<br />"ertain deed ",as given dated June 9, 1982
<br /><lot(_.\t no; 82..002273 lntheoffice-';fthe-'R;:gister of Deeds, Hall
<br />County, Ne:braska and sa iddeedwas subject to the cove'nants, conditions and
<br />restl"lctions~ contained therein, and
<br />
<br />
<br />83~01497
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />tot mne(9), Block Thr,-,e.(3), Pleasant Vi.ew Addition to the
<br />Ci.tyofGrari.d Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />WHEREAS, the said deed provides that upon completion of the (constructiol})
<br />(rehabilitation) of the improvements, the Cmumun; ty Development Agencywi.11
<br />furnish the purchaser with a certi [ieate of completion, and
<br />
<br />1oZHEREAS, the purchaser has completed the (construction)
<br />of th.. impro';'ements called for in said deed, and
<br />
<br />WHEREAS, the Community Development Agency, of the City of Grand Island
<br />Nebraska has completed all of its ohtigations contained in said deed, as seller,
<br />
<br />NOW THEREFORE, The Community Development Agency of the City of Grand Islah~;
<br />Nebraska, hereby certifies that the said purchaser has completed the (constru"tia:t)
<br />(rehabilitation) of the improvements called for in the said deed, This ce~rti~
<br />ficate constitutes a conclus.i'.le detpl~ination of the satisfaction and termina-...-
<br />tion of the covenants .:1nd agreements in said contract and deed with -respect
<br />to the ob li.gation-s of the purchase r to compl et€' ~ he (constrllction) (rehabi Litation-)
<br />of the improvements called lor in said deed...
<br />
<br />IN '':llNESS 11l'EREOF. Lhe Connnunily Deve lopme:nt A~ency of the City of Grand
<br />Island, Nebraska 1 has e:l1.JseJ thl_8 Certificate of Completion to be duly executed
<br />on its hehalf hy it~ lJirector In,s ~_21!l:c;l,,_~ dav"f March , 19~
<br />
<br />:':.n.tNt!NiTY nEvELoPMENT AG.ENCY OF THE
<br />C;TY PI,' "i('\c/lJ iSLAND, NEBRASKA
<br />
<br />~ ,// j
<br />HY~/~&
<br />
<br />(IHRECTOR)
<br />
<br />
<br />ss;
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />On this 22nd tla,. of March l'i 83. ' before me, a Notary
<br />!'ubl1c in and for -the~'-';aid~ C,nltlty, lwrsona It!)P'<''l,-.;J Michael L. McCord
<br />to me personally known who b..inb first duly c:wurn did say'ttilict,e Is the Director
<br />of the Community Oe.vel,'pment A!',<,ney "f th., ,:itv <>i (;rand Island, Nebraska,
<br />created llnd existing under the laws oj the :;late ,)f Nebraska, and that said
<br />certificate was Signed in behalf ami on behalf of said Community Development
<br />Agency by the authority ,)f its memb"l's and the said Director acknowledged the
<br />instrument to be the voluncary act and deed of t.he sa Id Community Development
<br />Agency of the City of (:rand Island, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />,il,c:NtflA!. "fIJTAllY'S1Jl!ol Nttm..
<br />~My i:QI!Illl, h~Sept 23.1983
<br />
<br />~,JU+1FYl~' ) k~~1l:d
<br />, Notary Public
<br />
<br />",~r
<br />RlCOlIQl.~ <<--::')(~~-:(j:'X.<l(" "
<br />
<br />~~~~~(:~:,'< , .-
<br />, .:,/; i " <:~<
<br />.J~
<br />
<br />~
<br />