<br />I
<br />
<br />This form is used in connec-
<br />tion with mortgages insured
<br />under the one- to four-family
<br />provisions of the, National
<br />Housing Act,
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />83'...J) 01459
<br />
<br />THlSMORTGA6E:madeandexecutedTrns 28th day of March ,A.D_
<br />19 8a ,bY and betWeen Dan.ie~ D. Arrasmith and Victoria E. Arrasmith, HUsbimd and wife
<br />
<br />oHlie'County of Hall , and SUite of Nebraska, party of the firST part, hereiriaflerqJled
<br />tlieMongll!!or;and SUperior Mortgage, Inc.
<br />
<br />a corporation <<ganiZedand existing under the iaws of Nebra ska
<br />partyoftheseeond pa,t, hereinaflercalled Ihe Mortgagee,
<br />
<br />WITN'ESSf'TH:'That the said Mor!ll!lgor, for and in consideralion of Ihe sum of Thirty Five Thousand -Six:.
<br />HUndred Fifty and No/rOotbs-------- nollars($ 35,650.00' ),paidby'lheMort-
<br />gagee-.the'receipt of which is hereby ackocwledged, has GranteJ and Sold and by these presents doe.s Grant,B~-
<br />gain, SelL Convey and Confirm unto the Mortgagee, its successors and' assigns, forever, The- folfowin8;deSciitied
<br />real eSlale, sittiatedin the County of Hall - ; arid State
<br />of Nebraska. to wit:
<br />
<br />Lot Four (4) in Block Thirty-Six (36), in Charles wasmer' s Addition
<br />
<br />to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />of the, Sixth Principal Meridian, wnTaining in all
<br />ment survey"
<br />
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the !,rem.sc, ahoy. descnbed, ".th aU tM appurtenances thereunto belolll!ing and including
<br />all bellling. plumbing and lighting bxtures and eqUipment 00" (Of hereafteT attached to or used in connection wilh said real estale
<br />unto the MtlrlgilgCe. and tv its succe"ms and ,,,signs, forner. The Mortgagur represents to, and cUVenants with, theMOft&a-
<br />ge-4!. that the Mt..\ftpgor ha~ good rigJu to ~eB <.ind ":uOvt"y :);.ud premis.es.: ~hat they are free froRl encumbrance;.and thal:lhe
<br />Morlgag<l< will "'arrant and defend the same againS( the hi" rul claims or allrcrsons wb<Jmsoever; and the said MortllllllOr .here-
<br />by relinquishes all rights of homeSlea<!, and all marlial n~hh, eilher in law or in equity, and all other contingent interests of the
<br />M",~ in and to tlie aoo,'e-desl'ribed premises, the ,ntentk.n rein!! 10 convey herehy an absolute title, in ree simple, includ-
<br />ing all ri!!h1S 01 homeSlead, and other ri!!hlS ,lnd interests 'IS .fo",",aK1,
<br />
<br />a\;res accordiQ8: to Govem-
<br />
<br />PROVIDED AI. WAYS. ""d the", presems are <,xeculed and delivered upon the rollo",inll conditions. to WIt:
<br />
<br />The MOflg"llOf ..grees to pal' to 1M lIIortgilllCe, or order, the pfllh:ival sum <II Thirty Five Thousand six
<br />Rund.red Fifty and No/IOOtha-- Pollars ($ 35,650.00 J.
<br />
<br />with tOte-rest from date- at the ralt" oi Twel va pell.:t!lltum.( 12.0 ?h) per annum on
<br />lhe unpaid balance until paid, The said princiPilI alld interest shall be pa~abk allhe office 01 SUperior Mortgage, !nc.
<br />
<br />. in ,Grar.d Island Nebraska .~>fat.wcbotbernlac"Ub!der..!!.f
<br />the nole may des.g&ate.n Wl'1lfftJ!. m month1v ,"stail_nts of Three Hundred SiXty S1X ana 7U/.LU
<br />Lklllars IS 366.70 I, commencing on lhe firsl day of
<br />May . 19 83, and on lh. lirsl day of each momh Ihereafter until the principal and in-
<br />leTesl are fully paid. except tbat lhe baa! paymcal 01 principlll and intenosl, if not sooner paid, shall be due and
<br />payable on the lirsl day of J\prll, ,2013 : all according to the term, of a certain promi,-
<br />'I>fY note of e"en date herewith eucllltOd by lhe .,aid t.k"~,
<br />
<br />The MOf1~ tn llfdcr more full)' 10 pf\}tecl the se-t:urny 'Of Ihl~ Mort~~ agrees:
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />I. Thall", will pay the indebledneos, as he.-embefore provided, Privilege is resened 1<' !,ay the debt in whole. or in an
<br />_m eqtW 10 - or _ mo!lthlv pa,menls on lhe I'rinciral thaI are ....1 due <In lhe nole, on llie first day of any month
<br />prior 10 ~ Provided. ~<<. That.written nt.Ju('e- \,f dn intentioo h~ e _\en:i'Se such privtlege i~ given at least thirty nu)
<br />days prior-to~,
<br />
<br />2 T1la\. ~hel ",ijll. il!Idin ooWilio.,n 10, the mUllIbl, paYO'Ollt!. or princtpal and mle..,1 payabkt llodor the terma of the
<br />note ""~~lly.llte Morlt!iitaUt, "'ilIP/lY Iu lite Morillll_. ,In the lirslday of e""h month ullliI the IilIiII DOte is fully paid, the
<br />fo~illJl_:
<br />
<br />(4) AIl_..t'lUfflcitlm ltlrr'.vl~ rhe hI>!,"" herC'ofwith funds tn pay the nelll motlp&c It\$UflUIl'' IllelluUltllf this
<br />lll.,rument trnd the f,,"e .erutW Ilertt>y ... lnaun;d. Of . monthly chllfl" (in litu of a m.~ i1t$Unmce ""'"
<br />lOtlu/ftj If ltI,y .,.,held by the Se<tt-Iary "I' Housing and llth.n Development, ..s f<lllo.'le'
<br />
<br />OJ If 3nd St) im11- ,{iC\ Ui-U H(){(:' ni c~t:i1 date and thn in-;tiullJenl Mt: UlSll{ed l.)f ale h:lnsured under the 111'0.
<br />~ ofthc l'fatl<mlli U\.Wllnl! At\, an lrnoulll turrleient to llccumuiate \n th~ han<i$ 01 the holder ooe
<br />
<br />~.HA.L'._~"" "~-If""t.P~ ..~
<br />
<br />ST',HE 0'"' NMKASItA
<br />HUl.l-9214)M 19191
<br />