<br />83__(10'.99
<br />
<br />
<br />Thi. form i. used in connec.
<br />tion with mortga,g~"insured
<br />under the one- to four-family
<br />provisi?ns of the ,National
<br />,H?usil'lg;1\,et.' ':
<br />
<br />
<br />THIS M6RTGAGE, made andexeeuted tbis 30tlfdayof
<br />I~ 83, by and between Roland D. Sems anit"'carolA;
<br />
<br />of,theGountyof
<br />t""',Mortgagor, and
<br />
<br />Hall , and State of Nebra1ib. "arty of the lirsr~iltt;n\,reinaftl!r~
<br />SUperior Mortgage, Inc.
<br />
<br />
<br />acu!poration organized and existing nnder the laws of Nebraska
<br />party of the second part. hereinafter called the Mortgagee'.
<br />
<br />WITNESSETH: Tbat the said MortllllllOr; fOfand inconsideration of the sum of THirty Niri.~ T1iO~\:1"g'j;~
<br />Hundred and Noll OOl:IlS----,.-------Dallars ($ 39,500.00" )':Pa1dbytrle'MOi1-
<br />ga~, the receipt of which is hereby ackO<1wledged, has Granted and Sold and by these presents does,P .
<br />gain, &11, Convey and Continn unto the Mortgagee, its ,uccessors and assigns. forever. the folln ."
<br />reale.tate. situated in tbe County of Hall '" ...., ..
<br />of Nebraska, to wit:
<br />
<br />
<br />Lot Nine (9), in Block Three {3} ,in Pleasant View Addition to
<br />the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />of the Sixth Principal Meridian, cuntaining in .Ii
<br />ment sur\'ev:
<br />
<br />acres according to Govern-
<br />
<br />TO HA VEAND TO HOU) the prem.se, above .Jescnbed. wllh all the apptlnenances thereunto belonging and im:luding
<br />aU bealing. plumbinl\and lig\lling flxlure, and equ.pmenl now or lk:reafter allaclk:d 10 or used in oonnectioll with said reahslate
<br />unto lhe Mortgagee, and 10 its sueee>>,'" and a"igns, furever. The Mortgagur represents 10, and covenants Wilb, the Monp-
<br />gee, that thto Mortgagor has good right kl -,.ell anJ ~unvt'~ \:.J.i\i pfeml~S~ that they are free irom-encumbrance;__and that the
<br />Mortgagor will warmnt ,nd defend the same ,gain'l the lawful d,ims of all rersons whom"""ver; and Ihe said Mortgaaor ltere-
<br />bl'",linquish~ all rights of homestead, and all martial rights, either in law or in equilY, and all olher contingent interests of the
<br />MortgajlOr in .nd 10 the atxwe-desaibed premi,(" the intenlR.>n heing t" ,'onvey hereby an absolule litle. in fee simple. includ-
<br />il1llall ri8/tts uI homestead, and mher rigllls and tntere",", afurt"aid,
<br />
<br />PROViDED AL W A \'S. and lhe". pre,em, ale' ,e,'ut,d..nd dehv<r,d upon lhe followillll conditions, to wit:
<br />
<br />The Morlgaglll agree' tu p") '0 Ihe \lotl!:.g,,<. ,'r ,,,,I<r. lhe prindpal ,urn ,,lf Thirty Nine Thousand Five
<br />Hundred and No/100ths---------- 1l\.lIars(S 39,500.00 ),
<br />
<br />With int~r~st flOrn dale JI the laic ;J, 'lWei ve i~r .;(lHum l 12.0 %) per annum on
<br />the unpa..j balance until paid. 1M ,aid principal and intere,t ,hall he payable at Ihe "lliee of SUperior Mortgage, Ine.
<br />
<br />in Gr~ Island NE . ' . or at sucb other place as the holder of
<br />the nOle m;oy designale III ""nlUll!, in monthly installment' of Four Hundred S1X and 30/l0QthS-----
<br />Dollars 13 406.30 I. commencing on the lirst day of
<br />May . 19 83, and <'11 Ih( tirsl day "i c.<h month thernher unlillhe principal and in-
<br />l(r(\I af<' fully paid, e"epl tbal the final pa,ment "r prin<q>al and interest, if IIOt sooner paid. ,hall be due and
<br />payable on the first day elf AnJ:il. 2013 ' all according to the lerms of a certain prom is-
<br />sor~ note of e..-en date herewitftexecGteil fly the "aid Ml\(\gagor.
<br />
<br />The MOftg3S()f m order more fUll} f\.l pHJtt:l,:t th-e :-.(rUlily of !hj~ Mortgage. J.gfte~"
<br />
<br />l. Inat he ..ill pay the indebtedness, as lt~reinbe(OIe p....wide<l. Privilege is reserveedlo pay the d~bl in whole, Of in an
<br />a_nt eql>>lllUOM Of moremonlhl~ pay_n" on the printipaJ that.re nexl due on the note, un the lirsl day of any month
<br />prior to nl&::lwlty~ Ptvvded~ ho":<<'-"~f. That written lJi.){k.:t.' of all totentlon to ~x(:n:'~c ~lh.~h privilege IS given at least thirty LlO)
<br />days pnor to ptllJll!ymeat,
<br />
<br />:lnat,IOjJCthet wilb. ,;nd io4ddAAlr, 1<1. tbe momnl) P'lymellls of pnn<iplllao<i inter",1 payable under the I~rm. of the
<br />nule ""un"; hel~b,. tll;: MortPlJOt will ra~ I<> lhe Mortgagee. on the lirslolot,y e)1 (lOch 1I),"llh unlil tlte sailIl\Qle i. fully paid. the
<br />loIJt>w ins -UMS:
<br />
<br />loll Am,"'''1 ",ffi<:loftl to p"wllk' lhe l>(~der hete"! WIth ft.."h II> pay tbe "..1 monPi<' lnsuralla p,cm"ull If Ihis
<br />lIHHu"wllland the "'>t<' fIe'l;,,,ed hereby are msured, Of . monthly charg,,, (I/'l 1/l'U of IJ morrl!fllf! _nut.... ph'-
<br />""""'1 If lhey ilte held b,t the s,..,"'!llry of liouSlOt! omlllrhali Oim:lop",.,m. as follows;
<br />
<br />O. H .iinJ ~...! I.nu, _ih \;;U_~ h,,-*~ nf ;,'\''\'tl .b.tt,- .mJ t!H~ m~H1JlHeH' .il-t: UHtHeu vf lU( H'lfUUf\:J um.l.\"l Ihe pru<
<br />-'t\k1ft.t (ll the J'i4aUO'tl;U Boutln._ Aet _ i.n ~fW,)Un1 :'l:ufOd....nl to >t(,'tHnulatt'! in the hanJ.~ of tht' holut'r Ul\e
<br />
<br />J \
<br />
<br />S'fATlUW NlI:8R.\8K.A
<br />Hu1H171.3M 1~191
<br />
<br />~_ f-HA ;\4.JM""'~ ~ btnl...d~..:>.u~ N(~. ft-.-.h;.,~,.
<br />