to assert an)" of its rights h.eroonder at an,.' time- shall not be construed 8S a waiver of its riKht to ft88t"rt tht>
<br />~ Ill. any __ tune..nd to insist upon and ilmiofi't' ~tm-l compliance Wllh all the tt-'rmt!o ami provisions of sai.d rn)w and..,1 Ihis nlOr~tIi~t'
<br />
<br />If Mid ~ S -sba.U CIliUM to be paid to said roo~ lhe entire amount due It hereunder. and undt!'r the tt:'nns and JH'-(l\, I~ion~
<br />of sUd now bentb-)' 88C\U\1Id. including fut.u~ adva!l\.-'\!s. and any e....te.n:!-tons ur fi'lWWiIols tht!'hOOf m 8('curd;Jfk.'-t' wIlh tht' lNUL" and pnwi~l(ln~
<br />
<br />t:.benof. and if Aid ~ '_^M~-'_ shall comply w"'-h ail the pro\'~ of sald note lltld o( ttua mortl(ag~, then these pre.wut.50 shaU he VOId.
<br />oLberw..to.......nN.llfon:e...effect..UK\utel~sha.llbeenutled t.o the po!I~nof aU of sald propeny. anrl may, at. ils ulltlon,
<br />-dedue tbe wtaoIltot... DO&eud III 11l dlb'l t-.. repre&eIlted t.hereby to be .imuw(hately due and P8)"&libk>-, I;lnd may fomc~ t.hitli nWJr4ta,::-t'
<br />... toQ ..., otIoor Iocol- w ...- i.. right, Appraioomout waived_
<br />
<br />This ~ a.baQ be bUadtna UpoQ U'Id aba1l.enUl1:l to tM benefit of lh. heir~. (lli~"UtOf~. .tlduunistrllt(lffl, ~ik:t.-~_sOl'-S u.nJ -lU:....'1lS uf t ht'
<br />-"".polItiM n...-,
<br />
<br />
<br />1","".. , n ~
<br />T~~ Al8[1t"l'S - - ..
<br />
<br />n.ve h~nW _ theJr h.l\\.iS tht' .Jay and )'Nr tit~t <lhm,t.
<br />
<br />i~{r:--'ArBE~S C2{f;;:;1;;
<br />