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<br />r <br /> <br /> <br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />This form is used in connee~ <br />tion with mortgages insured <br />under the one- to four-family <br />provisions of the. National <br />HousingAet, <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />a3-001461 <br /> <br />'f'ftIS'M'ORT(lAOE,madeandexecutedthis, 2&th day of March Bu. s~--''' ..and Wife ,A,D, <br />f,~g3', by and between Clyde W. Mottln ana Virginia L. Hettin, ..,au,," <br /> <br />ofitbeCOltntVnt' ' <br />IljiMoi1gsgor, ~nd <br /> <br />Hall <br />SUperior Mortgage, Inc. <br /> <br />, and State of Nebraska. party of Ihe firsl part. hereinaner~ed <br /> <br />a corporation organJi.edand exislingunder the laws of Nebraska <br />partyofthe second part, hereinafter caUed the Mortgagee. <br /> <br />WITNESSETH: ThaI the said Mortgagor, for and in consideration of Ihe sum of Forty Eight Th~' TWV' <br />., Hundred and No!IOOths----------- Dollars($ 48.,200~00 ),paidbytheMort' <br />gagee: tbe receiptor whlch--is hereby acknowledged, has Granted and Sold and bylhese prese"ts does GllllIl,~- <br />gain, sell; Convey and ('onfirm unto Ihe Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, forever, lhe. folklwiltg~'cjibiid <br />relll estate, situaled in lhe ('ounty of Hall ,allif,1)tate <br />ol\.Nebmka: 10 wit: <br /> <br />Lot Fourteen (14), Kallos Subdivision, Grand Island, Hall County, <br />Nebraska <br /> <br />of thco Sixth Prindpal Meridian, containing m ali <br />mt'nt stiney: <br /> <br />TO HA VI'.' AND TO HOLD the prem"es aMve described. With alllhe appurtenam:es Ihcoreunto belonging and including <br />all beating. plumbing and IiBbting hxtUlC> and eqUipment no", or hereafter attached 10 or used in connection with said reaJ eslate <br />unto tbe Mortgagee. and to its 'u'.ce....'" ,tOd a'Slgns, lorever. The Mort_ represents to, and cov""""," with, the Monga- <br />gee, tbat thco Mortgagor has good fight w "II and Clln'e~ said premise" tbatthco~ ate free. from c.ncumbran<;c.;ancI that the <br />Mortgagor will "'arraOl and defend the ,ame against .he lawlul daims of all persons whomsoever; and the said MOI'tI!\&OI' bere- <br />t-y relinquishes .11 rigbts of homestead, and al! martial ri!!hts, eithcor in law or in equity, .nd ail other contingent interests of the <br />MOftgltg<lr in and 10 the atmve-descnl>e" "",mise,. the inlention l>eiflt! 10 ,onvey hcoreby an absolute title, in fee simple, inelud- <br />101 all right, of homltstead, "nd olhcor fights ,lnd intere,,, as .Ior"""id, <br /> <br />acres accordiOlto Govern- <br /> <br />PROVIUED ALW A YS, and these prest"" are c'n'Ukd and delIVered upon thco 10llowlOllconditions, to wit: <br /> <br />The MOrtgagUl agrees III pay to thco Mortga"ce, ." "tder, thco prin.:ipal ,um uf Forty Eight Thousand Two <br />HuncU:ed and No/IOOths-------- IA.llars(S 48,200.00 ), <br /> <br />with tnteJcst hvm Jatl' at the r.tIc \..); Twelve pel i.:eulUm ( <br />lhe unpaid balance until raid The. ,"Id prillclpal aod intere,t shall he pa~abJ.. at the office 01 <br /> <br />12.0 'l>) per annum on <br />Superior Mortgage, Inc. <br /> <br />in Grand Island, Nebraska . or 101 such othcor place as the bolder of <br />the note may,J.,~te in writing, in monlhl, in,tallment' "I Four Hundred Ninety Five and 79/100ths--- <br />_______________ i:lollarst$ j95 79 I, coounencmg'ffitne Iirslday 01 <br />Mily , l~ 83 . an on ihe first day "I ellch month Ihereafter unlil thco principlll and in- <br />lerest are luil~ paid,. e,""PI t!tal [be final pa~_nl of principal and int""'S!, il not sooner paid, shall be due and <br />rayable on thco first day ul ,lIDrj,1 2013 : all thco terms 01. certain promis- <br />sory nule 01 ,,'en date hcofe....llli~:eculid DY llie ""d M.>f\gag<lf, <br /> <br />The MonPiOf in order tll()fe fuB) h.lo rf\.l(("~t the ~~unty {Jf thi~ Mottttage~ agrees: <br /> <br />j, Tltal he will pay the indebfedness, as hereinbefore prov'ided. Privflege b reserved to pay thco debt in "'hole, ur in an <br />am"OIl" eqBaI.t& _or _~ monthly paY"""'1S <>n the principal that ate next due on the note, on thco Iirsl day of tmy monlh <br />prior to llIIlIunty: ""'v'ilted, now"..<<, '",at wrinennotice ,,( an inlenti"n to esercise such prIVilege i, given at least Ihirty 001 <br />days "",,,~'_l, <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />~ ~............ amlm addition 10, I~. lIwntllly pay_nts of prlll<>ipal and in_t payable under tbe tetnll of the <br />note "ClU'eot~y, the MottNQl' ..iliPll} W theMorI>>&<'C. <e'llthe lUst day of ellCh month until the l>&r4 note I. flilly paid,the <br />lollo"'na loWIlA: <br /> <br />'"l Amoonl suflki..tll to pr"Vlde Ill" ll.>ide, hereof wilh funds to pay the neXl mortpge insurllllce f'lenuum If this <br />1I\.IIUlIltIIt 1Itl<l. lilt ft<lte ~ut<!d ....d>y .te, m _ Iflonthly cblltge !in httl ol a f!t"rt""r i,uu_... pi'<!- <br />miumJ If tMy lIft~by ,II;, Se<'retary 01' tlolllil\8l1nd Urban tA'vel<Ji)ment, lIS r.~lo...: <br /> <br />H) If and ~o II>>., 4$ ~l~ lhl,te \Jt e\~(n ..Jate ilntJ Ih~ m,IJuntr.IH .'U't' iaMJrN "H are It'HlSUttU lU\tlt"1' the Ph'" <br />v,\l.w ..1' II\" Natk.'lllal H'>u!Olng Act. an .mount S'lrr~t to ..,cumulale .11 Ihe hands .>1. tbe hulder "'.. <br /> <br />~.;"" f'"A.,-11.W-~...mI!W ..uted1,l!nfl:.~.-it-!('~" <br /> <br />~'Tt\Th tlf' NEJIItUU <br />'itJt)~l.JM IlFI9I <br /> <br />.!' ~ [ <br />