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<br />, ~ <br /> <br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />83- 001475 <br /> <br />THIS INDENTURE, made thio~___-2B.tIL________.____ day of _______MardL_______ ___ _______. 19.13.3_. by and between <br />-_----.--f.RJl.tiIL.Ia-,SliliCHEZ..._.$R..."AN.ll,J,;01iSJJ..E.lU____S.MJ:;H E Z. HUS BAND AND W I FE <br /> <br />of Ha 11 COUnty, Nebraska~ as mortgagor S . and Home Federal Savings and Loan Association of Grand Island. a corporation <br />orgilRized and ~xisting under the laws of the United States of America wilh its principal offi(% and place of business at Grand Island, Nebraska, as <br />m<>nsa&"" <br /> <br />WITNESSETH: Thalsaidmortgagor~_.forandincomiderationofthe'umof <;FVFN HIINnRFn THTRTY-FTGHT <br /> <br />DOLLARS AND 41/100 ------------------------------- ~~ 738.41 <br /> <br />), <br /> <br />{he receipt of which is h~by acknowledged. do <br /> <br />by these pre~ents mortgaSe and warrant unto said mortgagee. its successors and assigns, <br /> <br />forever, aU the following described real estate. situated in the C'...oumy of <br />and State of Nebraska. to-wit: <br /> <br />Hall <br /> <br />LOT ONE (1), FRACTIONAL BLOCK FOUR (4) IN JOHN W. LAMBERT'S ADDITION <br />TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />Together all healUlK. air conditionml(, li.~htmK. and plumbmg pqulpment llnd h.XlUft"S. mdudtnJ!: Sl"rl'lt!ns. awnln~s, storm window~ and <br />door.J, and window shade~ or bhncb, usooon or in conrwction with said property. whethf'r rht' sumt" 11n.' now locBted on saId property or ht'reafu.'r <br />placed ~hef1:'tQn. <br /> <br />TO HA VE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, togeth\~r 'A-ith all and sin~lar lfu. l~nements. hf'r't"ditamenls and ilppurtenanC"t"S lhel"l'Unto bt"- <br /> <br />longmg, or in anywise appertaining. (ore,,-er. and WtuTllDt the tItle tu th{' :<<l~_ :'aid morgBgtlt S here-by (~OVl:'"ant Wilh ~mid <br />mortgagee that the Y ~ are__. at the deiivery hereof. the lawful ow~r S uf the premises above- com:l:'yed and di>scribed. <br />~ ___..~r!!~ ~ of a good and indefeasible estall:' of innentance therein. free and dear uf aU encumbrances. and that _.1_ hi'- _ will <br />warrant and defend lM titJe thereto forever against the claims and demands 01 8.ll pt'r'Son.s whomsoever <br />P~IDED ALWAYS, and this "",trumen' IS ""ocut<'lland d.lIvered to -=Un> .he payment u!th. sum of uS EVEN HytlQRIQ _ _____ <br />_._ T!iJRTY-JJGtlT DOLLARS AND 41/100 _____nn______ Dollarsi. 738Al _ I <br />with in t thereon. tojJetber Wlth such c~ and liavances as may bt- dut' itnd payahle to saKi mortKB~ under the tl'nns and co,<.diliuns <br />of the pmmiS80ly note of even date herewith and securt'd r.ereby. t'xecul<<i by ~l:l~d m\lrtg~ot" S hl sauJ mortgaget', payable as upresS{'u <br />Ua. said DOte. aod to secure-the perfOl'lDllQCle of aU the terms and conditions conuuntd t-ht'''rein. Tht> tNms of said nott;.' are hereby incorporntt->o <br />hentin by thia ~....., <br /> <br />It is the int.eQtion &ad qrwment of the- parties hereto thallhas mortlCft~!Ihall abu lk'Cure any future ad,,'ant't.'S made t.o soid mortRaKOr S._. <br /> <br />by l'DOrtp&ee. and any aDd.u indebt.ednen Uladdillon to lht!' _mount abovt" stated wh.dl saw murt~8gurs. Of Bny of lht"ffl, Illay UWt' to <br />_id however evidenced. wh<<her by now. book .('("()Unf or otht;.'t'lA,ist". Thn; "It)rtg~e ~ha.1l r~fllilin 10 full f()n~e Bnu eff~.t llt'lwt.~n <br />the Vartiee:l, herew and their bMl'S. pentOnal ~resenl.tlv~. ~u(~rs .no a:l.slgns, unul&ll amounl~ ~!Cured h~reunder, mdudm~ tulUn' <br />advancee. are paid in full wit.h in1.el'8lt. <br /> <br />The mortpaor _L her9by usip to said rnurtgagw a.U ~nts and income ansing. at any and all times frum sHid property I:lnd <br />hereby authorize said l'DOrtp&ee 01' iU agent. .t its optj()ft. upon defAUII.. to take dUt.r~ of s.\lid pmperty and coHecl aU rt'nt.s and inconw <br />tberefnrm ADd apply the same to the paYI'bImt. of ml-ete::Jt. pnnc:ipai, msuratk"e premiums. UlXes. a~ments, repairs or Improvements <br />necessary tobepsaid plVpel't-yint.eamlableamditioo. or to other eharges or payments provlded for herein or in the note hereby secured. '(,hts <br />l"'eDt~ahallCODUnuein f~\lft:uJ no\J:!.l~ full}' paid. The laking of po~joll hereunder ~htlll in nu mRmwr <br />pnveot Of retNd $.tid ~ in the coI1ecuon of .saW s-um..~ by foreclosun- Of utherw lSt' <br /> <br />The failure of the mortgape to aaaert any of its rights hereunder at any time shall not be co-Mtrut-d l!S a waiver of its r~ht to as..~ tht" <br />MJM at any lac. ~ .ad to inawt UpoD and. e-nforw s:lnd cumpliant.'t' ....,lth ail the terlrni and provi~ions ut said note .nd of th~ Inortgage <br /> <br />[f aaid~ shallea\Ule&,o be ptid to said ~ the entire IlIllOUnt due it hereunder. and under the l.t!nns and provIsions <br />of $Aid. ~ hIenlby :MCUNld~ inc:.ludiDc ,fut.uft adVant\'l!li. and any extensions or n>newab lbert<of in ttl."Coniance With the tcnns I:llld provi.~i()ns <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />.........,... if Mid -.- --S-- obalIcomply wil.b all tho note and of t.hi. mortg_. ,hen lhoso p........'" shall b. w"o; <br />~1O__iatloll.........tftoct,...___ohaII""-iu.d to t.he__n 01 all p_y, and may, a. its .>Pt~>o, <br />cIIc:Ian,.... .....of --..... ud..aU t-~ll iJll6a1f ~ thereby to be inunEdiate-ly due and payable. tlud may fo~~ this mof1.t{4lI(t+ <br />OI'Yke""7 ... ...-. ii. rieht, A~ ....ved_ <br /> <br />"r'tN~.... be-b:iDd.iaa Qpub aDd OaliflWfe to the: benefit olllle- heirs, t.,,,et~ton., admmislJ'lll',", SUl~tlII)r'S ~nd -asslf[tl~ 01' lht" <br />-,-p.,u. -- <br /> <br />IN .....l1'NtillIS .....Rt;lUlOF, said .~ S be ve_nto ... <br /> <br />'~~.....t. <br /> <br />the i. r hAnd S _ the da)l and Y""" fit1'it ubo\"t' <br />} . 1 <br />(lA-, - , , "t(" V ,_.4~.x. AI <br />-vCO'NSUELOV. ~ANCHEZ"'T7 <br />