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<br />~-~ <br />83_001485 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />KNOWALL MEN BY 1lIESE PRESENTS: That <br /> <br />83- 001389 <br /> <br />See L 18,924 <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO, L 24,083 <br /> <br />Florence M. Fattig, a single person <br /> <br />Corrected to sOOw marital status 3/29/83 <br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br /> <br />MortglllOr, whe_ one or 1I10I1O, in romideration of the sum of <br />Twenty 'l'lnusand and .00/100- ---------------- DOlLARS <br />"'"-lto said IDI>I1pFr by The Equitable BtJiIdinji: and Loon Association of Grmd Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 200 sIwes of stode of <br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No, L 24,083 , do hereby grant, con"'Y and mortgage untn the said ASSOCIATION the following <br />described real estate, situated in Hall County. Nebtasb: <br /> <br />All of Fractional Lot Six (6) in Fractional Block <br /> <br />Twenty-one (21), of Palmer's Subdivision of Lot Seven <br /> <br />(7) of the County Subdivision of the Southeast Quarter <br /> <br />of the Southwest Quarter (SEliSW~) of Section Sixteen (16), <br /> <br />Township Eleven (11), Range Nine (9) and its canplement, <br /> <br />which is a part of Lot Eight (10), of said County <br /> <br />subdiv~s~on rnaklllg a lot 132 feet deep and 66 feet wide, <br /> <br />and haVlilg a frontage of 66 feet 011 Divis~ol1 Street in the City <br />of Grand Island, Hall County, lIiebraska. <br />I....her with all lhe lenements. hereditaments and appurtenances thercunlo f>e~, lodudin& altached floor co...nngs, all window screens. <br />window shades. blinds, Slonn WIndows, awulD!!S, heating. an rondilioRing, and plumbin& and "'aler equipment and lHXlOS3Ories therelo, pumps,sto_ <br />refii8eralOOl, and other f1xton:s and cquipmcnl now or hereafter altached 10 or .- in coDnechon wilh said real estale. <br />And whueas lhe said mortglllOr has _d and don hereby _ .hal "~e mor.gogor shall and will pay all taxes and assesaments levied or <br />asseucd upon said premi3es and upon litis mon_ and the bond sr,,:ured Ihereby beforc .he same shall become delinquen.; 10 furnish Ippnneci <br />insurana upon lhe buikIinp Oft ...d premi3es $i.uated in lhe sum uf S 20,000.00 payable 10 said ASSOCIATION and 10 de_ 10 said <br />ASSOC1A nON the: policies fOf said insur~~ and not to comnut Of pernu! any ~'ute on Of .bout soud premises; <br />In ClIO of defaull in the pe,;'urmance of any uf .be .erms and condJliom uf .his mortgage or .he bond ",cured hereby, the mort_ shall, <br />on demand, he entitled 10 immediate pc--.. uf I he mortpged prettmrS and .he morlgogor hereby JlSSISHS. u:lnsfcn and sets 0_ to the <br />............ alllhe rents, mat.... and income tu he denYOd from tbe mortpged premises during such lime as the ~ indebted...... shall remain <br />unpaid; .nd lhe mortgagee shall haw the power to appomt .ny agenl or >gents 'I may desue for the purpose uf repairing said premises and rentiDc <br />the ....... and colIectins the rents, 1C>m1tCS and incumc, and il may pay "U' uf said incume all expenses of repairing said premiles and nr:cessary <br />.'nOn........... and expenses irlCWTed in renline and ~ the same and uf cullcctintt rcnUls therefrom; the baIanc:e remaining. if any, to be <br />app/jod .-.llhe disc:barF of said mortgage indebledness; I""'" r~ts of the mortgagee may be exercised al any time duriD3 the existence of such <br />di:fauk. inespec:siw of any lemporary ..- of the same, <br />These Present$, ,-" are upotl the Condition, ThaI If tbe _ Mortgagor shall repay said loan un ur before the maturity of said sIwes by <br />paymonr; pay monlhly '0 said ASSOCIATION of lhe sum specUlOfi in lhe Bond leCUfed be.eby as interest and principal on said loan. on or before <br />the Twentieth day of each and <WrY monlh.until said Iuan is fully pod; pay all laxe! and_IS lniedlgilinst said premi3esandon litis Mort_ <br />and lhe Bond secured thereby, befure delinquency; furnish appruYOd insuranaupon thebuiJdin&s .hereon in the sumofS 20,000.00 paYlble <br />10 said ASSOCIATION; repay 10 said ASSOCIATION upon demand all money by it pod lur such ...,..., _IS and insurana with ",teres! at <br />the muimum IcpI rate lhereon from dale uf paymenl all of which MOt'_ hereby ag..... to pay; pennil no waste on said premises; k....p and rompiy <br />with alllhe_lsandcondibonsofthe Bond fur S 20,000.00.!us day gjWn by the said Mort_ to said ASSOCIATION. and romply <br />with all the requirements of the ConsbluhOft and By.taws of said ASSOCIATION; I..... these _IS sb.tIJ become null and void,olherwiac they <br />sb.tI1 remain in full furce and ....y be l~ a. lhe oplJOD uf lhe said ASSOCIATION afler failure for three IDODths to make any of said <br />paymonts ur be I""'" months in ancan in said monthly pay_IS. or 10 k.eep and comply with the I&f...ments and conditions of said Bond; <br />and ~ _ lu haw . receiver appoonted fOfthwith in such foreclosure proo:oedinp. <br />If there is any cbanlIe in ownenhip of the .eoJ <State mor~ hema, by saJe u. utheJwiae. thea the entire rCllllliDina indebtedness hereby <br />secured sb.tI1, lllhe option of The fAjui.... BuiIditt& and loan As10ciatiun of Grmd Island. Nebraska, become immedJately due and payable without <br />further uotice, and tbe IlIDOIIllI rCllllliDina due uader said botld, and any other booid for any additiotlal adwnces made thereuader, shall. from the <br />dale of ellCtdoe of said,optioa, bear interest II the muimum IepJ rate, and Ibis lDOt'lpp oay thea be forcdo!od to satisfy the unount due 011 said <br />boot4.and any other botld for arIditiooal arhaDl:ics, t.._ with all....... pud by said The Equitable BuiIdiDc and Loan Asaoc:iatioa of Grmd Island. <br />......... for U--. lues and -u.. and abstno:tiuc ext_ charFs. with in_ tbemm. from date of paymcal II the maximum <br />Iepltlte. <br />No proftdod in the JIOIld _ed boteby, while litis lDOt'lpp _ in effect the ~ nay hereafter *'- additioaaI SUtIIlI to the <br />moUn of said JIOIld. their ..... or _ in interest. wbich sums shall he wit1un the _Iy of this RlIOt1pp the same as the funds orieinallY <br />oecure<l tboRby.lhe totailtDOWll of principal debt DOt to exceed at any hme lhe uriginaJ amount of.!us mortgoge, <br />21st March, A, 0,,19 tl3 <br /> <br /> <br />S'fA'll> 01' l'lIiilll.ASLo\. . .t... <br />COUNTY 01' HAJJ.. { <br /> <br />Oa this <br /> <br />21st day of <br /> <br />March, <br /> <br />1983 ,befoce_. <br /> <br />t <br /> <br />the uaderaiped. a Notal)' PubIie in and fur said CQUDty. ponoaaJJy..... <br /> <br />Florence M. Fattig, <br /> <br />a s.i.n91e peraon <br /> <br />who <br /> <br />is <br /> <br />ponoaaJJy r.-. to <br />and she --'ly <br /> <br />_to be...........- wJooM _ is affurod to the abcM __ as m.n- <br />... . ,.1 111 . tbe.. -...- to'" her wIuDtary act afilI deed, <br />WI:tNtllIS Ifly IlMd ... ~ Sa! the date .f...-id., <br />MyC~ <br /> <br />-.. <br /> <br />......" ...... <br />...IIMDIY <br />.........l,- <br /> <br /> <br />" <br />^.,~.....-l....:~~_... <br />